
The theatrical film "Copper Drum Can't Be Lost" will start filming in Lipu Directed by the famous director Yu Bin

author:Guilin Life Network

Source: Guilin Life Network2021-07-10 11:11:26 I talk about reading times

At 8:00 p.m. on July 8, the press conference of the theatrical film "Copper Drum Cannot Be Lost", jointly produced by Guangxi Film Group Youai Film Co., Ltd. and Guangxi Qin's Film Co., Ltd., was held in Lipu. Former deputy secretary and deputy director of the party group of guangxi radio, film and television bureau, honorary chairman of Guangxi Film and Television Artists Association, executive director of China Television Artists Association, national first-class literary editor He Dan, former deputy director of Guangxi Television Station, vice chairman of Guangxi Television Artists Association, senior editor, national first-class editor Lin Jiemou, deputy general manager of Guangxi Film Group Co., Ltd., Propaganda Department of Lipu Municipal Party Committee, Qin's Film Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Chengtian Film Company and other units responsible persons, Guangming Daily, Guangxi Pictorial, and other news media, The film's creative team and actors attended the press conference.

The theatrical film "Copper Drum Can't Be Lost" will start filming in Lipu Directed by the famous director Yu Bin

At the press conference, He Dan made a speech; Lin Jiemou, Cheng Wei, and others spoke successively. According to reports, the cinema film "Copper Drum Cannot Be Lost" takes the copper drum as the core element of the story, telling the story of the Zhuang martial artist Cheng Tian, when he was framed by people and fell into a desperate situation, he still adhered to his master's legacy to protect the copper drum passed down from generation to generation, through the ups and downs of the storyline and delicate emotional expression, showing the simple folk customs and colorful folk customs of Guangxi, is a patriotic film that integrates artistry and ideology.

The film gathers a group of outstanding creative talents, with He Dan as the chief planner and chief producer, Guangxi Film Group Youai Film Co., Ltd. General Manager Zhang Heng as the producer, the famous director Yu Bin directed, the famous screenwriter Han Zhenyu independent screenwriter, Shi Xuanru starred as the female lead, Guangxi Qin's Film Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Chengtian Cinema Co., Ltd., Chengtian Film and Television Actor Wuxing Training Base Chairman Cheng Tian played the male lead, the film also invited the famous martial arts masters Zhao Zilong, Baoligao, Xia Ruixin, famous actors Wu Mingsen, He Junyu, Yin Chongqi believes that their joining will inject new blood into "Copper Drum Can't Be Lost", and the strong combination of one article and one weapon will also bring a different new experience to the audience.

It is reported that "Copper Drum Cannot Be Lost" will be launched in Lipu, Guangxi, where the scenery is beautiful and the spirit of the earth is outstanding, Lipu as a pearl in the northeast of Guangxi and the south of Guilin, since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, especially after the establishment of Lipu County in 2018, the development of Lipu is changing with each passing day, and once again riding on the fast lane of economic development. At that time, the film will integrate the human geography of Lipu to present a wonderful picture, I believe that through this film, the audience can feel the delicate emotions of brotherhood, husband and wife, and national feelings, feel the great spirit of giving up "small family" for "everyone", and feel the powerful power of the magnificent Guangxi Lipu local cultural heritage.

Correspondent Wan Jiamin Huang Yanbao