
The District Bureau of Culture and Tourism highlights the "three strengthening" to build a solid defense line for epidemic prevention and control in industry venues

author:Xigu Cultural Tourism

In the face of the current complex and repeated fluctuations of the new crown pneumonia epidemic situation, the Xigu District Cultural and Tourism Bureau has always maintained a high degree of vigilance, tightened the string of epidemic prevention and control, resolutely overcome the paralyzing thoughts, fluke psychology, and slack mentality, took the initiative to do the work first, and the industry supervision rushed ahead, increased the inspection and supervision of the epidemic prevention and control of Internet cafes, KTV, game halls, cultural and artistic training institutions, sports and fitness venues (swimming pools) and other crowded places in the jurisdiction, forming a strict organization of personnel, a clear prevention and control system, and strict waiting for personnel. The epidemic prevention and control network that the place strictly guards against.

The District Bureau of Culture and Tourism highlights the "three strengthening" to build a solid defense line for epidemic prevention and control in industry venues

Strengthen the main business of responsibility, and increase the intensity of supervision and investigation. Establish a daily inspection system for the cultural tourism market, and conduct two inspections of the cultural and sports tourism market in the whole region from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. every day. Quickly set up a special class for epidemic prevention and control inspection of cultural and tourism system industry venues headed by the deputy director in charge, organize the backbone of the department business to carry out all-weather supervision and inspection according to the different operating hours of the places, and carry out 125 business places in the cultural and sports travel industry in our region, including 36 KTV, 3 game halls, 11 Internet cafes, 20 cultural and artistic training institutions (registered), 13 sports and fitness venues, 39 travel agency outlets, and 3 A-class scenic spots to conduct dragnet inspections, so that industry supervision does not stop and prevention and control supervision is uninterrupted To achieve no blind spots in safety monitoring of industry sites, no dead ends in disinfection and disinfection, and full coverage of personnel registration. Through the inspection of fitness venues and Internet cafes during the day, and the inspection of cultural and entertainment venues, key Internet cafes and fitness venues at night, especially the kangaroo sports center, Beijian Gymnasium, Yinshang KTV and other places to carry out key inspections, to achieve daily feedback and accurate management.

The District Bureau of Culture and Tourism highlights the "three strengthening" to build a solid defense line for epidemic prevention and control in industry venues

Strengthen meticulous mapping and build a solid barrier for epidemic prevention and control. In view of the fact that the number of industry venues is large and the situation is complicated, the first time to take the initiative to formulate the epidemic prevention and control work inspection ledger of industry venues and the roster of employees in the cultural and tourism industry, the number of staff in industry venues, the number of third vaccinations, the reserve of epidemic prevention materials, and the setting up of "Xiaolan assistant" place codes in eye-catching places have been fully grasped, so as to ensure that the number of information in industry venues is clear, the bottom number is clear, and the data is accurate.

The District Bureau of Culture and Tourism highlights the "three strengthening" to build a solid defense line for epidemic prevention and control in industry venues

Strengthen internal management to ensure that prevention and control measures are in place. During the epidemic period, the cultural, sports, tourism and entertainment venues, Internet cafes, and sports and fitness venues in the whole region adhere to the priority of epidemic prevention, the measures are in place, and innovative services are provided. First, do a good job in orderly opening up. The implementation of scanning code control requires that places must have special personnel on duty, and personnel entering and leaving strictly implement prevention and control measures such as registration, temperature measurement, regular ventilation, frequent hand washing, wearing masks, and "one meter line". At the same time, formulate practical and feasible emergency response plans, clarify emergency measures and disposal processes for epidemic prevention and control, and effectively prepare for emergency response. The second is to insist on booking flow restrictions. Adopt careful personnel control and perfect health testing measures, comprehensively guide industry venues to carry out online services, implement reservation admission, and conveniently and effectively control the number of admissions. The third is to strengthen employee management. Strengthen the health screening of place staff, security guards, cleaning and other service personnel, and implement 20% of personnel to carry out accounting testing every day to ensure the safe and orderly operation of industry venues.