
Do you know which mountain and which kind of pine is the pine in "Shoubi Nanshan Bulao Pine"?

author:Hengdong Shiqin

Do you know which mountain and which kind of pine is the pine in "Shoubi Nanshan Bulao Pine"?

Wen ‖ Hengdong Shiqin

We bless the elderly, especially the elderly, for a life day, and like to use "Blessings are like the long flowing waters of the East China Sea, and Shou is longer than the Pine of the South Mountain", so why should we compare blessings and longevity? The East Sea occupies a very important position in the traditional culture of the mainland, the East Sea represents a beautiful meaning, and the mainland has had the saying that purple qi comes from the east since ancient times.

In 516 BC, the Zhou kings were in turmoil, the princely states were fighting each other, and the military disasters were repeated, and Lao Tzu was very disappointed in the Zhou royal family, so he resigned and went west. Hangu Guan Ling Yin Xi was a person who was good at observing the heavens, saw a cloud of purple qi wafting from the east, thought that a saint had come, hurried to greet, an old man rode a green bull slowly, this is Lao Tzu.

Yin Xi was very happy to receive Lao Tzu, so he asked Lao Tzu for advice, and Lao Tzu left five thousand words, which is the Taoist Tao Te Ching, which is also Yin Xi's blessing. Purple symbolized the official position in ancient times, and the official position is the most direct expression of wealth, and wealth is the blessing of the ancients, so it is natural that the blessing and the east are connected.

Do you know which mountain and which kind of pine is the pine in "Shoubi Nanshan Bulao Pine"?

And "Shou than Nanshan Bulao Pine" this is more straightforward, I did not ask teachers and parents before, thinking that Nanshan is a certain mountain in the south, which should be found on the map; Bulao Pine should be a pine tree that has been alive for a long time, and later saw that Huangshan Pine is very good-looking, and it is longer to live, thinking that It is Huangshan Pine is Immortal Pine!

But yesterday a little friend suddenly asked me: "Uncle, please ask you for a knowledge, do you know which mountain is the Nanshan in 'Shoubi Nanshan Bulao Pine'?" What kind of pine is pine? "This question can be asked to me, and now children like to ask the root of the matter, much better than when we were reading books, they are half-aware, much better!"

How to answer this question from children? I can't tell him what I thought I would! So I thought about it for a moment and said: "Little friend, this question is more complicated to answer, it takes a long time, today I have more things, there is not so much time, I will tell you next time." "After saying that, I'll leave him quickly."

I used this turtle-footed reason to solve my embarrassing situation, to be honest, my face was a little red at the time, why did I always think of myself when I studied before? Instead of asking the teachers? Otherwise, this would not be the case. Which mountain is the Nanshan in "Shoubi Nanshan Bulao Pine"? What kind of pine is pine?

Do you know which mountain and which kind of pine is the pine in "Shoubi Nanshan Bulao Pine"?

In fact, there are many places called Nanshan in the mainland, such as: Shaanxi Zhongnan Mountain, Hunan Nanshan Ranch, Nanyue Hengshan alias, Hainan Sanya Nanshan, Shenzhen Nanshan District, Jiangsu Zhenjiang Nanshan, Chongqing South Bank Nanshan, Shandong Province, Qingzhou City, Southern Yunmen Mountain, Guigang also has a Nanshan, etc., there are many unknown places.

The Nanshan in "Shoubi Nanshan Bulao Song" has a variety of theories, which have been somewhat controversial, and there are three places that are more recognized: Shaanxi Zhongnan mountain, Hainan Sanya Nanshan, and Yunmen Mountain in the south of Qingzhou City, Shandong Province. Each of these three places has its own reasons, and no one can convince anyone, and the time has passed for thousands of years, so it has not been settled.

"Shijing Xiaoya Tianbao": "Like the eternity of the moon, like the rise of the sun, like the life of the South Mountain, it does not collapse." And "Nanshi Liechuan, Qigao Emperor's Sons and Sons": "Ancient sayings wish Your Majesty Shoubi Nanshan, or long live, this is a close appearance. As the courtiers have in mind, it is enough to wish His Majesty a hundred years of great life. "The South Mountain here is the Ultimate South Mountain.

Zhongnan Mountain is a section of the Qinling Mountains, and to the south of Xi'an is the back garden of Xi'an City. Here are thousands of peaks and greenery, the scenery is quite beautiful, known as "Xiandu", "Crown of Cave Heaven" and "the world's first blessed land". It is indeed most appropriate to use Zhongnan Mountain to bless the elders with health and longevity, and to live as long as Zhongnan Mountain.

Do you know which mountain and which kind of pine is the pine in "Shoubi Nanshan Bulao Pine"?

Zhongnan Mountain is a famous secluded holy place, which is not only a geographical term in mainland culture, but also a traditional spirit. Retreating to the South Mountain, entering Chang'an City, between birth and entry, the ancient literati and inkers delicately wandered. You may wish to go to Zhongnan Mountain for a visit, one to enjoy the beautiful scenery, the other to feel the hidden culture.

The Shandong Peninsula is surrounded by water on three sides and is surrounded by the East Sea, so the Nanshan in the Zhushou language "Furu East China Sea long flowing water, Shoubi Nanshan Bulao Pine" in this sentence is also said to be Yunmen Mountain in the south of Qingzhou City, Shandong Province, because it is adjacent to the East Sea, from the meaning of this sentence, it is also called Nanshan for a certain reason.

Bulao pine, also known as the "dragon's blood tree", appeared in the Cretaceous dinosaur era and is known as a living fossil in plants. The rare plant tree "Dragon's Blood Tree" is on the verge of extinction, but there are as many as 60,000 trees growing in the Nanshan area of Sanya City, and the life span of the Immortal Pine is nearly 10,000 years. And to say that Nanshan is the Nanshan of Sanya City, this is the basis.

Before I saw the Bulao Pine, I thought it was very tall and stout. But I was a little disappointed when I saw it, the tree was no more than ten meters high, composed of five or six trunks, like a Luo Han pine that was magnified dozens of times. And the growth is very slow, growing into a tree in hundreds of years, and only blooming once in decades, so it is very rare.

Do you know which mountain and which kind of pine is the pine in "Shoubi Nanshan Bulao Pine"?

The dragon's blood tree material is loose, the tree body is hollow, the branches are all holes, can not be a beam, and can not be used to burn firewood, after lighting only smoke and fire, according to this is really useless, so it is also called not a talent tree. The life span of the dragon's blood tree is about two or three thousand years, and there is a tree at the top of Nanshan Mountain that is said to be 4,000 to 5,000 years old.

The dragon's blood tree is famous for its gray-green stem, mottled ctenophores like dragon scales, and can secrete bright red sap. The juice becomes a clumps of resin, which in Chinese medicine is called "blood exhaustion" or "qilin exhaustion", which is used to treat muscle and bone pain, spread stasis pain, stop bleeding, and generate muscle sores, which is a valuable Chinese medicine.

There are many common sayings in life that we know what they mean, but where do they come from? Most people are half-aware and confused, such as "Fu ru the East China Sea long flowing water, Shoubi Nanshan Bulao Pine" this blessing, read these words, everyone should know which mountain the South Mountain is, the pine is which kind of pine.

Written in The ancient town of Dapu, a thousand-year-old water town in Shonan Province


Do you know which mountain and which kind of pine is the pine in "Shoubi Nanshan Bulao Pine"?