
The prime minister attended the emperor's banquet, and the banquet was peaceful, but when he returned home, he said to the child: The country is dying

author:The Literature and Art of Shiba

In recent years, the mainland's film and television industry has developed rapidly, and the themes are also very extensive, among which ancient scripts have always been willing to be watched, such as "Yanxi Raiders" and "Qingping Le".

Not to mention the acting skills of the costume drama actors, just to say that the crew restores the ancient people's eating and wearing, it is enough to attract the audience.

The prime minister attended the emperor's banquet, and the banquet was peaceful, but when he returned home, he said to the child: The country is dying

The theme of the costume drama is basically inseparable from power and love, and no matter which emperor in the play, he is an indispensable character.

A dynasty will produce several emperors, all of whom are sons inheriting their father's business, and the world is passed down in the emperor's lineage.

The power of the emperor is supreme, and it is very consistent with the ancient political system of the mainland.

Before the Ming and Qing dynasties, the highest-ranking minister at the emperor's side was the prime minister, and there were such people in various film and television dramas and novels.

The prime minister attended the emperor's banquet, and the banquet was peaceful, but when he returned home, he said to the child: The country is dying

If a prime minister is honest and honest and serves the country and the people, then the country will also be a good atmosphere of integrity and integrity under the governance of the prime minister and the emperor.

If the prime minister is a courtier, and the emperor happens to be a dimwitted monarch, then the country is in danger, and the people will not have a good life.

The story I want to tell today takes place during the Three Kingdoms period, when the world is in chaos and the Three Kingdoms are standing tall and competing with each other.

The prime minister in the story is called He Zeng, and it cannot be said that he is a completely bad-eyed courtier, but only that he is a hedonistic and selfish courtier.

The prime minister attended the emperor's banquet, and the banquet was peaceful, but when he returned home, he said to the child: The country is dying
It so happened that the emperor he assisted was also an emperor who did not care about the affairs of the country, and the country gradually declined at their hands.

Ho had transformed from an aspiring young man to a minister who coveted pleasure

He Zeng was born in the Three Kingdoms era, and when he was young, he was a young man with great ambitions, and he walked into the official arena with a passion.

In the chaotic era of the Three Kingdoms period, watching the people not have a good life, they always wanted to serve the country and let the people live better.

But there is always a deviation between the idea and the reality, and when He Zeng entered the official field, he slowly lost his original intention.

The prime minister attended the emperor's banquet, and the banquet was peaceful, but when he returned home, he said to the child: The country is dying

As a prime minister, the most important duty for the emperor was to advise and assist the emperor in governing the country.

After He Zeng first entered the official field, the first emperor he assisted was Emperor Ming of Wei.

At that time, He Zeng was still an upright minister, and he advised Emperor Wei Ming to attach importance to the people's livelihood, develop production, and strengthen the army and defend the country.

Unfortunately, Emperor Wei Ming did not listen to He Zeng's words. And He Zeng was also reprimanded and resented by the emperor because of his incessant advice.

The prime minister attended the emperor's banquet, and the banquet was peaceful, but when he returned home, he said to the child: The country is dying

So soon after, He Zeng gave up the idea of advice, and began to see the wind and steer, and followed the current to please the emperor like everyone else.

However, He Zeng knew in his heart that this was not a way to go on, and in such a chaotic era, the country would one day fall into the hands of others.

So he secretly colluded with Sima Yi to help Sima Yi establish the Jin Dynasty, and soon after, Sima Yi drove west of Hexi, and when his son Sima Yan became the King of Jin, He Zeng, as the founding minister, became the prime minister of the new king, and was in a position below one person and above ten thousand people.

At this time, He Zeng, as the prime minister of a country, was no longer the one with great ambitions when he was young, and if he could advise the emperor to do more righteous things, the country might continue for a long time.

The prime minister attended the emperor's banquet, and the banquet was peaceful, but when he returned home, he said to the child: The country is dying

However, after being immersed in the officialdom, He Jin felt that his own interests were greater than everything. He used his status as prime minister to enjoy all kinds of glory and wealth, covet pleasure, and be selfish.

If you are willing to look at the historical data, you can see that He once became a thorough foodie after becoming prime minister.

When there is no need for a banquet, even if you eat at home, you must eat food worth tens of thousands of dollars. I always like to try fresh dishes, and I can say that I have eaten all the mountain treasures and seafood in the world at that time.

Later, even if he dined with the emperor, he would dislike that the food on the emperor's table was not rich enough and the taste was not delicious enough.

The prime minister attended the emperor's banquet, and the banquet was peaceful, but when he returned home, he said to the child: The country is dying

Some people say that gluttony is not a big problem, but according to the traditional etiquette of the mainland, people eat every day with rules, not overeating, He Zeng has completely violated the ancestral system.

Moreover, He Zeng was so extravagant and lascivious, and the money he consumed was the blood and sweat of the people.

The extravagant emperor with his precarious country

The reason why He Zeng became like this is inseparable from the ruler.

This Sima Yan was not a faint emperor from the beginning, and Sima Yan was also a man with a great heart at the beginning of his reign.

After overthrowing the rule of Emperor Yuan of Wei, he also rectified internal affairs, improved the political system, and developed people's livelihood, at that time, the national politics was still very clear, and the people could live and work in peace and contentment, and history called this situation "the rule of Taikang".

The prime minister attended the emperor's banquet, and the banquet was peaceful, but when he returned home, he said to the child: The country is dying

As the saying goes, after Sima Yan handled domestic affairs well, he thought of expanding his territory abroad, raised troops to destroy Wu, and enhanced the strength of the country.

But later Sima Yan also slowly went downhill, and after gaining a comfortable life, he indulged in ease.

He zeng looked at the ruler's appearance of indulging in pleasure, and he had always liked Mingzhe to protect himself in the official arena, so he gave up his mission and responsibility.

The officials of the imperial court saw that the emperor and the prime minister were like this, so the atmosphere spread, and the imperial court became extravagant.

The prime minister attended the emperor's banquet, and the banquet was peaceful, but when he returned home, he said to the child: The country is dying

At this time, the Jin Dynasty can be said to be extremely polarized, on the one hand, people like the emperor and He Jin lived in extreme luxury; on the other hand, people in deep water, these people could not even eat enough to eat, and could not wear clothes.

The world is in chaos, and the people's lives are difficult

The degree of Sima Yan's absurdity is outrageous, it is always said that there are three thousand beautiful ladies in the emperor's harem, and three thousand is just an imaginary number, which is a reference, but in Sima Yan's harem, there are really three thousand beautiful ladies.

Sima Yan was troubled every day about which concubine to go to, so he also invented a method of linxing, called Yangche Wangxing.

The specific method was that Sima Yan sat in a sheep cart and let the sheep walk freely, and the sheep cart stopped in front of which concubine, and he would go to the palace of which concubine tonight.

The prime minister attended the emperor's banquet, and the banquet was peaceful, but when he returned home, he said to the child: The country is dying

Later, at a court banquet, He Zeng was invited, and the banquet was very luxurious, with songs and dances, and countless jade plates and pearls.

When he returned home in the evening, He zeng was drunk, his eyes were confused, and he said to his children: "This country is going to be finished."

In fact, He Zeng knew in his heart that under such a ruling situation, the country would not have any good development, so why couldn't he speak up and advise the emperor as he did when he was young?

The reason is only because his words in the early years did not make the emperor value him, but disgusted him, and in He Zeng's eyes, the officialdom was false and echoed.

Such thoughts directly affected his whole life, and he did not face up to political affairs all his life, only cared about his own life, and was selfish.

The prime minister attended the emperor's banquet, and the banquet was peaceful, but when he returned home, he said to the child: The country is dying

Later, the fate of the Jin Dynasty is well known to all, and the prosperity of the rule of Taikang was gradually exhausted, and the world was in chaos.

The most tragic of this accident was that the people, when the dynasty prospered, did not enjoy much blessing, and then fell into infinite darkness.