
Ma Fan's Collected Works‖ The First Series: Shangshan Ruoshui II. Wind and Bone Debate

author:International cultural exchange

Episode 1: Good is like water

Second, the wind and bone debate

Walking freely on the earth is a realm that many people yearn for, and the celebrities of Wei and Jin have stepped out of frankness, out of style, out of style. The "New Sayings of the World" records: "The prince lived in Shanyin, and on a snowy night, he suddenly recalled Dai'an Road in Ya County, boarded a boat to visit in real time, passed through Sufang, and did not go back to the gate." When asked why, he replied, 'I have traveled with pleasure and returned with all my pleasure, so why should I see Dai?' Rise up, rest, be born for a single thought, and do not achieve any purpose. The idea of diluting the goal and focusing only on the mental state can only be admired by people today and is inconvenient to practice.

Zong Baihua said in the "Aesthetic Walk" in the Wei and Jin dynasties: "The Six Dynasties of Wei and Jin at the end of the Han Dynasty were the most chaotic and socially painful era in China, but it was an era of extreme freedom, liberation, wisdom and enthusiasm in spiritual history. Therefore, it is also an era with the most artistic spirit. In this era, as an object in the vast universe, man's sense of powerlessness that he cannot grasp himself surges up, the weak do not lack the sorrow of life, and the hero often has a sense of loss. In the works of the Wei and Jin literati, the most common and profound is the mourning of the passage of time and the shortness of life, and extends to a kind of compassion that extends to the universe. Therefore, people strive to transcend the finite life, beyond life and death, which is manifested in the enthusiasm for metaphysics and the drunken dream of death of the old and the zhuang.

In the Wei and Jin Dynasties, all of them were full of drunkards, and each one was an alcoholic. The most famous drunkard in Chinese history is probably Liu Ling, who ranks at the end of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest. This man was so drunk that he could not extricate himself, and occasionally when he went out, he took a deer cart, brought a pot of wine, and ordered an entourage to follow him with a hoe, and told him that if he was drunk, he would dig a pit and bury himself. It is precisely because Liu Ling drinks without care and ambiguity, and under the pen of the literati inkers of later generations, it has almost become synonymous with wine, and it is a well-deserved spokesperson for the image of Chinese wine culture.

The Wei Jinfeng bone formed in that era was a personality expression of the ideology of the time and became an aesthetic ideal. The celebrities advocate nature and transcendence, frankly and self-congratulatoryly, showing a freedom that posterity can only look up to but cannot emulate.

Seeing the high words and super vulgar spirit of the Wei and Jin celebrities, "To cup Xuan sheng, Yuan Yong Zhuang Lao", I deeply branded the word "wind bone" in my mind. However, what exactly is a "wind bone"? What is the deep meaning of these two words? When I think about it, I have no solution. I opened the "Ciyuan" for verification, and the interpretation of "wind and bone" is "character, bone", "it is said to be persistent, not to follow the customs".

Is that all? Just a few words can create a unique scenery in the Wei and Jin Dynasties that is precipitated in the long river of history? Although I am in the red dust of modern times, but wandering in that era of release, I can also be open-minded, free, proud of my bones, a little more dust, less tacky, so I am hidden and learned, and I am immersed in poetry, calligraphy and painting. This seems to be the Wei And Jin wind bone that once flowed in the blood of our nation.

Examining the ancient script type of "wind", it is a shape-sound character with "fan" as the sound symbol. In the totem era, many of the contents of the ancestors' songs were in praise of the auspicious phoenix birds, and the symbol "phoenix" was added, which is the origin of the oracle bone "wind".

Next look at "bone". Bone refers to the bones of a person. For example, there are words for "bone method" and "bone graft" in "On Heng and Bone Phase" and "Character History". These words are also used in Wei and Jin dynasty commentaries. For example, in the "World Speaks New Language, Appreciation of praise eighth": "Wang Right Army's Eye Chen Xuanbo block has orthodontic bones. "There are orthodontic bones, which means that the bones are straight." The "block" originally referred to the staggered and abrupt stones, which are used here to describe human bones.

"Wind bone" was used to evaluate characters, which began at the end of the Han Dynasty, and was widely popular after the Wei and Jin Dynasties, such as the "Book of Song and emperor Wudi" said that Liu Yu "had a peculiar wind bone", Liu Xiao in the "Book of The New Language of the World" Liu Xiao annotated the "Jin'an Emperor's Chronicle" to say that Wang Xizhi was "wind and bone Qingju", and the "Nanshi Cai Shu Biography" said that Cai Yu was "wind bone and bone". At that time, the so-called "wind bone" generally referred to the characteristics of people's aura and demeanor. This concept of judging the character was also adopted by literary and pictorial theories shortly thereafter.

If we do a theoretical induction, the ideological basis of the Wei and Jin celebrities was the revival of Lao Zhuang's philosophy at that time. The philosophy of Lao Zhuang hundreds of years ago was revived in the Wei and Jin dynasties. The meaning of life in Lao Zhuang's philosophy has been truly implemented on the existence of human life and its concrete presentation. In the past, Lao Zhuang's philosophical things, theoretical things, and written things no longer stayed on theories, writings, and thoughts, but became a concrete living state of life, a life existence. How to dress, how to drink tea, how to talk, how to read, how to walk, has become some very specific, very life-like details. The sensual mood of life, the flowing beauty of frankness and freedom, and the arrogance of the world have formed the Wei and Jin style bones possessed by wei and Jin celebrities.

The most typical Wei and Jin style bones are Wang Xizhi: his personality is straight, super-dusty, informal, and free of nature. According to legend, during the Jin Dynasty, Taifu Xijian's beloved daughter Xi Xuanmei was clear-eyed, clever and clever, and MiaoLing was waiting to be married. When Taifu Xi heard that several of Wang Dao's sons were also handsome and handsome, he intended to marry the royal palace. Wang Chengxiang was naturally happy with this family affair. One day, Taifu Xi sent a doorman to the palace with a handwritten letter to the chancellor to choose a son-in-law. After wang chengxiang saw the letter, he said to the doorman: "My sons are in the East Wing Room, so choose at will!" After the doorman went to the East Wing to see it, he thanked the King of Xiang and rushed back to Xi Mansion. The doorman replied to Taifu and said, "It's really better to hear than to see it, and when I arrived at the palace, I realized that wang Cheng xiang's sons were really good-looking, and they were all very handsome." I heard that I want to choose a son-in-law for you, all of them are decorated and hospitality, some are still a little restrained, only a young man, lying on the east bed, as if he has not heard of this. Who knew that after hearing this, Mrs. Xi said happily, "Just choose the one who has the belly and the east bed as his son-in-law." I like this, he will definitely be a good son-in-law in the future. So he married his daughter to him.

In such an atmosphere of the times, influenced by Lao Zhuang Xuanfeng, Wang Xi's aesthetic taste has gradually shifted from ancient and simple to natural and free - opposing spiritual bondage, emphasizing unconventional romance, and pursuing individuality and nature. This aesthetic taste became popular in the Wei and Jin dynasties, becoming a unique cultural identity of the noble and elegant.

When Wang Xizhi was in his prime, he resigned from the government and did not do it, and he went to the mountains and forests to recuperate in seclusion. "The Biography of Wang Xi of the Book of Jin": "Xi Zhi not only went to the official, but also swam with the people of the Eastern Tu to the mountains and rivers, and fished for entertainment." He also practiced and took food with the Taoist priest Xu Mai, and the medicinal stones were not far away, and traveled all over the counties of Dongzhong, the poor and famous mountains, and the sea, and sighed: 'I should die of euphoria.' Wang Xizhi enjoyed the joy of life in the green mountains and green waters of Jiangnan, and from the sense of life of "pawning to die", he showed his noble character and his distant embrace. The deep reason why he resigned and did not do it was that he realized that only by dedicating his life to calligraphy could he fulfill his fate for a lifetime. Therefore, he invested his entire life and spiritual feelings on calligraphy, so as to go to the peak of calligraphy, and his calligraphy was "shenghua four yu, the price was poured into five capitals", from the emperor to the people, Wang Xizhi's calligraphy was cherished.

Man's awakening has enabled Wang Xizhi to put personality in a position that is more important than everything else, and people's thoughts and spirits are heavier than the worldly officialdom, and they only write my hands according to my heart, and I write my words by hand, forming his own unique personality and personality style.

In fact, the most fundamental harmony with nature in Chinese culture, the idea of placing human beings in the universe, and assimilating with the universe rather than opposing it, is precisely the practice of Lao Zhuangzhi by the Wei and Jin masters. Taking Chinese painting as an example, the characteristics of Chinese thought are very thoroughly expressed in Chinese landscape painting, the landscape of heaven and earth, people stop a little, without abruptness, in harmony with the landscape, and in harmony with heaven and earth. The painter examines the beauty of the natural avenue of landscape and water with an ethereal heart, and realizes the inaction of the universe. It is this transcendent feeling that makes the natural landscape endowed with humanized spirituality and infinite mystery. The painter emphasizes the subjective role of nature rather than man, and man caters to the way of heaven and earth and the laws of nature, which is completely different from the Western emphasis on individuals and human beings changing nature. This is the essence of Wei Jinfeng's bones.

Many of the behaviors of the celebrities of the Wei and Jin dynasties are rich in spiritual symbolism, which also allows these acts to enter history as artistic aesthetic images, leaving endless reverie and fascination for future generations.

Imagine sitting alone in the forest, the wind blowing up the wide sleeves, floating like floating clouds, and the slightly pale fingers dancing skillfully on the cold strings. The sound of the piano swept through the bamboo forest, floated through the water, and spread all the way to this end of history.

What kind of style does a person who can make three thousand students kneel and plead for it? What kind of arrogance does a person on the execution ground who calmly plays the solo Guangling San have? What kind of feelings does a person who is admired by future generations have? He was the first of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest, Ji Kang. A person has become an eternal wind bone.

Ma Fan's Collected Works‖ The First Series: Shangshan Ruoshui II. Wind and Bone Debate
Ma Fan's Collected Works‖ The First Series: Shangshan Ruoshui II. Wind and Bone Debate
Ma Fan's Collected Works‖ The First Series: Shangshan Ruoshui II. Wind and Bone Debate
Ma Fan's Collected Works‖ The First Series: Shangshan Ruoshui II. Wind and Bone Debate