
At the foot of Mount Everest, the hymn of national unity was continued

author:China Tibet Net

"All ethnic groups should hug each other like pomegranate seeds." This sentence of General Secretary Xi Jinping vividly and vividly expresses the true meaning of national unity. Recently, the Everest Border Police Station of the Xigaze Border Management Detachment of the Tibet Autonomous Region was rated by the State Nationalities Commission as the ninth batch of national ethnic unity and progress demonstration units, and after winning this honor, the Everest Border Police Station took the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses" as an opportunity to use "doing practical things" to enhance the satisfaction of the masses, to enhance the sense of national identity by "solving difficult problems", and composed a song of praise for national unity at the foot of Mount Everest.

At the foot of Mount Everest, the hymn of national unity was continued

The picture shows the group photo of the police and children at the police station

"I have a new school bag!" At the Everest Border Police Station of the Shigatse Border Management Detachment in Tibet, children in Quzong Village gleefully show off with their school bags. Near the beginning of the school, the Everest Border Police Station invited children in the jurisdiction to the police station to listen to the patriotic stories of the older generation, and raised more than 3,000 yuan to buy more than 50 sets of school supplies and school bags for the children. Zhang Suixin, deputy director of the Everest Border Police Station, said that caring for children is only a small microcosm of the national unity of the police station.

For groups such as households in difficulty, the elderly living alone, and left-behind children, the police station promptly contacted the teams of the two committees of Quzong Village and the party committee and government of Tashi Zongxiang to establish a file of assistance, formulate assistance measures, and adopt methods such as pairing up to recognize relatives, donating condolences, solving employment, emotional assistance, psychological intervention, etc., to effectively relieve the help targets, eliminate worries, and solve difficulties, and continuously enhance their sense of happiness.

At the foot of Mount Everest, the hymn of national unity was continued

The picture shows the police at the police station teaching the masses planting experience in the greenhouse

In order to solve the problem of difficulty in eating vegetables, Tsering Gyatso, deputy director of the Everest Border Police Station, has been committed to breaking through the problem of plateau vegetable planting. Nowadays, a piece of green and oily vegetables cover the barren soil of the plateau, the police's vegetable basket is more and more abundant, in order to let the people in the jurisdiction also eat fresh vegetables, the police station invited the people in the jurisdiction to visit and learn from the greenhouses in the institute, from seedlings, watering, fertilization to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, Tsering Gyatso will pass on his many years of planting experience to the masses, and at the same time arrange for the police to regularly go to the people's homes to check the growth of vegetables and provide guidance.

In order to summon up the masses' "money bags," the police station gave full play to the advantages of the people's police in mastering the production technology of the plateau agriculture and sideline industries and understanding policies, and took the initiative to dock with the teams of the two committees of Quzong Village. Adopt the idea of "poverty alleviation with technology and poverty alleviation with policies", and combine "bringing in" and "going out". Measures such as on-site technical guidance, donation of breeding books and vegetable seeds are taken to help the residents master the breeding technology; with the help of Everest's unique resource advantages, help the masses open a family homestay on the original tent homestay. The living standards of the masses in Quzong Village showed a gratifying trend of "sesame blossoms and high festivals".

At the foot of Mount Everest, the hymn of national unity was continued

The picture shows the newly opened family homestay

At the foot of Mount Everest, the hymn of national unity was continued

Altitude sickness has long plagued people living at high altitudes. In 2019, he graduated from the Tibetan Medical College of Qinghai University and passed the civil service recruitment examination and was assigned to Larong Qilin at the Everest Border Police Station, majoring in Tibetan medicine at university. During the Tibetan New Year period, the police station and the two village committees carried out voluntary inspections in the jurisdiction and conducted free clinics for more than 50 people. Among them, hypertension and joint pain are common high-altitude diseases, and the police station issued more than 1,000 medical drugs, and instructed the people with major diseases to seek medical treatment in time, and also further understood the health status of the people in the jurisdiction.

At the foot of Mount Everest, the hymn of national unity was continued

The picture shows the police La Rong Qilin for the masses free clinic

Based on the existing medical conditions, the police station coordinates all kinds of medical supplies, arranges for health personnel to enter households to carry out voluntary inspection activities, guides the masses to do a good job in disease prevention, hygiene and epidemic prevention, consciously develops the good habit of stressing hygiene, emphasizing prevention, and diligent physical examination, and improves the awareness of the masses to prevent diseases and self-care. (China Tibet Network correspondent/Zhang Suixin Long Xiaofeng reporter/Ram Photo provided by Everest Border Police Station)