
Earnestly implement the requirements of the instructions of the main leaders of the municipal party committee to promote the implementation of various key tasks of development and reform

author:Jiuquan Municipal Development and Reform Commission

On March 5, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission held the 5th party group meeting in 2022 to convey and study the spirit of a series of work instructions issued by Comrade Wang Liqi, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and arrange for the specific implementation of the deployment.

The meeting systematically conveyed and studied the 13 instructions and requirements of Comrade Wang Liqi, secretary of the municipal party committee, for the recent work of our committee. The meeting pointed out that Secretary Wang Liqi's work instructions reflect a clear goal orientation and problem orientation, and the work requirements put forward are to the point, to the point, and accurate, which has a strong practical guiding significance for promoting various work. The meeting demanded that all levels of the committee attach great importance to, conscientiously study, and profoundly reflect on the spirit of the instructions, really do solid work, and ensure the implementation of the following key tasks in the near future.

First, it is necessary to strengthen scheduling supervision and ensure that the economy in the first quarter has a "good start". First, Comrade Li Chang is responsible, and the Investment Section is responsible for strengthening the scheduling of fixed asset investment, helping and guiding all counties (cities, districts) to do a good job in their work, and resolutely shouldering the responsibility of indicators; second, Comrades Wang Weidong and Ma Ruibang are responsible for grasping the overall situation of primary and secondary production in a timely manner, especially the operation of some specific production enterprises with relatively large influence; third, Comrade Chen Peiheng is responsible, and the Social Section is responsible for doing a good job in scheduling the tertiary industry, doing a good job in the scheduling of indicators in various counties (cities, districts) and industry departments, and stepping up efforts to promote the "" The specific work in the Notice on the Implementation of the Decomposition of the Third Industrial Development Task of the Municipal Party Committee Economic Work Conference has been effective; fourth, the leaders of each sub-charge and the departments should strengthen communication and liaison with the departments of statistics, industry and information technology, agriculture and rural areas, timely docking various indicators and data, and coordinating to promote the work of each port. The general dispatch of this work is Comrade Ma Ruibang, and it is necessary to take Zhou as the node to form a special work report.

Second, we must firmly establish a sense of service and make every effort to speed up project construction. First, firmly establish a clear orientation of relying on projects for development and grasping projects for development, establish an ideological understanding of serving project construction, attach great importance to project planning work, be responsible for project planning work, comrade Li Chang is responsible, He Hongshan cooperates, the investment section takes the lead, plans a number of targeted, supportive, and driving large projects and good projects as soon as possible, and it is necessary to actively promote the establishment of a project planning strategy committee and report the progress of the work in a timely manner; second, we must earnestly do a good job in the work of submitting and approving projects, and we need to report the projects as soon as possible and do not wait for the project to be handled without delay. It is necessary to further strengthen the sense of responsibility and continuously improve work efficiency; the third is to speed up the approval progress of investment projects of the municipal government at the same level, to strictly implement the procedures in strict accordance with the standard working day time limit, to take the initiative to share worries and relieve worries for the owners, and to promote the start of construction of the project as soon as possible; the fourth is to actively do a good job in the review and submission of the reported projects, and the recent projects reported by the Industrial Section and the Social Science Department should be accelerated in accordance with the regulations and in accordance with the prescribed procedures; fifth, we must make every effort to solve the difficulties and problems encountered in the project under construction and the preliminary work of the project, and it is indispensable to resign. Do everything possible to serve and help enterprises operate, while maintaining a new type of government-business relationship that is both "pro" and "clean". Under the responsibility of Comrade Wang Weidong, the Industry Section quickly followed the baofeng Group's work promotion plan, kept an eye on the progress, and went all out to speed up the work process of being able to evaluate and ensure the smooth start of construction on March 20.

Third, it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of the work instructions, and earnestly do a good job in obtaining information and striving for project funds and policies. First, to obtain valuable information through multiple channels, we must deeply reflect on the passive situation caused by the lag in information work, and we must regularly understand and grasp the details of relevant work through various channels and methods; the second is to focus on the work of winning projects, policies, and funds, and to specifically grasp 8 specific tasks: The pilot project of integration of industry and education is responsible for Comrade Chen Peiheng, docking with the Municipal Education Bureau as soon as possible, and actively helping to come up with ideas to complete various tasks before the end of March; The pilot work of one old and one small is responsible for Comrade Chen Peiheng. Pay close attention to the docking of the provincial upper office to actively declare and strive to ensure that the quality of the materials reported is passed; the relevant work of the hydrogen energy industry development demonstration city is guided and coordinated by Comrade Wang Weidong, and Comrade Zhang Tong conducts in-depth research and promotion, and does a good job in the specific implementation work; The construction of the dry port-type national logistics hub bearing city is responsible for Comrade Chen Peiheng, and it is necessary to continue to improve the work plan and implementation plan, advance in an orderly manner according to the time node, and strive to be included in the second batch of the national "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan"; The urban and rural cold chain logistics and warehousing facilities project is responsible for by Comrade Chen Peiheng. It is necessary to continue to strengthen liaison and docking with the provincial departments and offices and keep up with the progress of the work; Comrade Chen Peiheng is responsible for the public training base project, and the social section strengthens the docking and communication with the province and Suzhou District to ensure that there are no mistakes in the work; the special bond work is strived for, and the relevant departments should timely dock and update the information of the project system platform, actively follow up, and strive to obtain financial support from the state and the province; Comrade Wang Weidong is responsible for the East Numbers and West Calculation Project, who plans and studies in depth, does not wait and does not rely on it, and grasps the relevant work.

Fourth, we must take the initiative to take action and do a good job in key and difficult work. First, do a solid job in planning and approval, the spatial layout planning of the new energy equipment manufacturing industry, the development plan of the new energy productive service industry, and the medium- and long-term development plan of the nuclear industry are the responsibility of Comrade Wang Weidong, and submit it to the government for study and approval as soon as possible; the development plan of the Jiujia Twin Cities Economic Circle is responsible for Comrade Luo Haifeng, who will dock with Jiayuguan City as soon as possible, determine the preparation of the budget and apply to the government for the preparation of funds, and start the government procurement procedures; the logistics industry development plan will be revised and improved as soon as possible and then issued and implemented Second, Comrade Li Chang is responsible for the work of requisitioning and relocating the liquor railway, and a special work report is formed as soon as possible to report to the municipal government; third, the construction work of the Liuhong Railway should be actively docked with the Gansu Construction Investment Group to speed up the progress of the work; fourth, the ecological and environmental protection supervision and rectification work, we must resolutely shoulder political responsibility and go all out to cooperate with the relevant work; fifth, Comrade Gong Jianping is responsible for doing a good job in the inspection and rectification of grain-related issues, and make preparations for reporting in advance; sixth, 11 industrial projects can be evaluated and approved. Seventh, the Social Science Section is responsible for reporting as soon as possible to promote the recovery and development of difficult industries in the service industry; eighth, Comrade Wang Weidong is responsible for the Shaanxi Coal Group project, strengthening communication and docking with enterprises and Yumen City, and reporting on progress in a timely manner; Ninth, the Service Section of the Development Zone is responsible for actively striving for and preparing to hold an on-site meeting for promoting high-quality economic development at the county level; it is necessary to actively promote the guazhou industrial concentration area to declare a provincial-level development zone; and the tenth is to speed up the progress of the disaster relief material reserve project. Strictly control the quality and guard the safety line; the eleventh is the cooperation between the central and local governments, and it is necessary to grasp and thoroughly grasp the work situation last year, actively take the initiative to do a good job in reporting this year's project, and strengthen the docking of the railway project from Naomao Lake to the Camel Circle.

Fifth, we must take advantage of the situation and give full play to the role of special classes. It is necessary to enhance ideological understanding, give full support to all special work classes in playing their role, and make good use of work forces. The Office of the Leading Group of the Mamanshan Economic Development Zone, the Office of the Leading Group for the Promotion of the Jiujia Twin Cities Economic Circle, the Leading Group for the Coordination of the Construction of the National Logistics Hub Bearing City, and the Leading Group for the Construction of the China-Israel (Jiuquan) Green Ecological Industrial Park should further clarify the work ideas, consolidate the work responsibilities, grasp the work situation in a timely manner, strive for projects and funds, and achieve greater work results. Comrade Wang Weidong is responsible for actively coordinating the work related to the entry of Longdian into Shanghai.

Sixth, we must strengthen the sense of service, take the initiative to serve, serve in the front, and continue to do a good job in the service guarantee of the introduction of enterprises. It is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of the speech made by Comrade Wang Liqi, secretary of the municipal party committee, at the meeting to promote the work of attracting investment and investment in the whole city, persist in attracting big and strong people, further improve the work mechanism of our committee in attracting investment, and set up a working group for attracting investment in accordance with the arrangements for the work of attracting investment in the whole city, and in accordance with the functions of the department, to ensure that each investment group will introduce and land more than 1 investment project of 5 million yuan within the year, forming a good atmosphere of sharing the task of attracting investment; the cadres and workers of the whole committee should practice the basic skills of the investment promotion business, actively study the work experience of attracting investment in the economic development zone, and take the initiative to go out to attract investment We must earnestly perform the duties of the channel logistics industry chain investment promotion working group; we must vigorously carry out business investment promotion, strive to seize work opportunities, and do not wait for opportunities.

The meeting demanded that the whole committee from top to bottom should make concerted efforts to speed up the progress of various work; first, it is necessary to strive for the leading position in the important assessment and ranking, and the county economy, the construction of development zones, and the construction of the credit system should be moved forward in the assessment; second, go all out to strive for projects and funds and strive to achieve new breakthroughs; third, vigorously and effectively promote key work, ensure quality and quantity, and complete tasks ahead of schedule; fourth, we must make substantial progress in major construction projects such as railways and logistics ports, and do a good job in corresponding service guarantee work; fifth, we must study policies and business knowledge in a down-to-earth manner. Strive to do the industry "policy pass", to achieve "one mouth clear"; sixth, adhere to the high standards of work, high quality, each leader in charge of all kinds of reports and speech materials should be strictly reviewed and checked, can not be generalized, simplified, municipal exchange speech materials by the main leaders of the committee review.

Source: Office Tian Tao

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