
The preacher commented: Leading cadres should set an example for society in the construction of family style

author:Preaching Home Network
The preacher commented: Leading cadres should set an example for society in the construction of family style

"The foundation of the country is at home, and the foundation of the family is in the body." Only when thousands of households are good can the country be good and the nation be good. The construction of family style has an important role in national construction that cannot be ignored. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized the importance of the construction of family style, especially the construction of family style of leading cadres, requiring leading cadres at all levels to maintain noble moral sentiments and healthy life interests, strictly require relatives and children, live a good family relationship, and set an example for the whole society. Recently, the "Opinions on Strengthening the Building of a Clean and Honest Culture in the New Era" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions") issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee pointed out that the construction of family style should be regarded as an important part of the construction of the work style of leading cadres.

Attaching importance to the construction of family style is the fine tradition of the Chinese nation, and many families are proud to have and inherit a good family style. The Southern and Northern Dynasties Yu Xin said: "Pan Yue's literary style, the beginning of the family style; Lu Ji's words, first Chen Shide." In the Southern Song Dynasty, Lu You wrote many times about the family style in his poems: "Never a simple and frugal writer's style", "Spring ploughing and autumn fishing for the old family style", "The grandsons and Yuli have a family style", "Ru Cao must not fall into the family style". Correspondingly, whether it is the height of the temple or the distance of the rivers and lakes, there are a number of touching stories that attach importance to family style and tutoring, such as Kong Carp passing through the court and listening to the training, Meng Mu choosing neighbors to live, and mother-in-law tattooing. For ordinary families, the building of family style is related to the rise and fall of the family, and for the families of leading cadres, it will also damage the party's image among the masses of the people and have a certain negative impact on the party style, political style, and social atmosphere. In the new era, the building of family style has become a compulsory course for leading cadres and a new grasp of comprehensively and strictly administering the party.

Ideologically, it is necessary to put the construction of family style in place. General Secretary Xi Jinping once used an image to sound the alarm bell to leading cadres: "Let's take a closer look at the words 'home' and 'tomb', they are very similar, the difference lies in what position the 'point' is placed." This is like family building, the higher the requirements for the family and children to become a happy home, and the lower one may bury a good family. He clearly pointed out: "The family style of leading cadres is not a trivial matter of individuals or a private family affair, but an important manifestation of the work style of leading cadres. These important expositions have profoundly clarified that the issue of family style is not only a moral issue, but also a problem of party spirit and discipline, marking that the construction of family style among leading cadres has entered a new stage of development. The ancients had clouds: "self-cultivation, Qi family, governance of the country, and peace in the world", put "self-cultivation, Qi family" before "governing the country, leveling the world", thinking that "if a house is not swept, why sweep the world?" "Only by repairing oneself and building a good family can we govern the country and the world." The many corruption cases investigated and handled in recent years have shown that the wrong concept of family affection is an important inducement for corruption. This warns every leading cadre to attach great importance to the building of family style, earnestly place the important matter of strictly requiring spouses and children as officials, consciously stand on the high plane of safeguarding the party's leadership image, focus on cultivating successors for the party's cause, cultivate useful talents for the country, and correctly teach their children to grow. At the same time, party committees (leading party groups) at all levels should regard the building of family style as an important part of strengthening the building of the work style of leading bodies and leading cadres, regularly check the relevant situation, and help leading cadres to consciously be honest and self-cultivating, and to be honest and clean.

Rules should be in place in the construction of home style. The state has the state law, the family has the family rules, and there are no rules and no squares. A good family style is the purpose and result of good house rules and good tutoring. Throughout the dynasties and generations, although the focus of the official eunuch family training varies from person to person, on the whole, it is similar and pays attention to the rules and regulations. Like the Ban family (Ban Biao, Ban Gu, Ban Zhao) family of the Eastern Han Dynasty historians, the Prominent Literary Family of the Song Dynasty Su Family (Su Xun, Su Shi, Su Rui) Family; the Ming and Qing Dynasty academic family Of The Wan Family (Wantai, Wan Si Tong, Wan Jing) Family. The Binzhou Du family of the Ming and Qing dynasties, rich in the reputation of "the prosperity of one door, A in the world", is famous for "one door twelve jinshi", "four six Hanlin" and "full of qing officials"; the Xincheng Wang family, known as the "first jinshi family of Qilu", from Ming Jiajing to Qing Daoguang 300 years, 30 jinshi, 52 people, 158 gongsheng, more than 100 officials. This shows that in the process of building a good family style, family rules and tutoring is not only the starting line for cultivating social civilization, but also the deep soil for cultivating common values. Paying attention to family style is the fine tradition of the Chinese nation and is also an important part of the building of our party's work style. From Comrade Zhou Enlai's "Ten Family Rules" to Comrade Jiao Yulu's "Cannot Engage in SpecialNess" to Comrade Yang Shanzhou's "Harsh Education," these are all examples and vivid portrayals of communists' emphasis on family rules. "The great sage is highly discerning, and the public candle is selfless." Their practice shows that only a noble personality who is selfless in heart and serves the common good in the world can build a correct family style and have social persuasion; only a correct family style, a party style and a government style, and a correct social atmosphere can be correct.

In the construction of home style, it should be inspected in place. The Song Dynasty", the "Godson Language", said: "Life is as happy as reading; the most important is not as good as the godson." "Loving a son is the nature of parents, and goddating a son is the responsibility of parents. A large number of facts show that leading cadres' neglect of discipline and even connivance with their relatives and children is often a booster for their relatives and children to seek improper interests, and will not only cross the boundaries of law and discipline and fall deeper and deeper, but also trap leading cadres themselves in difficulty extricating themselves, and eventually lead to harming themselves and others. To this end, General Secretary Xi Jinping warned leading cadres at all levels in a serious tone: "For that little thing at home, we must worry more about it, listen to the reflections of all sides, dare to grasp and dare to manage problems, and no matter how difficult it is, we must also take care of it, one must be managed, and the other must be managed well." "The premise of managing and managing relatives and children is to know, and self-examination is an important way." This requires that leading cadres must tighten the vigilant strings of "not being at ease" in the building of family style, earnestly extend strict self-discipline to the family, and not allow relatives and children to receive some benefits as compensation because of their neglect of family affection in their work, prevent the "pillow wind" from becoming the fuse of corruption, prevent their children from making illegal profits under their own banner, and prevent people around them from "pulling themselves into the water." Su Rong, former vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and former secretary of the Jiangxi Provincial CPC Committee, once confessed that his home was the power and money exchange, and he himself was the director of the power and money exchange. Judging from the corruption trajectory of fallen officials, many of them have the characteristics of "family corruption." This shows from one side that while diligently examining themselves, washing their souls, and ensuring that they are innocent and officials, leading cadres must be diligent in inspecting the building of family style, seeing the small things, guarding against the slightest deviation, grasping the early and grasping the small from the beginning of the rectification and treatment of the seedlings, and following the rules of the family to take the right path, do the right thing, and behave in a clean and innocent manner. In this way, we can effectively build a "three noes" integrity embankment and create a good family style.

In maintaining the family style, his own image is in place. There is a story in the "New Language of the World" that when Xie An of ChenJun in the Jin Dynasty was on the throne of Taifu, his wife often educated children, and one day she asked Xie An: "Why have I never seen you educate children?" Xie An replied: "My usual words and deeds are to educate children. Xie An not only had his own literary style, remarkable deeds, and outstanding history, but his descendants also fell in power in the Five Dynasties of Jiangzuo, and the Xie clan of Chen Jun and the Wang clan of Langya were collectively known as "Wang Xie", which became synonymous with the prominent family clan. As the parents of the child's first teacher, in order to manage the child well and build a good family style, we must first manage ourselves, pay attention to leading by example to maintain a good family style, and consciously set an example with our own good image while strengthening ideological education for our children. The extreme importance of personal teaching is just as Yuan Cai, a scholar of the Song Dynasty, said: "If one's pro-government is effective, it can teach others to use the art of pro-government; one's own talent is respected by others, and it is the key to teaching people to further study; the importance of one's own sexual behavior is the detail that can be taught to others to perform; and the method of governing one's family can be used to teach others to govern one's family." Facts have proved that leading cadres who are strict with themselves and discipline themselves are an important family weather vane, and family members will consciously follow suit and follow suit; on the contrary, no matter how high the official position is and how much money is collected, it will inevitably affect their children and grandchildren. As party-member leading cadres, only by using their own exemplary actions to incorporate loyalty to the party into the building of family style, and guiding relatives and children to resolutely listen to the party and follow the party, can they effectively safeguard the healthy atmosphere of the family, build a fine family style, and truly build the family into a clean and safe harbor.

Author: Yu Yongjun Director of the Chinese Military Culture Research Association Former Deputy Director of the Jinan Military Region Headquarters