
"Pearlescent" Kang Yasi, at different stages, has different considerations

"Pearlescent" Kang Yasi, at different stages, has different considerations


Original all, plagiarism must be investigated

Kang Yasi and He Feng's love affair has not yet matured to the point where everyone knows it, and Taihe's first reaction after accidentally breaking it is shock, incomprehension, and special anger.

In fact, it is Taihe himself who has illusions, has always thought that he and IELTS have many opportunities, on the contrary, IELTS, at the beginning has been very clear, about her concept of mate selection, and in daily life, the sense of boundaries is also very clear, never used Taihe as a spare tire.

But somehow Taihe wanted to sit in the right seat, and he felt that he met the IELTS mate selection criteria.

Therefore, he was emotional, and he decided that IELTS was only dragging with the other party for He Feng's money, in his eyes, He Feng, who would make money, really did not see any advantages worth appreciating, not to mention that he was still so old and IELTS so much, it did not match at all.

Alas, do you know that the process of a person starting from scratch, doing everything himself, and fighting a listed company with a market value of more than tens of billions includes the highest level of the person's pattern, wisdom, boldness, wrist and other highest-level capabilities, which is an advantage that he has never been able to reach in this life.

"Pearlescent" Kang Yasi, at different stages, has different considerations

He Feng is a well-known top business class, how can he feel that he is useless because he is extremely rich, I really can't understand what logic this is; nor can IELTS ignore his inner qualities because he is old and regards him as an unforgivable shortcoming.

One-sided evaluation of a person who is so successful will only appear ignorant and stupid.

Although not all people in this world who can make a lot of money are full of connotations, no one can deny it, and it is not necessarily that there is no soul with both wealth and connotation.

Just like He Feng, his charm is that the blessing of wealth makes him more profound and charming.

How should IELTS explain He Feng's excellence to Taihe, Taihe will understand, "He taught me many things, from me knowing him to now, I see things, whether it is vision or angle is different." ”

In fact, no matter how it is explained, Taihe is difficult to understand.

"Pearlescent" Kang Yasi, at different stages, has different considerations

Of course, the most important point for IELTS is that as long as He Feng is willing to give full affection, there will be countless young and beautiful people thrown into his arms, and she currently only has He Feng, the only best choice.

It is rare that this all-round perfect man does not mind that she is saddled with bankruptcy orders, married and divorced.

If you miss this village, I am afraid that I will never encounter such a shop again.

After all, she is no longer a young man, there is no time to slowly pick and choose slowly, there is no opportunity to try and make mistakes, the worldly rules have always been harsh on women, her age does not allow her to act willfully, only allows her to be results-oriented, clear-minded, clear-minded, clear-eyed, and executed in place.

There are very few princely and princess-like endings in life, and the more no one is there for you to take care of, the more you have to have different considerations at different stages.

"Pearlescent" Kang Yasi, at different stages, has different considerations

From the stage when the giants fell to bankruptcy celebrities, IELTS considered how to get the ideal object through the public relations industry and return to high society;

From the three encounters with He Feng in the gallery, through his pointing, to the stage of the trip to Phuket, Thailand, IELTS considered how to approach and attract He Feng and touch his heartstrings;

From the sweet love with He Feng to the stage of silent breakup, IELTS considers how to protect the hard-won love, accept the reality when it is over, and do not act rashly;

From becoming the righteous He Tai to the stage before He Feng was kidnapped, Yasi considered how to conjure up the same heart, Qinse and Ming, both Wangfu and Wangji;

From he Feng's kidnapped temperament to his sudden heart attack and death, IELTS considered how to control He Feng's condition, manage Tiankun, and take good care of the family.

"Pearlescent" Kang Yasi, at different stages, has different considerations

See no, no matter what stage IELTS is in, she thinks very clearly about what she wants (money or love), how to get to the end of the road under her feet (I don't care about the opinions of others), and make unremitting efforts for this, self-responsibility, no regrets.

Instead of stepping on the watermelon peel and sliding to where to count, I have always looked at different problems at different times with the same way of thinking.

I have never seen IELTS become depressed when she suffers from setbacks and setbacks, but on the contrary, she is always so strong and optimistic, positive, and headwinds.

As an audience, it is fun to chase the drama, but if you can learn something useful from the characters in the play, it may be more meaningful.

For example, at different stages of your life, will you make different considerations as carefully and carefully as IELTS?

"Pearlescent" Kang Yasi, at different stages, has different considerations

Or is it that many times you are either used to going with the flow, following the clouds, and dare not start from the actual situation, or your thinking is solidified, forming a path dependence?

Just imagine, if Yasi lacks her own considerations and plans, is afraid of gossip from the outside world, and listens to Taihe's persuasion, can she still marry He Feng as she wishes?

Obviously, no.

Therefore, when you are at different stages of life, you must know how to conform to the development and changes of things and consider them thoroughly, firmly control the nodes of fate, experience, and operate, and have different gains and understandings.

Don't do nothing at different stages and regret it afterwards.

2022.03.10 19:28 pm