
Li Shan: Listening to the party lessons has benefited a lot, carrying forward the spirit of the women's volleyball team, winning glory for the hometown, and adding color to the motherland


On the morning of June 24, on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, with the theme of "inheriting red genes and drawing on the strength of faith", the "Cloud Pairing" theme party day activity of 100 advanced grass-roots party organizations across the country was held in the central kitchen of Jinyun. Li Shan, a member of the 2004 Athens Olympic Champion of the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team and the General Secretary of the Party Branch of the Tianjin Volleyball Sports Management Center, came to the scene to share the "Spirit of Women's Volleyball" with the theme of "Let the Patriotic Banner Fly High", and Li Shan led the on-site personnel to relive the unique memory of volleyball through telling her personal experience.

Li Shan: Listening to the party lessons has benefited a lot, carrying forward the spirit of the women's volleyball team, winning glory for the hometown, and adding color to the motherland

  In her speech, Li Shan elaborated on the important role of the spirit of the women's volleyball team in the new historical period, and relived the wonderful moment when the Tianjin women's volleyball team won 13 championships in the league and 4 championships of the National Games in the form of videos and explanations. Subsequently, Li Shan introduced the "321" characteristic party building brand created by the party branch of the women's volleyball team, which was created to achieve high standards and strict requirements from the aspects of training, management, competition, life, etc., to pursue excellence and strive for first-class. In her speech, Li Shan said that to love the country, we must have the perseverance to continue to struggle and strive for the ideal; patriotism is to transmit more positive energy to the society to serve the people. At the end of the speech, Li Shan introduced the relevant content of Tianjin's construction of a "volleyball city" to the on-site personnel, and the Tianjin women's volleyball team actively participated in the social practice of volleyball. In the activities of "volleyball into the campus", "volleyball into the community", "volleyball into the enterprise" and "volleyball into the mall", he understood the thoughts and thoughts of the people, let the spirit of the women's volleyball team be grounded, and let the spirit of the women's volleyball team penetrate into the body of the city like blood.

  The event gathered advanced grass-roots party organizations from all over the country, and the party organization representatives attending the meeting could not only share their personal experiences, but also learn knowledge and experience through the speeches of representatives of other party organizations. For participating in this event, Li Shan bluntly said that it is very honorable. Li Shan said: "I benefited a lot from listening to the party lessons shared by the teachers, and the most impressive one was Dr. Yu Hongzhi from Haihe Hospital. During the epidemic, Dr. Yu Hongzhi led medical staff to take risks to fight in the frontline of the fight against the epidemic, and this spirit of love and dedication is admirable. At the same time, Yu Hongzhi is also a fan of the Tianjin women's volleyball team, during his infection with the new crown virus, the Tianjin women's volleyball team also recorded a blessing video for him, it can be said that the activities of mutual learning and mutual inheritance of spirit between us have begun early. Today's close study of Dr. Hong Zhi's party lesson is very enlightening to our future work. ”

  In addition to the "anti-epidemic spirit" shared by Dr. Yu Hongzhi, Li Shan also deeply remembered the "craftsman spirit" shared by Kong Xiangrui. "Kong Xiangrui, as a front-line worker in Tianjin Port, perfectly interprets the spirit of craftsmanship. The Tianjin women's volleyball team should also carry forward the spirit of craftsmanship in daily training and competitions, and strive for excellence and never end in the technical field. Li Shan said.

  Talking about the inheritance and development of the "Tianjin Women's Volleyball Spirit", Li Shan said that the Tianjin Women's Volleyball Team must carry forward the spirit of the new era of "motherland first, unity and cooperation, tenacious struggle, and never say defeat", do their best to prepare for the Tokyo Olympic Games and the Shaanxi National Games, and use the spirit of the women's volleyball team to guide us to win glory for our hometown and add color to the motherland. (Jinyun News reporter Zhang Aiying)

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