
The "Wisdom People's Congress" boosts the quality and efficiency of the work of the Standing Committee of the Shizong County People's Congress

author:Shi Zong Fusion Media

In the new era of standing, in the face of new tasks, the work of the NPC Standing Committee is inseparable from the application of information technology if it is to develop with high quality and improve quality and efficiency. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Information is an important basis for national governance" and "we must promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities with informatization". "It is necessary to enrich the content and form of people's congress deputies' contacts with the masses of the people, and better ground the people, observe the people's feelings, gather the wisdom of the people, and benefit the people's livelihood." "We must continue to promote the construction of people's democracy in the whole process, and concretely and realistically reflect the people's mastery of their own affairs in the policies and measures of the party's governance of the country." The party group of the Standing Committee of the Shizong County People's Congress conscientiously studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Work Conference of the Central People's Congress, stood at the height of upgrading the use of information technology to the national governance system and governance capacity, pioneered and innovated, took the initiative, actively enriched the content and form of people's congress deputies to contact the people, and innovatively launched new measures for the construction and application of the "smart people's congress" information platform, which effectively promoted the quality and efficiency of the work of the county people's congress standing committee.

Under the new situation, in accordance with the requirements of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Yunnan Province and Qujing City on strengthening the informatization construction of the work of the People's Congress, and under the care and guidance of the leaders at the higher level, the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Shizong County, based on its own actual needs, integrated the relevant functions of the WeChat public account of the "Shizong People's Congress", actively explored and built the "Wisdom People's Congress" information platform around the construction of organs, the performance of duties by deputies, the supervision of bills and suggestions, and the construction of a software system with "one network, two ends, and one platform" and supporting hardware equipment and facilities. We have given full play to the role of informatization in driving and integrating, and boosted the work of the Standing Committee of the Shizong County People's Congress to a new level, and have achieved good results.

The "Wisdom People's Congress" boosts the quality and efficiency of the work of the Standing Committee of the Shizong County People's Congress

It is easier for delegates to perform their duties

The handling of the motions and proposals of the npc deputies has a bearing on the vital interests of the masses of the people. After the launch of the "Wisdom People's Congress" information platform in Shizong County, the whole process of input, handover, supervision, handling, and inquiry of the deputies' proposals and suggestions has been realized. The special APP for deputies performing their duties and the WeChat small assembly information push, business processing, performance services, proposals and suggestions, exchanges and interactions, study and training, etc. are integrated, providing channels and learning channels for people's congress deputies to perform their duties. People's congress deputies can view the details of activities such as inspection, research, and reception of voters through the APP, and realize operations such as activity registration, leave, and check-in, and after the end of the activity, the staff can summarize the development of the activity in the form of text, pictures, and other multimedia forms, and disclose it to the people's congress deputies and the public. People's congress deputies can also log in to the information system through a computer or mobile phone client to consult the work information released by the organs of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Shizong County, and timely and comprehensively grasp the relevant work dynamics.

"Online and offline dual-track operation" is a major highlight after Shizong County built the "Smart People's Congress" platform. The "online home for deputies" has brought closer ties between the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Shizong County and the people's congress deputies and between the people's congress deputies and the masses of the people, and made it more convenient for people's congress deputies to perform their duties; the construction of an offline "people's congress deputies' home" has solved the problem that some of the people will not use smart phones, broadened the channels of democracy, and enriched the form of democracy. Relying on the "wisdom of the people's congress" information platform, deputies are more convenient and faster in performing their duties, reflect the voices of the people in a more timely manner, and communicate with the people more directly.

The "Wisdom People's Congress" boosts the quality and efficiency of the work of the Standing Committee of the Shizong County People's Congress

The masses are more closely connected

Open the "Shizong People's Congress" WeChat Mini Program, the conspicuous "Liaison Station Message" and "Inquiry Message Feedback" column immediately came into view, Shizong County has a total of 10 liaison stations in the township (town, street) as the unit, and the liaison station has 82 liaison rooms under the community and the village committee, and the masses can click into the liaison station or liaison room where they are located to leave an online message, reflect problems and make suggestions to the people's congress deputies at any time, and truly realize the masses' "zero distance" to reflect social conditions and public opinion. The staff of the liaison station and the liaison office shall handle, assign and supervise the work in a timely manner in accordance with laws and regulations. The liaison station for deputies has broadened the channels for people's congress deputies to contact the masses; it is not only an important window for listening to the people's voices, reflecting the people's feelings, and absorbing the people's opinions; it is also a "bridge of connecting hearts" and a "highway" for people's congress deputies to maintain close ties with the masses.

At the sixth session of the 17th People's Congress of Shizong County held in January 2021, ten delegations from the county put forward a total of 72 suggestions related to patriotic health, road traffic, social security, people's livelihood, agriculture and rural areas, including suggestions on increasing the number of public toilets, opening up internal toilets in units along the street, suggestions on strengthening property management in old residential areas, and suggestions on regulating leisure activity venues for the elderly in Shizong County. The voices of the people from all over the county were promptly conveyed to the people's congresses, the masses of the people truly participated in social governance and the management of social affairs, provided good advice for the economic and social development of Shizong County, became a direct participant in democratic construction, and truly realized people's democracy in the whole process.

The "Wisdom People's Congress" boosts the quality and efficiency of the work of the Standing Committee of the Shizong County People's Congress

Organs run more efficiently

Administrators can manage "one network, two ends, one platform", that is, the online representative home, the special APP for representative performance, the WeChat mini program and the wisdom of the people's comprehensive platform, using big data to analyze and judge, "rough and refined" from the massive supervision data, obtain truly useful data, and display it in a visual and easy-to-read manner, so that the supervisor can accurately grasp the data required for supervision, and realize data interconnection and information sharing.

Since its launch, the platform has achieved full coverage of the work of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. Administrators can query representative information and representative data statistics online through the system, and carry out meeting management, review of speech materials, and evaluation of representatives' performance. Through the paperless operation of the whole process, a large number of traditional manual operations are transferred to online operation, so that online collaborative office anytime and anywhere becomes a reality, which greatly reduces the usual workload of staff, saves office costs, and improves work efficiency.

Through continuous updating and improvement, the "Wisdom People's Congress" platform will push the informatization work of the Standing Committee of the Shizong County People's Congress from the original model of "Internet + government services" to the new model of "mobile Internet + government services", and the "Wisdom People's Congress" in the new era will realize intelligence in four aspects, such as the exercise of relevant rights by the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Shizong County, the performance of duties by deputies, the management of election work, and the office services of organs, and then realize the new requirements of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress in multiple dimensions and in all directions.

The construction and improvement of the "smart people's congress" platform is an innovative measure to implement the spirit of the central people's congress work conference, to better ensure that the Shizong County People's Congress Standing Committee performs its duties according to law and better play its functions and roles, to better maintain close ties and exchanges between the people's congress deputies and the masses, and to better ensure the efficient operation of the work of the organs of the county people's congress standing committee and to improve the level of service management.

During the 2021 election of deputies to the people's congresses at the county and township levels, the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Shizong County played a convenient role in the information service platform of the "Wisdom People's Congress", organizing 13 constituencies and ten township streets directly under the county to register more than 286,000 voters and entering it into the Yunnan Provincial People's Congress election database through the "Wisdom People's Congress" platform, reducing the workload of voter information maintenance in various electoral institutions. At the same time, through the platform, information such as "Shizong County, County and Township People's Congress Re-election Work Deployment Meeting", "Shizong County, County and Township People's Congress Re-election Work Business Training Meeting", "Shizong County, County and Township People's Congress Re-election Work Promotion Meeting" and other information was released, so that people's congress deputies and the masses of the people can understand the deployment requirements and work dynamics in a timely manner, give full play to its important role in efficient communication, real-time and interaction, and realize the major transformation of the county and township people's congress election work from traditional manual handling to information application. It has provided strong technical support and intellectual support for the construction of people's democracy in the whole process at the grass-roots level. On December 24, 2021, the voting day for the election of deputies to the people's congresses at the county and township levels in Shizong County, more than 286,000 voters in the county participated in the voting in 136 constituencies, and 228 new county people's congress deputies and 534 township people's congress deputies were elected according to law, successfully completing the election of the deputies to the county and township people's congresses.

The "Wisdom People's Congress" platform of Shizong County will broaden and improve the channels for people's congress deputies to perform their duties and know about the government through the construction of the intelligent support system for the work of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, give full play to the role of the liaison stations (offices) of grass-roots people's congress deputies in contacting and communicating with the people, and at the same time establish and improve the long-term management mechanism, innovate the work mode of the election for the new term and the congress, and build an information system for the work of the county people's congress standing committee that is connected from top to bottom, left to right, coordinated in operation, and has a reasonable structure. It will enable the informationization work of the Shizong County People's Congress Standing Committee to enter the advanced ranks of this system and lay a solid foundation for the work of the County People's Congress Standing Committee to a new level.

Source: Shizong County Rong Media Center Zhu Sirong

Editor: Qian Baiyu


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