
Qing Kang Qian flourished

author:I love to read comic strips

The first part is a wonderful thousand-dollar self-guided tour

"A Thousand Yuan Self-Guided Tour" has a song that is widely circulated in the 1980s, and two of them are still constantly mentioned: I want to go to Guilin, I want to go to Guilin, but I don't have money when I have time; I want to go to Guilin, I want to go to Guilin, but when I have money, I don't have time... Guilin was one of the few tourist destinations for Chinese at that time, and the lyrics expressed a young man's desire to travel. Unfortunately, he was not idle enough and did not have money.

  But it's all a thing of the past...

  Now that we have at least three seven-day holidays a year, they are the Spring Festival, May Day and Eleventh, and we can arrange a self-guided tour for ourselves without having to be bound and directed by the schedule of the travel agency. You can laze in the bars of Yangshuo West Street and explore the suspense and mysteries in the black city castle outside Saiwai. Follow the Phoenix TuoJiang River to find the footsteps of the literary masters and experience the magic of Tibetan Buddhism by listening to the solemn chanting words of the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa. Sometimes the heavens and the earth are very large, standing on the edge of the first bay of the Nine Curves in Gannan, you will see the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky; sometimes the heavens and the earth are also very small, the elegant Jiangnan water town and the small bridge flowing water people, in fact, it is less than three hours' drive from the bustling Shanghai Beach... Seven days of dashing will be unfinished, and even a five-day trip will be enough to make yourself happy for a while. This book selects the eighteen most popular routes in China, spanning the north and south of the river, with local customs and customs, written by self-help demonstrators, and continues the consistent practical principles of "Tibetan Antelope Self-Help Tour", providing very humane guidance in the seven days of scheduling, catering and accommodation, scenic recreation and other aspects.

  So what can a thousand dollars do?

  For a thousand yuan, you can buy a branded garment from a fashion store; an exquisite MP3 player; it may even be just a wine banquet, two nights of di bar carnival, three sets of online game software... But now for only a thousand yuan, you can go to the ends of the earth and eat the seafood there, or enjoy the gift of World Heritage in the ancient naxi music of the ancient city of Dayan. A beautiful Hmong embroidery will make you collect the essence of a nation, and leave a beautiful memory in life that will never be erased. This book carefully calculates every travel expense for you, scientific travel finance, not only can eat richly, live comfortably, but also search for exquisite things along the way, enjoy the endless scenery along the way. For only a thousand yuan, it will realize a long-awaited travel dream.

  Save up a thousand dollars and go.

Part I Southwest Region - Northwest Yunnan (1)


Northwest Yunnan must visit 8

Kunming World Horticultural Expo Park

It's a great class for understanding plants, covering almost all plant types in the tropics, subtropics, temperate, and boreal zones.

Dali Ancient City

There are relatively well-preserved Bai style residential buildings.

The three pagodas of Chongsheng Mosque

It is part of a group of large Buddhist temples during the Nanzhao period.

Lijiang Ancient City

On December 4, 1997, the ancient city of Lijiang was inscribed on unesco's World Heritage List. It is now the base camp of petty bourgeoisie.

Spruce Plain

A meadow on the waist of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, named after the spruce trees that grow around it. The earliest place was the martyrdom of the Naxi couple.

Shuhe Ancient Town

It is the predecessor of Sifang Street, the earliest market of The Naxi people in Lijiang.

Songzanlin Temple

The appearance is very similar to the Potala Palace in Tibet, so it is also known as the "Little Potala Palace".

Bita Sea

May is the most beautiful season in the Bita Sea, with lush trees, rhododendrons, meadows as gentle as carpets, and small flowers dotted with stars.

Part I: Southwest China - Northwest Yunnan (2)

Seven-day tour plan in Northwest Yunnan

Kunming - World Horticultural Expo Park

For most travelers, Kunming is mainly a transit point to the direction of Dali, but if you have enough time, you can also include a visit to the Kunming World Horticultural Expo Park.

Budget: accommodation 45 yuan + catering 40 yuan + transportation 150 yuan + tickets 70 yuan = 305 yuan

Kunming World Horticultural Expo Park This is a perfect class to understand plants, including almost all plant types in the tropics, subtropics, temperate and cold zones, in a day's time, you may not be able to see it all, of course, first of all, there must be interest in this area.

Expo Park is the main site of the '99 Kunming World Horticultural Exposition, located in the northeast of Kunming City, 4 kilometers away from the city, and accompanied by mountains in the Golden Temple Scenic Area. The Expo Park covers an area of about 2.18 square kilometers and consists of 5 exhibition areas (International Pavilion, China Pavilion, Man and Nature Pavilion, Science and Technology Pavilion, large greenhouse) and 3 large outdoor exhibition areas (foreign exhibition area, domestic exhibition area, enterprise exhibition area). Among them, the large greenhouse is concentrated with plants under various climatic conditions, which is a perfect place to understand the plant world. In addition, some of the small garden landscapes in the park are also worth seeing. Buses 47, 68 and 69 arrive at the Expo Park and taxis are also convenient. 70 yuan, the night ticket is slightly more expensive.

Itinerary/Route Accommodation Dining Transportation Tickets Total

Kunming 45 yuan 40 yuan 150 yuan 70 yuan 305 yuan

Kunming-Dali 45 yuan 30 yuan 100 yuan 25 yuan 200 yuan

Dali - Lijiang 20 yuan 30 yuan 50 yuan 10 yuan 110 yuan

Lijiang 20 yuan 30 yuan 150 yuan 60 yuan 260 yuan

Lijiang- Shangri-La 20 yuan 40 yuan 60 yuan 10 yuan 130 yuan

Shangri-La 20 yuan 40 yuan 50 yuan 10 yuan 120 yuan

Shangri-La- Kunming 0 yuan 40 yuan 200 yuan 0 yuan 240 yuan

Total 170 yuan 250 yuan 760 yuan 185 yuan 1365 yuan

Kunming - Dali - Dali Ancient City - Chongsheng Temple Three Pagodas

Whether it is a necessary place to west Yunnan, or in its humanistic significance, Dali is a place that cannot be avoided. Roughly Dali stay for a day and go to the three pagodas of Chongsheng Temple near the ancient city.

Budget: accommodation 45 yuan + catering 30 yuan + transportation 100 yuan + ticket 25 yuan = 200 yuan

Dali Ancient City The ancient capital of the "State of Documents" was built on the Cangshan Mountains and lived facing the Erhai Sea.

Dali Ancient City has preserved a relatively complete Bai style of residential buildings, is one of the first batch of historical and cultural cities in China.

The north and south of the ancient city still retain the complete tower, and the majestic south gate has a plaque with the inscription "State of Documents". Checkerboard streets, staggered north-south east-west direction, stone pavement, green tile slope roof of the house. Houses, shops, temples, academies and church buildings are distributed in the ancient city, which is an ancient city with a long history and Bai characteristics.

The Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple It carries too many cultural meanings and is the symbol of Nanzhao. The Three Pagodas are part of a group of large-scale Buddhist temples from the Nanzhao period, which have been destroyed and are now left behind for visitors to see.

The main tower, also known as Qianxun Tower, is a square hollow brick tower with a dense eaves, with a bottom width of 9.9 meters and a height of 69.13 meters, with a total of 16 steps. The top of the tower has a copper bowl and a tower brake, which is similar in shape to the Xi'an Small Wild Goose Pagoda, and is one of the typical tower styles of the Tang Dynasty. The base of the tower is two square bases on the top and bottom, surrounded by bluestone slab railings. The wall is built to the east, and there are 4 characters of "Yongzhen Mountain". After the main tower, the two small towers in the south and north are 97.5 meters apart, and the distance from the main tower is 70 meters, showing a full momentum, and both towers are octagonal eaves hollow brick towers, 10 levels, each 43 meters high. The three pagodas of Chongsheng Temple are the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units.

Located 2 kilometers northwest of the ancient city, it is easy to walk, cycle or take a horse-drawn carriage to the Three Pagodas from the ancient city of Dali. You can also take the shuttle bus from Shimonoseki to Lijiang, Jianchuan, and Butterfly Spring to get off at the gate of Santa Park. 20 yuan (Three Towers Park) 5 yuan (Three Towers Reflection Park)

If you just want to take a souvenir photo, you can find the right angle on the road next to the Three Pagodas Park.

Part I: Southwest China - Northwest Yunnan (3)

Dali - Lijiang - Lijiang Ancient City - Mufu Compound

Lijiang has become synonymous with "petty bourgeois paradise". Leave Dali, about three or four hours to reach the long-awaited Lijiang, the first day to walk around the ancient city, in the plateau sun in a daze.

Budget: accommodation 20 yuan + catering 30 yuan + transportation 50 yuan + ticket 10 yuan = 110 yuan

Lijiang Ancient City "Xiaoqiao Liushui People's Home" was originally used to describe the style of Gusu residential buildings, but when you walk into Lijiang Ancient City, that is, Dayan Town, you will find that there is not only the charm of Jiangnan Water Town, but also the harmony between some people and nature.

This is an ancient city built on a flat dam surrounded by mountains on three sides and open to the outside in the south. The area of the city is about 3.8 square kilometers, which was built at the end of the Southern Song Dynasty and has a history of about 800 years. A branch of the ancient Modi (known as moxi in ancient times) moved the center of its rule from the ancient town of Baisha, where the ancestor of the Mu clan, a man named Arian Ahu, chose the site and began to build a city with a main civil structure. All the houses in Dayan Town were built without a single nail, and completely used the wooden structure of the bucket type; the rational use of water resources is a major innovation of the ancient town. When the water of the Yuquan River flows to the Yulong Bridge, it is divided into three branches of east, west and middle into the city, forming a city water system flowing around the city, so that there is a river flowing in front of each door, and the square street in the center is slightly convex, and the surrounding depression, when the sluice gate is closed, the water that flows through the ground flows to each street, washing the colorful stones laid on the ground clean.

According to relevant sources, Quadrangle may be the only square in the world with an automatic flushing function, but unfortunately this function was destroyed during the restoration of the old city. One of the biggest differences from other ancient cities in China is that dayan town has no walls and is open all. There are two different views on this point: one theory is that the hereditary toast surname Mu, who built the town of Dayan, if the city wall is built, it is equivalent to trapping the wood; the other theory is related to the openness of the Naxi nation. Walking into Dayan Town, you will naturally have your own judgment. On December 4, 1997, the ancient city of Lijiang was inscribed on the World Heritage List by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee.

Wooden Mansion Compound A Naxi court-style building that imitates the Forbidden City.

The Mufu in the ancient city of Lijiang was rebuilt on the original site. The main building of mufu is modeled after the pattern of the Forbidden City in Beijing. Wooden Arch, Stone Arch, Yimen, Council Hall, Ten Thousand Scrolls Building, Protector Hall, Guangbi Building, Yuyin Building, Sanqing Hall, and Wooden Family Courtyard form a central axis, and the entire building complex is quite royal. The reconstruction of the Mufu compound was completed in 1999 with a world bank loan. 10 yuan

Lijiang Ancient Town - Shuhe Ancient Town - Spruce Ping

In addition to Sifang Street, not having been to Shuhe Ancient Town and Spruce Ping is equivalent to not having been to Lijiang. Shuhe Ancient Town is closer to the ancient city, half a day is enough; Spruce Ping is farther, but the traffic is quite convenient, so half a day is enough.

Budget: accommodation 20 yuan + catering 30 yuan + transportation 150 yuan + ticket 60 yuan = 260 yuan

Shuhe Ancient Town is similar in layout to Lijiang Ancient City, as if it is the epitome of another Dayan Town, but it is more secluded, with a very smooth bluestone pavement trampled on, and clear spring water flowing around the village.

Out of the ancient city of Lijiang to the north, there is a dense village, which is the shuhe ancient town of the mountains and rivers. The Great Stone Bridge and Dajue Palace, built during the Ming Dynasty, are still well preserved, and the murals inside vividly depict the figures in Buddhism. Longquan Temple, built in the Qing Dynasty, is dedicated to the ancestors of cobblers, because it was once a gathering place for Leather Goods in Lijiang. Compared with the current Dayan Town, it is a little more tranquil, and if you like the ancient city of Lijiang, you will definitely like it.

Shuhe Ancient Town is about 6 kilometers away from Dayan Town, and renting a bicycle will not take long to reach. There are privately rented minibuses outside the ancient city, which can be sold for about 5 yuan.

As soon as you enter Lijiang, the first thing you see is the Yulong Snow Mountain, which is composed of 12 snow peaks, the main peak fan steep altitude of 5596 meters, is still an unconquered virgin peak. The Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is also the closest group of snow-capped mountains to the equator.

The Spruce Ping Alpine Meadow Scenic Area is a more traditional route in Lijiang's travel routes, with an earlier development time and greater impact. The route is: Lijiang Downtown - Ganhaizi - Baishuihe - Spruce Ping.

The altitude of Spruce Ping is 3200 meters, the climate change is uncertain, and the average annual temperature is only 5.5 °C, so it is necessary to be prepared for cold protection and anti-alpine reaction before going up the mountain. There is a parking lot at the bottom of the hill where there are commissaries, public toilets, restaurants, etc., and you can also rent down jackets and oxygen bags. From here, take the ropeway (known locally as the small ropeway to distinguish it from the large ropeway) to Spruce Plain. The No. 7 bus in the city is direct, and it is also possible to charter a car or take a taxi. The 60 yuan mountain entrance fee is a special fee for mountain forest protection. There is an additional charge for taking the ropeway on spruce plains. You can also ride a horse up the mountain, riding a mountain road is not as fast as the speed of running on the grassland, the horse is completely a means of transportation, and the people who rent horses in the Baishui River are local ethnic groups.

Be sure to negotiate the price before riding, including round-trip ones, so as not to be unpleasant at checkout. Generally around 40 yuan. When hiking, the most important thing is to pay attention to altitude sickness and pay attention to adjusting the body. The mountain road is not very smooth.

Part I: Southwest China - Northwest Yunnan (4)

Lijiang - Shangri-La - Kadan Songzanlin Temple

Diqing is the terminus of northwestErn Yunnan, and if you leave From Lijiang in the morning, you can generally reach Shangri-La County, the capital of Diqing Prefecture, at noon. The altitude here has reached more than 3,000 meters, and the average person will have different degrees of altitude sickness. Songzanlin Temple is relatively close to the county, and it is more appropriate to arrange it on the first day.

Budget: accommodation 20 yuan + catering 40 yuan + transportation 60 yuan + ticket 10 yuan = 130 yuan

Kadan Songzanlin Monastery is very similar in appearance to the Potala Palace in Tibet, so it is also known as the "Little Potala Palace".

Built on a mountain and facing a lake, Kadan Songzanlin Monastery is magnificent, solemn and mysterious. Legend has it that in ancient times, a high monk passed by here and saw flocks of birds flying in the air on the hillside, so he predicted that this place would be a gathering place for monks in the future. Coincidentally, when the Fifth Dalai Lama personally fixed the temple site, he had the admonition that "the forest is clear and the shore is clear, and the golden bird from heaven is playing in the middle", which cannot be said to be a small fit. After the completion of the temple, the Fifth Dalai Lama gave the name Kadan Songzanlin Monastery, which contains the meaning of "all manifestations of tantra are not cultivated at one time, in order to make the dharma of impurity continuously benefit all sentient beings and make it perfect, specially built this temple."

Built in 1679, the temple is the premier temple of Tibetan Buddhism in Yunnan. Covering an area of 330,000 square meters, the temple has a strong, thick castle wall and 5 gates. The temple is a 5-storey Tibetan-style carved building, the main hall can accommodate 1600 people to sit and chant, the hall also enshrines the bronze statues of the Fifth Dalai Lama and the Seventh Dalai Lama, as well as many Buddha statues and Baye Sutras, colorful gold juice exquisitely painted thangkas, golden lamps, ancestral ritual instruments and other treasures of the past. There are more than 700 monks in the temple.

When the weather is clear, rush to Songzanlin Temple before sunrise or sunset, and the temple becomes more mysterious and majestic in the morning and sunset.

The route to Kadam Songzanlin Monastery is the same as in Napa Hai and can be arranged on the same day.

In Shangri-La County, the 3rd station on Long March Road can be directly reached by a small public bus for 1 yuan, and only 10 yuan is required by taxi. 10 yuan

Shangri-La County - Bita Sea - Napa Sea

The Bita Sea is a must not miss. It takes most of the day, and it's worth the extra time. If you have enough time, you can go to the Napa Sea.

Budget: accommodation 20 yuan + catering 40 yuan + transportation 50 yuan + ticket 10 yuan = 120 yuan

The Pitta Sea Car reaches the Double Bridge, and the rest of the road can only be on foot, or on horseback. The ancient trees towered and covered the sky, except for the walking of people and the ringing of the horse gang, only the sound of the wind. Occasionally, the wooden houses of the horse gang appear in the woods, and the snow-capped mountains can be faintly seen in the distance, which is a journey without dust and noise. Just this headless forest is satisfying, and it's even more exciting when the lake and the bulging islands in the lake finally appear in front of you.

May is the most beautiful season in the Bita Sea, with lush trees, azaleas, meadows as gentle as carpets, and small flowers dotted with stars. Because the fish are gluttonous and fall into the petals of the water, they become drunk, and they have the "cuckoo drunk fish", which is a unique scene here. In fact, this is because the leaves of rhododendrons contain slight poison, and after falling on the surface of the water, they are swallowed by swimming fish, making the fish float on the surface of the water as if drunk. When the moon rises, the old bear also comes to the water's edge to catch the drunken fish in the water. It's just a legend, few people have seen it, but even if there is no "old bear fishing", it is already like a fairy tale world.

Shangri-La County Bus Station has a bus to Shuangqiao, about 20 yuan. The road ends at about 25 kilometers, the remaining 7 kilometers can only be hiked or riding horses, most of the horses are rented by locals, 25 yuan / person one way, 50 yuan / person two-way. You can go on a boat so you can see the colorful meadows on the other side of the lake. When the season is right, you can see a lot of wildflowers. Wooden boat 20 yuan / person, speed boat 40 yuan / person.

Napa Sea A seasonal alpine lake. If you come here in winter, in the midst of a depression, the black-necked cranes known as the "highland fairies" fly over this water; in the summer and autumn, it is another scene in the world of flowers, green grass and barley.

Napa Sea means "lake behind the forest" in Tibetan, and this season the lake has different scenery throughout the year. At the turn of summer and autumn, it is a grassland, a carpet of flowers and meadows and barley, and in winter it becomes a wide body of water, like a huge mirror, reflecting the shadow of a black-necked crane overwintering. Now more birds visit the highland lake, such as yellow ducks and spotted geese, which fly over this wide meadow and add vitality to the lake.

To Napa Hai, you can take a small bus in Shangri-La County, 3 to 5 yuan. 10 yuan

Part I: Southwest China - Northwest Yunnan (5)

Shangri-La – Kunming

Shangri-La County is 651 kilometers away from Kunming, so set aside a day on the long way back.



Kunming International Youth Hostel is located in the center of Kunming, just outside the famous Cuihu Park, such as around the Spring Festival to Kunming, you can also see seagulls playing on the water. Double room 70 yuan / bed, 6 rooms 25 yuan / bed. Address: Kunming City Cuihu South Road No. 94 CPPCC Hotel Block C, 1st Floor, 0871-5175395, 5167131


MCA is similar to a youth hostel, with the same facilities and services, especially suitable for self-guided travelers. Standard room: 120 yuan / room, 150 yuan / room, 180 yuan / room; ordinary room: 50 yuan / room, 60 yuan / room; 6 people or 7 people ordinary room: 10 yuan / bed. Located in the south gate of Dali Ancient City, 0872-2673666.


Shangri-La Inn Although the bathrooms and baths are shared, the hot water is guaranteed, each room has a TV, and it is in the more central area of the ancient city, the price is 20 yuan / bed. There are many old houses like this in the ancient city of Lijiang, and the conditions and prices are comparable. This kind of place is very affordable for self-guided tourists. But people who don't sleep well recommend not staying here, because it is converted from an old house, and the wooden floor and walls are extremely insulation. Located at No. 10 Jishan Lane, Xinyi Street, 0888-5180435


The Shambhala Hotel is a hotel with a good price and service on the bustling road. The standard room is 180 yuan / room, located in Shangri-La County Changzheng Road 0887-8224984


Rice noodles and wild mushrooms are two things that must not be missed when visiting Kunming. And in Kunming, you can taste all the local flavors of Yunnan.

Jianxin Park is located next to the Telecom Building of Donghua Community. There are no song and dance performances here, and it is a place often visited by Kunming people, because the taste of rice noodles across the bridge here is not bad.

Bridge Noodle World is located near Yonto Park. There is both a good dining environment and a good dining quality, so many people choose here.

Wild Mushroom Garden is located near The Yinhai Hot Spring Garden on Guanxing Road in Guanshang. Wild mushrooms are of course the green food that best meets the dietary standards of modern people, and more than 40 kinds of wild mushrooms can be eaten in wild mushroom gardens all year round. One of the main features here is the hot pot fungus. The usual experience is that the umami taste of the fungus is dissolved in the boiling soup. Of course, other cooking methods can also be selected.

Part I: Southwest China - Northwest Yunnan (6)

South Station Restaurant is located opposite the Municipal Party Committee office on Zhujin Street. Authentic Dian taste and renovated old houses make this a great place to eat and relax.

Fifty-year-old Kunming is located at the intersection of East Huancheng Road and Baita Road. The name of the store does not sound like a restaurant, and what people want to highlight is the sense of age. Most of the dishes can evoke the memories of the old Kunming people, so the consumption level is not much higher.

Old Zhiqing Restaurant is located on Cuihu South Road. At that time, Dehong and Xishuangbanna were the places with the most knowledgeable youth in Kunming, so it is not difficult to imagine why there is such a shop name here. Dai-flavored pickling and frying are very authentic, and it is said that some of the ingredients are airlifted from the local area. Of course, the real Dai flavor is still eaten in the Dai settlement, because many production methods can be learned, but the essence is still in the birthplace.

Tengchong Flavor Restaurant is located at the intersection of Fengning Community, near the News Center of Baima Community, opposite Tuodong Pickle Factory on Tuodong Road, and a total of 4 stores in Area C of Beidamen Food Street. Tengchong flavor is a representative branch in Yunnan, especially tengchong bait silk and "big rescue" as the most famous; in addition, tengchong flavor in the large flakes, crispy fire, etc. are its representative dishes. Now to eat in Kunming to eat a more authentic "big rescue", here should be the first choice.

Dali's three-course tea is almost a sign of Dali, so it must not be missed. Eryuan milk fan is a unique food in Dali, and Dali's bait is also good.

Dali Three Teas Was first used by the Dali Bai family as a kind of etiquette for receiving son-in-law, and after development, this etiquette has become the highest etiquette for bai people to receive visitors. The so-called one bitter, two sweet, three aftertaste. Bitter tea is mostly roasted, because of the bitter taste and named, folk also known as Xianglei tea; sweet tea is because of the addition of walnut chips and brown sugar in the tea and tea taste sweet; the third course adds honey, pepper, some also add roasted yellow milk fan, drink up there is an unspeakable aftertaste, so it is also called aftertaste tea.

Dali Ancient City Literature Building, Dali Nanzhao Cultural City, and the three teas in the Xizhou Yan family compound are more authentic, and the songs and dances there are as evocative as the three teas, 25 to 30 yuan.

"Lijiang rice butter tea", chicken bean cold powder, the taste of Lijiang is already between the Han and Tibetans.

Lijiang rice dumplings are divided into sweet and salty two flavors, crispy and delicious, and not easy to moldy and deteriorated, just eat and then steamed or fried, as if it is crispy. It is because of this feature that Lijiang Candy was once a necessary dry food for the Ma gang caravan, and its reputation did not go away. Near the Mufu compound, there is a small shop specializing in Lijiang rice dumplings, which are famous for selling Lijiang rice dumplings, and many locals also buy them there. From the extent to which the "Lijiang Cang" sign hanging in front of his door was blackened, we can tell how long the history of the small shop is.

Like Lijiang rice, butter tea is also divided into sweet and salty flavors. Mix ghee, eggs, salt, hemp seeds, peanuts, walnuts, etc., add the simmered tea water, put it in a slender wooden tube, and stir repeatedly with a wooden stick. The locals also call it butter tea. It is the main way of drinking tea for many ethnic groups in Lijiang, and it is also a necessary food for them to start the day.

For people who drink butter tea for the first time, the first sip will feel very strange, but if you insist on drinking another sip, then you can appreciate the mellow aroma, of course, without others to please, you will take the initiative to drink. Sweet butter tea has a heavier fishy taste, and first-time tasters are best to start with a salty taste.

If you just want to taste the taste of butter tea, you can ask for half a barrel first, so that it is not wasted.

Butter tea and rice dumplings are the main foods in the Diqing area. Butter tea is a must-have drink for collectors, rice dumplings are often eaten three times a day, and pasta and rice are usually staples in dinner.

The Diqing region is located on a plateau, with a cold climate, mainly producing barley and wheat, and only a few river valley areas produce rice and corn. Butter tea is first boiled into a special tea, then added ghee, salt and spices, in a wooden cylinder to mix it thoroughly, and finally fused together, poured out with a bamboo filter and then drunk. Because of its extremely high calories, butter tea can eliminate the cold and replenish the calories needed by the human body, so it is the best drink in The Diqing area. Rice dumplings are also made of ghee. Shangri-La County's butter tea has a heavier flavor than Lijiang.

Barley wine is brewed with barley and is one of the main drinks for hospitality in Tibetan areas. Enter the homes of Tibetans, who always greet you with barley wine.

Barley wine is pure in color, long in taste but not easy to intoxicate, and the brewing of barley wine has a history of thousands of years. There is now a "secret" made of barley, similar to wine. It is said to have been invented by missionaries who entered Shangri-La County, and the taste is different from ordinary wines, with a slight sour taste of barley wine, which is very special.

Arrival and departure

Yunnan is located inland, and air, railway and road are the three ways to get in and out of Yunnan, and airplanes are the best choice to get in and out of this mountainous province.

Aviation Yunnan is very convenient for air traffic.

Yunnan is located in southwest China, after entering the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, the terrain is mostly mountainous, and the modern tool of the train often cannot play the speed it deserves here, so there is the strangeness of "the train does not run faster than the car" in the Eighteen Monsters of Yunnan. Therefore, traffic problems have always been a major problem that plagues the development of Yunnan. Saving time is the main reason to travel in and out of Yunnan by plane, and in case of discounted air tickets, then flying should be the first choice.

Yunnan is one of the five major international airports in China, in addition to Kunming, Dali, Lijiang, Diqing, Baoshan, Mangshi (Luxi), Simao, Jinghong, Zhaotong 8 prefectures also have airports, some with cities outside the province directly connected. Except for Diqing, these cities have daily direct flights to Kunming. During the peak travel season, diqing has direct flights to Kunming on other days except every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Yunnan Civil Aviation Company has not had any major flight accidents so far, and has a good reputation among civil aviation systems and passengers.

Yunnan is a big tourism province, so if you choose to travel during the Spring Festival and longer holidays, you must book tickets with the airline in advance.

After the railway speeds up, it is comfortable to travel by train.

In the case of Beijing to Kunming, for example, the speed increase is 72 hours before the speed increase, and after the speed increase, it takes only 48 hours. The carriage is fully enclosed and air-conditioned, and the train attendant delivers water regularly, cleans up, and leads everyone to do morning exercises every morning. The management of the carriage is also particularly strict, and it is difficult for idle people to enter the carriage, and the safety is strong. If you have a good time, it is quite comfortable to take the train.

Chengdu (Du) Kun (Ming) Line, Gui (Yang) Kun (Ming) Line, South (Ning) Kun (Ming) Line are the main railway trunk roads in Yunnan Province, and are connected with the national railway network, reaching Chengdu, Guiyang, Nanning, or any city along the line can continue to the south, and finally reach Kunming to complete the Southwest Secret Journey.

Part II South China - Guilin Yangshuo (1)


Guilin - Yangshuo must visit


Elephant Trunk Mountain

Xiangshan Water Moon, which has always been regarded as the symbol of Guilin and the Li River, is the most famous landmark attraction in Guilin.

Dragon's Back Rice Terraces

Like a chain, it coils from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, layered on top of each other, and the heights are staggered. Its lines are flowing and flowing, and it has the reputation of "the crown of the terraced world".

Cheng Yang Wind and Rain Bridge

Integrating the three architectural styles of bridge, corridor and pavilion, it is the best-preserved and largest wind and rain bridge at present, the crystallization of the wisdom of the Dong people, and the masterpiece of Chinese folk bridge art.

Yangshuo West Street

When night falls, Yangshuo Bar Street comes alive. One side of the street sells antiques and souvenirs. Mandarin, Guangxi, and various foreign dialects all filled the humid air together.


Guilin - Yangshuo

Guilin - Seven Star Park - Guilin 70 yuan 30 yuan 10 yuan 60 yuan 170 yuan

Guilin - Longsheng 20 yuan 20 yuan 30 yuan 30 yuan 100 yuan

Longsheng - Sanjiang - Yangshuo 30 yuan 20 yuan 20 yuan 10 yuan 80 yuan

Yangshuo - West Street 30 yuan 30 yuan 5 yuan 0 yuan 65 yuan

Yangshuo - Moon Mountain - Yangshuo 30 yuan 30 yuan 50 yuan 0 yuan 110 yuan

Yangshuo - Yangdi - Xingping - Yangshuo 30 yuan 30 yuan 100 yuan 0 yuan 160 yuan

Yangshuo - Yulonghe - Yangshuo 0 yuan 30 yuan 30 yuan 120 yuan 180 yuan

Total 210 yuan 190 yuan 245 yuan 220 yuan 865 yuan

Part II South China - Guilin Yangshuo (2)

Guilin-Yangshuo Seven-Day Tour Plan

Guilin city area

The first day of the tour was spent in the downtown area of Guilin. Here not only is there a natural landscape, but the urban area also has a small, chic, simple and fashionable temperament. The night view of Guilin is beautiful, and there are light boxes for urban maps everywhere. The central square is very bustling, with many style bars.

Budget: accommodation 70 yuan + catering 30 yuan + transportation 10 yuan + tickets 60 yuan = 170 yuan

Located on the east bank of the Li River in the city center, Qixing Park is the largest park in Guilin. Putuo Mountain is the main mountain of Qixing Park, Tang Yan Zhenqing's "Runaway Building", Song Fancheng's "Bi Xuan Ming", Ming "Turtle and Snake Unity" relief, Bowangping has 800 tombs of heroes and tombs of three generals and other monuments worth seeing. Line 11 is accessible by car. 15 yuan

Elephant Trunk Mountain Elephant Landscape Moon has always been regarded as a symbol of Guilin and the Li River, and is guilin's most famous landmark attraction. At the southern foot of Xiangshan Mountain, there is the Yunfeng Temple, which was built in the Tang Dynasty, and there is a display of historical relics mainly based on the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and the top of the mountain has a solid brick pagoda Puxian Pagoda built in the Ming Dynasty. It is located at the confluence of the Taohua River and the Li River. It can be reached by bus no. 2. 15 yuan.

Reed Flute Rock The artificial traces are very heavy, but it is still a cave worth seeing in Guilin. It is said that the village of Reed Flute is rich in beautiful women. The stalactites outside the cave are reasonably priced and the local kids will pestering you to buy reed flutes, which is fun. Take the no. 3 bus to the finish line. 30 yuan.

Zhengyang Road Pedestrian Street Recently opened pedestrian street, similar to Yangshuo West Street, in the city center, there are silver jewelry stores, beauty shops, clothing stores, Southeast Asian flavor of Zhengyang Tangcheng, a variety of snack bars, traffic is also very convenient, plenty of time should go.

Guilin - Longsheng

Go to the Longji Rice Terraces in the morning and remember to bring plenty of film and batteries. Here, even a point-and-shoot camera can take great photographs. Stay near Longsheng at night.

Budget: accommodation 20 yuan + catering 20 yuan + transportation 30 yuan + tickets 30 yuan = 100 yuan

Longji Rice Terraces Located in the territory of Heping Township in the southeast of Longsheng County, Longji Rice Terraces is a magnificent terraced group, which is like a chain of belts, coiled from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, small mountains like snails, large mountains like towers, layered on top of each other, high and low. Its lines are gentle and smooth; its scale is magnificent and magnificent, and it has the reputation of "the crown of the terraced world", which is the Longji Rice Terrace.

The Longji Rice Terrace Scenic Area is inhabited by two ethnic groups, Zhuang and Yao, mainly Zhuang. The Zhuang people of Longji are the representatives of Beizhuang, with unique costumes and unique styles. Here you can see the quaint Zhuang folk dance and protect the perfect Zhuang costumes, you can hear the beautiful Zhuang mountain songs, enjoy the original Zhuang customs, maintain the traditional customs of the Zhuang village houses, the unique charm of the Dragon's Back Copper Inspiration, Shigong Dance, flattening is refreshing; in addition, there are pure and delicious Longji tea and Longji peppers, refreshing "Oriental Magic Water" - Longji Water Wine. Longji Rice Terrace Scenic Area 30 yuan, student tickets 20 yuan.

From Guilin, you can go directly to longji rice terraces without stopping at Longsheng County. Take the bus from Guilin to Longsheng at Guilin Bus Terminal, buy a ticket to buy "Heping Township", the fare is 11.50 yuan, and the journey takes 2 hours and 15 minutes. Say hello to the driver at the intersection of Heping Township, and then transfer to longsheng to the minibus of Longji Rice Terraces. Longsheng County has a special bus bus to Longji Rice Terrace Scenic Area (Ping'an Parking Lot). The fare is 6.50 yuan, and it takes about 1 hour on the road.

Longsheng - Sanjiang - Yangshuo

In the morning, take a car from Longsheng to Sanjiang, guancheng Yang Covered Bridge, and visit Chengyang Bazhai in the afternoon. In the evening, go directly from Longsheng to Yangshuo via Guilin. Stay in Yangshuo at night, the bar on West Street.

Budget: accommodation 30 yuan + catering 20 yuan + transportation 20 yuan + ticket 10 yuan = 80 yuan

Chengyang Fengyu Bridge The Chengyang Fengyu Bridge is located on the Linxi River, 20 kilometers north of Guyi Town, Sanjiang County. It was built in the fifth year of the Republic of China (1916), set bridge, corridor, pavilion three architectural styles in one, is currently the best preserved, the largest scale of the wind and rain bridge, is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Dong people, but also a masterpiece of Chinese folk bridge art.

This wooden and stone structure bridge across the Linxi River has 5 large piers made of bluestone barriers, the bridge deck is fir and paved with wooden planks, with a total length of 64.4 meters, a width of 3.4 meters and a height of 10.6 meters. The two sides of the bridge are inlaid with railings, like a long corridor, there are 5 multi-angle tower-shaped pavilions on the bridge, the pavilion tile eaves are stacked, the cornices are high, like stretched wings; the bridge's columns, tile eaves, carved carvings, magnificent, with strong national characteristics and strong artistic appeal. The whole bridge is simple and majestic, magnificent, as if a giant dragon flies across the two sides of the river, it also symbolizes the Weilong around the village, in order to ensure the annual wind and rain, grain abundance, auspicious and peaceful, representing the Dong people's beautiful wishes for nature.

The most amazing thing is that the whole bridge does not see a nail and a rivet, only to see the large and small tenons connecting, straight through the diagonal sleeve, relying on each other, up and down through, crisscrossing, not different. Strolling on the bridge, savoring it, I have to admire and sigh for the ingenious craftsmanship of the Dong architects. There are also wooden benches on both sides of the bridge for people to rest. 10 yuan

Take the shuttle bus from Sanjiang County to Linxi, get off at Chengyang, it takes 40 minutes, and the fare is 3 yuan. If you go by motorcycle in Sanjiang, it costs 10 yuan.

When you get to Chengyang, first buy a scenic tour ticket, and you can walk around here for a few days without having to buy tickets repeatedly.

Chengyang Bazhai consists of 8 villages that concentrate Dong culture, the nearest 5 Dongzhai, which can be walked in a circle in just 2 hours from Chengyang Bridge. Walking into the Dong village, you found that there were also several wind and rain bridges inside, although the scale was not as majestic as the Cheng Yang Bridge, but the craftsmanship and style structure were the same. On each bridge there are shrines and land gods, enshrined to the gods who bless all sentient beings in Dongxiang. In addition to the Wind and Rain Bridge, the most ethnic building in Dongxiang belongs to the Drum Tower, and like the Wind and Rain Bridge, the Drum Tower is also a public welfare building, which is a place for the Dong people to gather for deliberation and daily entertainment.

Ma'an, Yanzhai, Pingzhai, Dongzhai and Dazhai are close to each other, it takes less than 2 hours to finish, and then you can stop the car next to Dazhai to go to the tile (if it takes 1 hour to walk), take more than ten minutes by car, and the ticket is 1 yuan.

Yangshuo - West Street

The first 3 days of the wind and dust, maybe tired of playing. Today you can sleep comfortably until you wake up naturally, then go to a bar on West Street and enjoy the sun, coffee and foreign wine all day.

Budget: accommodation 30 yuan + catering 30 yuan + transportation 5 yuan = 65 yuan

Part II South China - Guilin Yangshuo (3)

West Street An old street that has experienced more than 1,400 years of ups and downs, paved with bluestone slabs. The green brick and green tile houses, the high cornices, the doors and windows are hollowed out, elegant and exquisite, telling the story of the past and the present... Antique calligraphy shops, restaurants, bars, cafes, Internet cafes and craft shops line the streets. In this remote small town in western China, on this 500-600-meter-long street, it attracts more foreigners than Hong Kong's Lan Kwai Fong, who carry huge bags and come and go. You will find that the density of "foreigners" here is higher than that of the embassy district in Beijing.

English is the lingua franca of West Street, the uncle of the antique calligraphy and painting shop, the little sister in the western restaurant bar, the aunt who drives a three-wheel rental bicycle, and even the old woman who sells bananas and oranges, all speak English and communicate with foreigners, if you do not see it with your own eyes, it is really difficult to believe that Yangshuo is so "international".

When night falls, Yangshuo Bar Street comes alive. On one side of the street, antiques and souvenirs are peddled, Mandarin, Guangxi, and various foreign dialects fill the humid air, the vendors are clever, and the banknotes communicate between ancient and real in the night. On the other side, the rich and warm Yangshuo Bar Street flows gently in the light and shadow, with a charming charm.

Bar Red Star Express assortment, Tuna pizza are the most recommended, and local beef steak, black pepper steak and garlic bread are also excellent. The owner is a tattooed Singaporean named Ali. There are coats, muskets and ethnic ornaments hanging on the walls, several foreign car brands nailed to the bar, and the most eye-catching is the red five-pointed star at the door, a bar with a quite delicious taste.

Traveler Cheese Cured Pizza, Beef Mashed Potato Pie, Rosa, Spaghetti With Meat Sauce, And Duck with Western Orange Sauce are all delicious. The owner is a very simple local sister called Xiao Zhang. On one wall facing the door of the restaurant is a portrait of the bar's hardcore customers, and on the right wall is a dense collection of signatures and messages to see if you can find a small place and sign your name.

Under the Moon Restaurant is called "under the moon cafe" in English, which is a very romantic name. On a summer afternoon, on the balcony on the second floor, order a drink and look at the tourists weaving west street, it is very pleasant.

Mingyuan Coffee The most elegant coffee shop in Yangshuo, the owner is a polite Mr. Taiwan, and the wife is a virtuous and beautiful Guilin lady. Sit in the shop, taste the mellow coffee, experience the rich cultural connotation of coffee, look through the mood book left by tourists, and piece together those messy and complicated mood stories.

Lede Restaurant The original Jiangxi Guild Hall, a very typical Chinese building, has a very large square at the door, in the summer, full of parasols, the brakes are good-looking. The owner is a muscular Frenchman who loves Chinese kung fu. It is known as an authentic French meal, but it is indeed a bit Chinese, huh.

KARST Western Restaurant Although the restaurant is small, it is not lacking in warmth. The owner ECHO has a unique cohesiveness and highly recommends the assorted pizzas and gins here.

"No" restaurant "No breakfast" is worth trying. 20 yuan / serving, absolutely hearty: freshly squeezed orange juice, coffee, musli (yogurt + cereal + fresh fruit pieces), two omelettes or scrambled eggs, ham or cured meat, two slices of toast with butter and jam. Dieters are advised not to try such a breakfast! However, the breakfast of other restaurants on West Street is also similar, with prices ranging from 18 yuan to 22 yuan, and the names range from European, American, Danish to the special breakfast named after each café, etc., which are basically a combination of the above foods.

Yangshuo - Moon Mountain - Yangshuo

The most interesting and cost-effective way to visit Yangshuo is to rent a bicycle, step on it leisurely and browse the ubiquitous scenery, appreciate the simple customs, and exercise. There are many routes to ride Yangshuo, and it is of course better to be able to travel together in the bar.

Budget: Accommodation 30 yuan + catering 30 yuan + transportation 50 yuan (including ferry, excluding water caves) = 110 yuan

Cycling Yangshuo There are many bicycle rental shops in West Street, West Street and County Front Street. Ordinary bicycles and mountain bikes are 5 yuan / day; high-end mountain bikes with good shock absorbers and transmissions, such as "Giant" cars, cost 8 to 10 yuan / day; double couple bicycles are 10 yuan / day.

It is best to choose a mountain bike to ride a country road, and a tandem bike is not suitable for walking on the trail. Buying a pair of gloves to wear at a department store can prevent the palms from framing long rides.

From Yangshuo to Moon Mountain, it takes about 9 kilometers by bicycle, about 1 hour, and 6 kilometers away from the Gongnong Bridge, and the Yulong River, known as the Xiaoli River, meanders to the east and flows into the Li River. Looking east is the camel crossing the river, from the Workers' and Farmers' Bridge along the river path to the west, there is a small villa on the shore, very freehand. Back on the main road, it is not far to the Big Banyan Park. Ride about 2 kilometers to Moon Hill Park, 9 yuan. There is a café opposite called "Water Cave Café", which sells water rock tickets, walking in the cave for about 2 hours is 78 yuan / person, if you go to the end of the cave it takes about 4 to 5 hours to go back and forth is 108 yuan / person. The village opposite the Moon Mountain is called "Tiger Head" Village, from the "Bodhisattva Rock" ticket office of the path to ride in, along the "Moon Viewing Road" to see the Moon Mountain, with the change of the line, the bright moon in front of you from the profit to the loss, and from the loss to the profit, to the end, there is a "old Mo Nong family meal", you can taste.

Don't forget to bring clothes you can change, and be sure to keep your phone and camera in a waterproof bag.

Yangshuo - Yangdi - Xingping - Yangshuo

Hike Yangshuo to see the essence of the Li River scenery. It will be a little tired, but the view along the way is definitely worth it.

Budget: accommodation 30 yuan + catering 30 yuan + transportation 100 yuan = 160 yuan

Hiking Yangshuo Yangdi - Xingping Yangdi to Xingping is the essence of the scenery of the Li River, attractions include the Wonders of Langshi, the Nine Horse Painting Mountain, the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, the Reflection of Huangbu Beach, the Goddess Peak, etc., because of this, it has also become the first choice for hikers. The whole journey is about 18 kilometers, and the hike takes more than 5 to 6 hours, if you can't walk, you can also take a bamboo row and a boat to swim in the Li River. Lunch should be served on the way (bring your own dry food).

At Yangshuo Bus Station, there is a shuttle bus to Yangdi, with an average departure every 20 minutes. It takes more than an hour to reach Yangdi Township. After arriving at Yangdi, go directly to the pier, the pier of Yangdi is very small, in fact, it is just a ferry port for locals. Here, take the ferrous hull boat ferry across the river, the boat fee is 2 yuan.

Crossing the west bank of the Li River to the east side, starting along the riverside embankment to the downstream ferry port of Langshi, it takes an hour to reach Langshi, passing through Langshi Village, a small village that still retains old houses. Langshi ferry is made of bamboo rafts, carrying up to 3 people across the river each time, and the boat fare for foreign tourists is still 2 yuan / person. If you feel that the hike is hard, there are many bamboo rafts from Langshi to Jiuma Painting Mountain, and it takes about 40 to 50 yuan to pack rafts to the downstream Jiuma Painting Mountain.

After crossing the Jiuma Painting Mountain, you will arrive at the most beautiful and unforgettable section of the Li River, the river surface is gentle, the river water is clear, and the small fish are flexibly shuttled between the pebbles that are clearly visible at the bottom of the river. Walking to the downstream of jiuma painting mountain, it is necessary to cross the river for the third time, the ferry boat is 1 to 2 yuan / person, and across the river is the cold wind crossing village. After that, you can continue to hike along the river to Xingping, or you can walk directly from the dirt road to Xingping, but then you can't see the Li River.

Arriving in Xingping Town, you can see a sign on the pier that reads "20 yuan shooting point", which is where the prototype of the scenery on the back of 20 yuan is located. In the town, you can visit the "old street", there are many centuries-old houses, which look simple and long. Cross the old street is the bus station, take the minibus shuttle bus 3.5 ~ 4 yuan / person back to Yangshuo (until 19:00 there is a car). It takes more than an hour. If you still have the energy and time, you can charter a boat to go to the small fishing village where Clinton has been to take a look around the old house, and charter a boat for about 50 yuan.

In the summer, hiking, the temperature is very high, you should prepare enough water, food, straw hats, sunscreen, heat stroke medicine and snake medicine. To wear hiking boots that can walk, you must also wear socks inside, and you should also bring a pair of sandals.

Part II South China - Guilin Yangshuo (4)


Industrial Hotel opposite Guilin Railway Station, standard rooms can be cut to 70 yuan / room, plus handling fee of 5 yuan, 24 hours hot water.

Civil Aviation South Building, No. 216 Shanghai Road, Guilin City. 0773-3844478

Dahua Hotel This is a very nice one-star hotel located at No. 171 Zhongshan Middle Road, Guilin. 0773-2825731

Dragon Wins Dragon's Ridge

In the Longji Rice Terrace Scenic Area, there are family hotels in the Ethnic Minority Villages such as Ping'an, Jinzhu, Huangluo, and Tiantou. Most of the hotels are traditional wooden stilt houses, living in creaking wooden buildings, accompanied by grass worms at night into sleep, there is no fun. Hotels here generally have shared hot showers and toilets, and the price of beds is between 10 and 20 yuan. Ping'an Village is a Zhuangzhai village, and at present only the Longji Rice Terraces of Ping'an Village have been developed into tourist attractions, and most of the locals are surnamed Liao.

Three rivers

Sanjiang is a poor county, and the accommodation conditions are mainly low-end and the price is not high. Discounts are available at all hotels and restaurants during low season. There is nothing to see in the county, if there is still a shuttle bus to Chengyang Bridge when you go to Sanjiang County, it is highly recommended to live in Chengyang.

Cheng Yang Bridge Hotel No. 49 Xingyi Street, Guyi Town, Sanjiang County (300 meters south of the county bus terminal) standard room 110 yuan / room (after discount), ordinary standard room 90 yuan / room (after discount), single room 60 yuan / room (after discount). 0772-8613071/8617432

Agricultural guest houses are almost the cheapest guest houses, and sanitary conditions are acceptable. It is located in Xingyi Street, Guyi Town, Sanjiang County (200 meters south of the county bus terminal, left side of the road). 0772-8613049


Living in West Street is the first choice, because there are many foreigners, the atmosphere is good; Western restaurants and bars are close at hand, and the evening clubbing is not afraid of being late, which is very convenient.

"May Day" and "Eleventh" and Spring Festival tourists are more tourists, you need to book 2 to 3 weeks in advance, other times individual customers do not need to book in advance.

On the same terms, the prices of hotels on West Street are higher than those outside West Street.

Park Lane Resort Hotel Three-star hotel, located in Xijiekou, from the hotel decoration, surrounding environment and ancillary facilities and other conditions, is the best hotel in Yangshuo. Of course, the price is not cheap, the standard room is 400 yuan / room. Reservations can be made online 0773-8822109

Four Seas Hotel is located in the middle of West Street, where restaurants and bars are concentrated. Standard room: 80 ~ 100 yuan / room, suite: 150 yuan / room, multi-room 15 ~ 20 yuan / bed. 0773-8822013


Recommend Rongtan Hotel, a family-style small restaurant and hostel, the host is particularly simple and hospitable, can cook a good dish. The owner of the shop is called Liu Jianzhong, in fact, the operator is his wife, all call her Lu Big Sister, the small shop is not expensive to eat and live, the accommodation fee: 25 ~ 30 yuan / person, generally three people room, there are also double rooms. There is a separate washroom and water heater, downstairs is the restaurant, she will ask you to eat after ordering. Opposite the small shop is the path of Shanglaozhai Mountain, looking around from the top of the mountain, beautiful, the Big Bend of the Li River is at the foot, and there are very few tourists going up the mountain, very quiet.

Rongtan Hotel 0773-8702248, 8702218 Mobile: 13907737517

Nun vegetarian noodles Pay attention to the soup, the noodles do not matter, it is the most disdainful method of the northwestern people, boiled in water and then poured into the soup after cooking the bowl, but it is still very fresh and refreshing. Nun noodles can be eaten in the crescent tower in Seven Star Park.

Water fin rice is a famous snack in Guilin.

Guilin tian snail Guilin tian snail is larger than other places, and it is easy to eat in small stalls and stalls.


Shunda Dog Meat Shop You can eat authentic Lingchuan dog meat, the so-called "good dog but Lingchuan". Shunda's dog meat won the first prize in the Guangxi Cooking Competition. Guilin Longzhu Road 0773-2813649

Porridge City Various grades of porridge, there are too many famous halls, probably only iron nail porridge does not have it, from a few yuan a bowl of ordinary porridge to 300 yuan porridge package. No.2 Shanhu North Road, Guilin 0773-2828172

Snack Street is also a good place (Guilin Hotel 0773-2823950-2104), where most of the snacks introduced above can be eaten, such as chopped capers, Lijiang River fresh, snails and other flavors from all over the world. Smile Dine-in Street (Zhongshan Middle Road 0773-2861842).

Guilin currently has a total of 50 international and domestic routes, which directly reach major cities in the country, as well as Hong Kong, Macao and Fukuoka in Japan and Jeju in South Korea.

Civil Aviation Inquiry 0773-2834067

Railway Guilin trains can go directly to major cities in China, and trains departing from Nanning to the north through Guilin will set aside a certain amount of ticket space for Guilin Station. Train station 0773-3832904

Part III Southwest China - Qiandongnan (1)

Lang De Shangzhai

In many brochures introducing the Hmong customs, you can often see a beautiful lusheng field arranged with pebbles, the pattern imitates the twelve rays of the sun on the ancient copper drum, and there are two galloping horses paved with stone at both ends, which is the famous Langde Shangzhai.

Xijiang Thousand Households Miao Village

Just to see the world's largest Miao village is also worth the trip.

Baisha Miao Village

Although it is a common Miao village in Guizhou, the hairstyles of the residents here are unique. What it's like, just go and see.


Also known as eating sister meals, it is the largest and most lively traditional festival of the Miao people in the Qingshui River Basin, which starts on the fifteenth day of the third month of the lunar calendar every year and lasts for 3 days. At that time, the Hmong girls will be dressed in festive costumes and perform various songs and dances. Therefore, if you want to see the Miao costumes and songs and dances in a few days, you may wish to choose this festival to come to Qiandongnan. The biggest place to celebrate Sisters' Day is Shidong in Taijiang.

Qiandongnan seven-day tour plan


There are many Miao villages worth seeing around Kaili, especially Zhouxi and Matang. Remember to go back to the city early in the afternoon to stay, otherwise there will be no shuttle.

Budget: accommodation 30 yuan + catering 20 yuan + transportation 20 yuan = 70 yuan

Incense Burner Mountain Located 9 kilometers from downtown Kaili and 1233 meters above sea level, Incense Burner Mountain is named for its resemblance to an incense burner. Incense Burner Mountain is closer to Kaili, it is more difficult to climb, no admission fee, someone once wrote: "Unfortunately, this famous attraction cannot be ignored, if it is listed in the Central Plains, the Five Mountains are difficult to accompany." This means that it is a pity that the Incense Burner Mountain is in the middle of the lofty mountains in the southwest, and if it is in the Central Plains, even the three mountains and five mountains are incomparable. It may be an exaggeration, but the beauty of the landscape is evident here. Moreover, in the sixth month of the lunar calendar, the climbing festival of the nearby Miao people also surrounds this mountain, and there is another scene of incense burner mountain at that time.

At the foot of The Incense Burner Mountain, there is a milk well spring, and the spring water flows out of the stone crevice shaped like a nipple, and the spring water is sweet.

There is another dangerous place in Xianglu Mountain, called Lingyuntai, which used to be called "Miao Wang Cave", it is said that there was a large stalagmite in the cave, inheriting the Miao King Ruiqi, so the Miao peasant uprisings used this place as a command post. The first to call the cave MiaoWang Cave was the Ming Dynasty Xianglu Wagon Bowl Village Rebel leader Ah Bang, because "Xuan You" was a Miao leader, in order to boost morale, he hung the statue of Xuan You on a stalagmite and named this cave "Miao Wang Cave". After 300 years, another Miao rebel general, Zhang Xiumei, also made Miao Wangdong his headquarters. Of course, they failed one after another, and the Miaowang Cave was also destroyed by the Qing soldiers, until the seventh year of qing Guangxu (1881 AD), taoists and monks returned to the incense burner mountain and built a statue of Guanyin in the cave, from which the Miaowang Cave became Lingyuntai. Go to the mall road and take a minivan to Furnace Hill and talk to the driver about Huzhuang. This is the entrance to the mountain, and the fare is about 3 yuan.

Xiasi Ancient Town Xiasi Town is under the jurisdiction of Majiang County, but it is close to Kaili.


Carey 30 yuan 20 yuan 20 yuan 0 yuan 70 yuan

Kaili - Lang de - LeiShan 30 yuan 20 yuan 20 yuan 10 yuan 80 yuan

Leishan - Xijiang - Rongjiang 30 yuan 20 yuan 50 yuan 0 yuan 100 yuan

Rongjiang - Chejiang - Zaidang 30 yuan 20 yuan 20 yuan 5 yuan 75 yuan

Rongjiang - Zengchong - Congjiang 30 yuan 20 yuan 40 yuan 100 yuan 190 yuan

From Jiang - Baisha - Xiaohuang 30 yuan 20 yuan 70 yuan 0 yuan 120 yuan

Xiao huang - Gao Zeng - Congjiang 80 yuan 20 yuan 70 yuan 0 yuan 170 yuan

Total 260 yuan 140 yuan 290 yuan 115 yuan 805 yuan

Part III Southwest China - Qiandongnan (2)

Xiasi was an important material distribution center in southeast Qiandong, with groups of horse gangs and merchants gathering, and businesses, warehouses, guild halls, and restaurants were all over the streets and alleys, and they were open all night. Nowadays, Xiasi is also like a general developing town, demolished and built everywhere, only the west street of the town still retains the 30-meter-long stone-level large pier and small pier built in the forty-fourth year of the Qianlong Dynasty (1779), as well as the ruins of ancient temples and temples such as Yuwang Palace and Guanyin Pavilion, as well as several ancient laneways. The tomb of Wu Chuansheng, the general who defended the yuan at that time, was also in Baotiezhou, 1.5 kilometers away from Xiasi.

In fact, the most famous part of Xiasi is the dragon boat race of the Dragon Boat Festival every year, and people from eight townships in all directions gather on both sides of the Qingshui River, and if you want to come, it is best to choose this time. There is a place called Taoyuan Island in the Shimizu River around The town of Shimoji, and there are some entertainment facilities on the island, but you can also play.

Tonggu National Painting Village A small village 4.5 kilometers away from Xiasi, the women in the village are versatile in painting and have a strong ethnic flavor, and are named "China's Modern Folk Painting Township" by the Ministry of Culture. Tonggu Village is called "Li Brother" in Hmong language, which is a combination of the two major ethnic groups of the local Miao people, "Li Jia" and "Ge Jia". Only the primary school in the village is a brick building, and the rest is maintained in its original style, which is a bit of a paradise. If you want to see ethnic paintings, you can go to the showroom of the township government office building, or just find a woman to ask, they expect the painting to sell, will be enthusiastic to introduce, the asking price is about 100 yuan / sheet.

In The Carey Mall Road there is a minivan to the next division, 3 yuan. You can also sit in any of the buses to Majiang and Duyun, and pass through the lower division. From the lower division to the copper drum there is a special line minibus, only a few shifts, you can also take a tricycle, about 1 ~ 2 yuan / person, depending on the number of people. It is best to negotiate with the driver in advance to let him pick you up, otherwise you can only find a two-wheeled motorcycle with locals in The Drum to take you out. Go hiking to the copper drum is also OK, from the bridge of the Xiasi Bridge, the left-hand fork opposite the Xiasi Middle School, the time is about 1 hour, the road is difficult to walk, and it is even more difficult to walk when it rains.

Zhouxi, Qingman Miaozhai Zhouxi and Qingman are not far away, on the road from Kaili to Danzhai. The travel agency brought the team here, and arranged for the dressed Miao women to wait with the Miao "barricade wine", and then there were lusheng and other national song and dance performances. Backpackers can only look at the stilted wooden buildings in the village, but they can also join in the fun.

If you catch up with the festivals, such as the Spring Festival Lusheng Festival, the February Drum Festival, the July Eating New Festival, the Youfang Festival, the October Ancestor Worship Festival, etc., you can not only see the national song and dance performances such as Lusheng, Muye, and Mangju, but also see the wonderful scenes of young men and women traveling to the party (falling in love) and singing. It's best to plan ahead or ask your local tour agency.

There are minivans to Zhouxi near Wanbo, as well as near Mall Road. The fare to Zhouxi is 3 yuan.

Matang family style village Matang is a more typical family village, the villagers in the village usually work in agriculture, and do batik and embroidered clothes in their spare time. Jiajia is a unique ethnic minority, scattered in the northwest of Kaili Yudong, Longchang townships, the population is only more than 10,000, not included in the 55 ethnic minorities.

The family has its own unique living customs and language, the costumes are more unique, the dress of the girls in the house is a bit like the ancient soldiers, and the usual dress is relatively simple. Some people once thought that the Matang family was a branch of the Miao people, but they were indeed a separate ethnic group, which can be seen from their customs, clothing, and embroidery technology. Unlike the Miao, their hospitality is to persuade food more than to persuade wine, so when you come home, you must first eat enough, and then drink enough.

The family has always worshipped the ancestors, and there is a custom that every meal must be offered to the ancestors. And the family worships an "ancestral drum", the ancestral drum is used for the ancestral worship ceremony that is held only once in decades, they call it the "Hajong Festival", if you arrive here just in time, it is really lucky. (It's rarer than the 13-year Buddhist gathering in the Year of the Horse in the Tibetan calendar at Mount Kailash in Tibet, so don't skimp on film.) )

Matang is about 6 kilometers away from the main arterial road from Kaili to Huangping. From Kaili Beijing West Road to Yudong and Longchang, the minibus get off at the intersection of Matang Road and walk for 15 minutes into Matang Village, with a fare of 3 yuan.

Carey-Land-Thunder Mountain

Take a car in the direction of Leishan in the morning, visit Nanhuamiao Village in the morning, and then continue to drive in the southeast direction to Langde Shangzhai. Overnight accommodation in Leishan County.

Budget: accommodation 30 yuan + catering 20 yuan + transportation 20 yuan + Langde folk performance 10 yuan = 80 yuan

Nanhua is surrounded by mountains and rivers, beautiful scenery, special folk customs, coupled with a large miao village closest to Kaili (only more than 10 minutes by car), has become a hot spot for Kaili citizens to travel on weekends, and the tourism facilities are relatively perfect, with a bit of ethnic style resort taste.

Take a minibus from the state bus terminal to Leishan and get off at Nanhua. Short-distance tickets are not sold in the station, and the fare is 3 yuan after directly getting on the bus.

Langde Shangzhai In many brochures that introduce the Hmong customs, you can often see a beautiful lusheng field arranged with pebbles, the pattern imitates the twelve rays of the sun on the ancient copper drum, and there are two galloping horses paved with stone at both ends, that is, photographed in Langde Shangzhai.

Langde Shangzhai is a national cultural relics village named after the Guizhou provincial government, and it is also the birthplace of Yang Daliu, the leader of the Miao uprising during the Qing Xianfeng Tongzhi period, and many swords and swords used in the war in that year have been left behind. At that time, the Qing soldiers fought for 18 years to pacify it, and in a fit of rage, they burned down the village, the population was almost wiped out, and 15 people fled to the deep mountains and wild forests to save their lives. Later, the 15 people formed 4 families and rebuilt their homes on the ruins. So far, there are 118 households and more than 500 people in the village.

Langde Shangzhai is surrounded by mountains and waters, with its back to the south and north, surrounded by mountains on all sides, lush forests and bamboo, setting off the antique stilt houses, winding cobblestone roads looming between the eaves, and occasionally you can hear the songs of the two-voiced Miao people. The costumes of the Miao people in the village are characterized by long skirts, so they are also called "long skirt seedlings". In front of the village, there is a small river like a dragon and a snake, a small water wheel is three or three and two, there is a dense "protective forest" of pine fir in the south, and there are bunkers and trenches built during yang da liu's uprising on the mountain; in the north, there is Yang Da Liu Bridge - Feng Yu Bridge across the river, and after crossing the bridge, you can also see Yang Da Liu's military training ground. There are also three small gates in the south, middle and north, and the words "Langde Shangzhai" are written on it. Behind the Lusheng Hall in the village is the "Yang Da Liu Cultural Relics Museum", which displays knives, forks, helmets, iron cannons and other items used during yang Da Liu's uprising.

It is 29 kilometers away from Kaili City and 7 kilometers away from Leishan County Government, and you must first go to Langde to Langde Shangzhai. From Kaili Bus Station, take a car to Leishan (buy a ticket directly after getting on the bus), get off at Langde, the fare is 6 yuan, 40 minutes by car; Langde to Leishan fare is 3 yuan, walking along the intersection for about 20 minutes to Langde Shangzhai; you can also rent a car from Kaili City, the round-trip fare is about 100 yuan.

Lang de Shangzhai can stay in the upper floor, on the upper floor of the Yangda Sixth Museum, the Miao wooden building, multi-person room: 10 yuan / bed. If you like to stay here for two days it is also good. If you encounter a tour group, you can also dip a little light to watch the Hmong style performances for free, including road blocking wine songs, dressage Miao dance, Lusheng dance, eight lusheng dance and other programs, the performance cost is about 400 yuan / show. Locals have a little sense of commodity, will pull you to buy their own handmade fabrics, the price is not expensive, you can consider. You can eat at the residents' homes in the village, and if it is one or two tourists eating a home-cooked meal, you will often let yourself watch it. Many people can do pricing alone.

Part III Southwest China - Qiandongnan (3)

Eating at the villager's house, the hospitable villager will urge the guests to drink, if not how to drink, it is best to resolutely refuse at the beginning.

Leishan - Xijiang - Leishan - Rongjiang

Come to Qiandongnan tourism, Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village must not go, but the traffic conditions are not very good, the journey is about 2 hours. To end the tour in Qianhu Miao Village, it is best to return to Leishan Mountain earlier in the afternoon, and then rush to Rongjiang to stay in Rongjiang County that night.

Budget: accommodation 30 yuan + catering 20 yuan + transportation 50 yuan + = 100 yuan

Xijiang Thousand Household Miao Zhai The largest Miao Village in China. It is considered by Chinese and foreign anthropologists and folklorists to be a relatively complete place for preserving the "original ecology" culture of the Miao people.

The history of the Xijiang Miao people is very long, dating back to the Xuanyu tribe in 559 BC. It is said that the Xijiang Miao are descendants of the third son of Xuan You. Before the Migration of the Miao people in Jiangxi to Xijiang, they have formed their own Miao cultural system, and after arriving in Xijiang, they have been in the situation of the government 'outside the control' (outside control) for a long time, and have always managed themselves, so the Miao culture has been well preserved and developed, coupled with the inconvenience of transportation, the rulers want to assimilate for a long time.

The Xijiang Miao also use drums as their means of communication. The "Drum and Tibet Festival" is a grand festival for the people of Xijiang to worship their ancestors and is the highest embodiment of the culture and spirit of the Miao people. It is said that the ancestors of the Xijiang Miao people migrated to Xijiang in the Year of the Tiger, and the Year of the Tiger coincided with a small nail (13 years). Once in 13 years, the Drum Festival is also a convention. The Xijiang Tibetan Drum Festival is a festival with strict rules and many customs. On the day of the pig killing, the four people on all sides can only do it after listening to the sound of the "drum hidden head" before 5:00. In the first two years of the arrival of the Drum Festival, it is stipulated that the first year (year of the rat) is to raise the drum (lead the drum), and to dance the reed for at least 7 days and a maximum of 9 days. The reed dance is first started by the girl of the "Drum Hidden Head" family to dance twice, and only the men and women of the rest of the village can enter the scene to sing and dance.

Leishan to Xijiang car, the fare is 7 yuan, the road conditions are not good, about 2 hours by car.

If you have time to go to Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village, you can live for a day. If the time is tight, you can leave from Leishan in the early morning and stay for most of the day. Return to Leishan or Kaili accommodation, where accommodation conditions are much better, as well as Internet cafes. Xijiang is relatively poor, there is nothing to eat on the street, rice noodles in small restaurants are 1 yuan / bowl, most IC phones can not be used, and the IC phone next to the post office is good. There are two small shops that make silver jewelry, silver bracelets are 2.8 yuan / gram, and small items can be counter-offered on the basis of the list price.

Part III Southwest China - Qiandongnan (4)

Rongjiang - Chejiang - Zaidang - Rongjiang

In the morning, I went to the nearest Chejiang Dongzhai, and on the way from Chejiang to Zaidang, I passed through Fengdeng and then to Zaidang. Return to Rongjiang accommodation in the evening.

Budget: accommodation 30 yuan + catering 20 yuan + transportation 20 yuan + tickets 5 yuan = 75 yuan

Chejiang Dongzhai, also known as "Thousand Households Dong Zhai", is the most densely populated place for the Dong ethnic group in the country.

From the county seat of Rongjiang, across the Rongjiang Bridge to the north is the Chejiang 10,000 Mu Dam. The Duliu River tributary of the Zhai Artemisia River flows under beacon hill and connects the Dongzhai villages of 5 villages along the river. Because there are three boulders in the river, the "Three Treasures" got its name. The "Three Treasures" Dong village stretches for about 15 kilometers, and it is difficult to walk to them one by one unless there is plenty of time. About 5 kilometers away from rongjiang county seat, you can see a wooden structure village gate, which reads "the world's first Dong village", which is a relatively large-scale ancient rong group scenic spot. The scenic spot is composed of three villages, Zhanglu, Zhaitou and Motang, with a total of more than 800 households and more than 3,000 people, and is the location of the Dong language standards in the southern part of the mainland stipulated by the State Nationalities Commission in 1958.

After entering the village, you can see a large group of ancient banyan trees along the Duliu River. These banyan trees were probably planted during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, which has a history of more than 300 years. There are 38 ancient banyan trees, which are connected to each other's roots and leaves, like a green canopy. It is said that there were more banyan trees in the past, but most of them were cut down after liberation. Now all the ancient banyan trees have been protected.

There is a cobbled street among the ancient banyan groups, which is called Flower Street by the locals. The street is about 0.5 km long and is inlaid with cobblestones in the zodiac pattern. At the end of the road, you can also see a sculpture, composed of a man and a woman, the man is called Zhulang, and the woman is called Niangmei. In the 1950s, China made a movie called "Qin Niangmei", which is said to be a Chinese story of "Romeo and Juliet", and this is the hometown of Qin Niangmei.

As the area with the highest concentration of Dong ethnic groups, the biggest feature is the large number of drum towers. Among them, the more eye-catching is the "Chezhai Drum Tower", which was built in the third year of the Qing Dynasty (1877) and has a history of more than 120 years. In recent years, the newly built one is the largest of the Dongzhai Drum Tower. In addition to the drum tower, in the "Three Treasures" Dong village to see more is the Virgin Temple, the Dong family called "Sama Temple" (Sama is the meaning of the great grandmother), it is the Dong people sacrifice goddess "Sama" ancestral temple, almost every village has, the entire Three Treasures Dong Township has a total of 9. Inside the temple, there are huts made of brick tiles, and the center of the house is made of stone piles, and a half-open paper umbrella is inserted in the middle, and there are 12 or 14 small wooden stakes or small stone piles around it. Paper umbrellas and wooden stakes are draped with paper cuts. These wooden stakes and piles of stone represent the position of "Samar". There is an evergreen tree planted outside the temple, symbolizing the "health and longevity" of the Virgin Mary. The Samar Temple is usually locked, and if you want to see it, you have to find the villagers to open the door, and you have to give 2 yuan.

The densest area of ancient banyan trees is on the riverbank of about 1 kilometer from Chejiang Yintang Village to Zhanglu Village, with a total of 54 trees. Heaven and earth have formed a rare ancient banyan group in the world. It is recommended that you find a small shop to buy some sweet rice wine, which tastes good, and invite people around you to drink some, and they may kindly invite you to their house to rest or have a light meal. Sweet rice wine can not drink too much, this thing is not small.

Walk along the embankment to the Chejiang River Cement Bridge. There is a banyan tree next to it wrapped in a stone tablet. Here was originally a ferry port, before the founding of New China, the villagers in order to remember the people who donated funds to build the ferry, set up a "Gongde Monument" here, there was a banyan tree next to the monument, as a result, the years passed, the banyan tree slowly wrapped the monument into its arms.

The Duliu River flows slowly from the side of the Chejiang Dong village, the river surface is wide, the river water is clear, you can see women washing vegetables, washing clothes, washing hair by the river, men carrying rice from the boardwalk. The other side of the village is the road, and the traffic is endless.

From Rongjiang County, it only costs 1 yuan to take a tricycle. In addition, any minibus that goes from the river will pass through this place and only charge 1 yuan. However, if you take a single tricycle, the price is 5 yuan, and the counter-offer is 3 yuan. Next to the statue of Zhulang Niangmei, there are several houses in Linjiang that can be accommodated. Dong family wooden building on the first floor does not live people, live on the second floor, the corridor to see out is the clear river water and posture graceful ancient banyan tree, very comfortable, 10 ~ 15 yuan / bed, the room is not large, usually a room on a bed, so such a price to live in a single room is very cost-effective.

5 yuan. Drivers generally stop at the main entrance, can not enter from the main entrance, walk forward more than 10 meters to the road into the village, do not need to buy tickets. Take a wooden boat cruise, 2 yuan / hour.

Fengdeng Village, Zaidang These are two small Dong villages, because to go to Zaidang must go through Fengdeng Village, so they are introduced here.

Fengdeng Village is not far from the road but across a mountain pass is quiet; Zaidang is best known for the Dong song. These two villages are relatively small, there is no such beautiful drum tower, but there are also large houses that exercise the function of the drum tower, so don't think that it is Miao Zhai because you can't see the drum tower.

On the side of chejiang Dongzhai highway, take a shuttle bus or agricultural worker car in the direction of Liping and Zaima to Fengdeng Pass, the fare is 3 yuan. After getting off the bus, it takes more than 10 minutes to walk to Fengdeng Village, and it takes about 30 minutes to walk along a relatively wide dirt road from Fengdeng Village to Zaidang.

You can walk from Zaidang to Zengchong, but you have to have a guide, the cost is about 50 yuan, and you have to walk for most of the day.

Part III Southwest China - Qiandongnan (5)

Rongjiang - Zengchong - Congjiang

The traffic from Rongjiang to Zengchong Drum Tower is very inconvenient, it is best to strive to rush to Zengchong in the morning and come back early in the afternoon, otherwise there may be no car to go from The River, and rush to the county town of Congjiang at night to stay.

Budget: accommodation 30 yuan + catering 20 yuan + transportation 40 yuan + tour guide fee 100 yuan = 190 yuan

Zengchong Drum Tower Zengchong Drum Tower is located in the northeast of Rongjiang County, the village is surrounded by mountains and rivers, the Drum Tower lives in it, and dozens of ancient printed houses with cornices and angles on the village set off the drum tower like a mast in the blue waves, which can be seen at a glance when entering the village. Zengchong Drum Tower was built in the eleventh year of the Qing Kangxi Dynasty (1672 AD), a fir structure, and there are stairs in the building that zigzag up to the first floor where the drum is placed, and the stairs are lattice railings. The lowest level of the drum tower has a gate, and there is a fire pit in the middle, and the fire pit is surrounded by strips of stone, and the ground is all inlaid with bluestone slabs. The main thing to see about the drum tower is to look at its structure, because the whole drum tower is made of stone drums as pillar bases, without a nail and a rivet, and it is old enough. The four walls are hung with couplets and poems written in various periods. In 1988, Zengchong Drum Tower was listed as a national key cultural relics protection unit.

In addition, represented by the Zengchong Drum Tower, most of the drum towers and flower bridges in the "Nine Caves" area have a history of nearly 100 years or more than 100 years. For example, Xindi Drum Tower, Xiangdonghua Bridge, Peiying Drum Tower, Chaoli Drum Tower, Gongzhai Main Building, etc., are listed as 16 drum towers and flower bridges of cultural relics protection units at or above the county level, of which 1 is at the national level, 1 is at the provincial level, and 14 are at the county level.

To see the national performance, you must contact them in advance, otherwise you can only pounce on the local area, unless you happen to encounter a big festival. The tour guide and escort fee is 100 yuan / day, from the Jiang County Tourism Bureau 0855-6412190

From Rongjiang, take a farm car in the direction of the parking hole. There used to be a shuttle bus to Zengchong, but it was later stopped because of the lack of passengers. You can also take the shuttle bus to the direction of the stop hole, and find a farm car to increase the local family in the stop hole, but the probability is not large, it is best to catch the market day, when the opportunity is much greater. The market day is on the first or sixth day of the lunar calendar, and some places are also according to the horse day and pig day of the lunar calendar, which cannot be determined, it is best to inquire from the local tourism department before departing from Rongjiang. If you can't find a car, you can only walk, from the stop hole to the increase of the village road about 30 kilometers. Rongjiang to stop the cave long-distance bus fare is about 8 yuan, from the river to the parking hole 10 yuan, sometimes the price is controlled by the driver, will not want more, but can give less, remember to bargain. In the jeep from Jiangbao to about 200 yuan round trip, can only rent a jeep, the road conditions are not good, other cars can not go.

Zengchong Drum Tower around should be regarded as a drum tower group, the farthest away is more than 10 kilometers of mountain roads, the nearest 3 to 4 kilometers, the specific route must be asked to the local people. If you want to see all the drum towers in the area one by one, it is estimated that it will take at least a week, you can find a farmer to live in, the price is discussed by yourself, and it does not cost much.

Congjiang - Baisha - Congjiang - Xiaohuang

Go to Baisha in the morning, it is best to return to Congjiang before noon, and then go to Xiaohuang. At night, I can only stay in Xiao Huang's farmhouse.

Budget: accommodation 30 yuan + catering 20 yuan + transportation 70 yuan = 120 yuan

Baisha Baisha Village is only 7.5 kilometers away from Congjiang County, pure Miao, from the early 1970s from the (Jiang) Rong (Jiang) highway construction from here through the village, but after many years, the Miao people living here still maintain a primitive and ancient life.

The most distinctive feature of Baisha is the man's hair bun and the image of the ancient tribal warrior: the baisha man shaves his head, only has hair at the top of his head, and all of them hold a pattern of bun, while carrying a musket and a waist knife, wearing a self-woven and self-dyed collarless right slit copper button green cloth cloth, straight green cloth pants, the trouser tube is very large, looking reminiscent of the samurai of ancient times.

Baisha Village is built layer by layer on the mountain, and it is often impossible to distinguish the direction when placed in the village. The building of the house is ancient and simple, and the old people and children look at outsiders friendly and curiously, feeling kind. Whenever the autumn harvest comes, every household plucks the grass from the field and makes a handful, not to pick it home, but to pick it up on the tall wooden shelf on the edge of the village (locally called it he hangs), hang it one by one, and wait until the grass is dried before it is collected into the grass barn next to the wooden frame. In those days, the edge of the village was golden, and it was very eye-catching with the thick green mountain forest and green tile wooden houses.

The Baisha people have a strong concept of natural worship, worshiping ancient trees and the sun. If people and animals are uneasy, if life is not smooth, or if there is a natural disaster or a man-made disaster, they must burn incense and pray under the big tree in the village. It has become customary to worship trees as gods, and to protect them. There is a clause in the village rules and regulations that "vehicles are not allowed to enter Baisha to buy firewood, and only villagers are allowed to pick firewood to sell in the county seat", so the trees around Baisha are well protected. In 1977, the Baisha people cut down a 1.2-meter-diameter ancient camphor tree in the village and transported it to Beijing for the construction of Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall, and built an octagonal pavilion on the site of the tree to commemorate it.

When you arrive at Baisha, if you see a wild vine in front of the gate of the village, there is a grass mark hanging on the vine, which indicates that the gate of the village is not open, and outsiders are not allowed to trespass. When the festival or when there are distinguished guests coming, a well-dressed, mighty Baisha man plays reeds and mangoes in front of the gate of the village, and a Baisha girl dressed in Miao costumes and wearing silver headdresses greets the distinguished guests with horn wine in the village. After a song was played, three iron cannons sounded, a burst of muskets sounded in the sky, and the guests fished in and drank some horn wine to show their auspiciousness. Then led by the girls, they walked up the forest path of Lusheng Hall. Lushengtang is in the forest southeast of Baisha, about 100 square meters of open space. On the way, the men and women of Baisha should face the sun and slowly retreat. According to the old man of Baisha, in order to enter the Lusheng Hall, the people of Baisha must first worship the sun facing the east, and then perform Miao songs and dances here.

Part III Southwest China - Qiandongnan (6)

Usually there is no such performance, but you can contact the Jiangsu Tourism Bureau or to find someone in the village, the cost is 400 yuan, very interesting, more people are not expensive. When the farmers are idle, almost all the people in the village come to join in the fun, and what kind of family treasures are taken out, of course, at that time, you can also take pictures as much as you want. There are no restaurants or hostels here, but a half-day tour is enough, and there is no need to eat and stay. The terraces of Baisha and the women's drying green cloth are very much in the mirror, and you can get two more pictures.

Because the cars from Rongjiang to Congjiang are now taking the new road, they do not go through Baisha anymore, and can only cross the bridge from the river and take a small side, 3 yuan fare. It can be walked for about 1.5 to 2 hours.

Usually, it is best to take pictures of locals, especially the elderly, and discuss with them. Locals were impressed by the Polaroid snapshots of certain tourists, thinking that all travelers have such machines, and it is best to explain them when asked.

Baisha is pronounced biasa locally, not basha.

Gexiang Xiaohuang Xiaohuang is more than 20 kilometers away from the county seat, and is the collective name of the three administrative villages of Xiaohuang, Gaohuang and Xinqian, with a total of 662 households and more than 3,000 people. Xiaohuang is surrounded by green mountains, a small stream flows slowly through the village, and the stilt wooden building is surrounded by mountains and water.

Xiaohuang is a well-known "Dong Song Nest" in the Dong area. Xiaohuang Dongge is called "Ga Xiaohuang" in Dong language, which means "Xiaohuang's song", which shows its own system and unique charm. The locals also have another colloquial saying: "Rice nourishes the body, and the song nourishes the heart". The history of the Dong family and the hardships of the ancestors are passed on to the next generation by song. Dong songs are in a variety of forms, such as life, love, labor, etc., and the Dong song is the highest of all forms. Dong big song is a multi-voice a cappella choral repertoire, in Xiaohuang almost anyone can pull up the team to sing a big song, the song team does not have to specify who sings the high note and who sings the bass, but they can all cooperate seamlessly when singing. There are actually 26 song teams in the village. Xiao Huang Dongge has performed in France.

Xiaohuang Dong songs are usually only solo and duet, and the chorus of several people can be heard, and the real Dong songs can only be heard during festivals. The most grand is the Mid-Autumn Festival Song Contest on the fifteenth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, when the three administrative villages will hold a song contest, and all the song teams will come out to appear in the song competition, which is much more lively than the song in the army. Secondly, after the third day of the Spring Festival, the male and female song teams of the three villages invited each other to eat acacia and sing to the big song, when most of the young people were young people, and the form was more lively.

Xiaohuang only has one village-level road and no shuttle bus. You can go on a two-wheeled motorcycle in Gaozeng, asking for 30 yuan, you can negotiate the price, but the road is extremely poor, and you are ready to be gray-headed.

If you happen to be unlucky, you can also contact the Congjiang Tourism Bureau to perform a big song, and the cost is also 400 yuan / show.

To Xiaohuang must live for a day, there is no place to stay in the local area, can only live in the hometown.

Xiaohuang - Gao Zeng - Congjiang

Gaozeng Dongzhai is the last attraction. You can return to Congjiang County after about noon. You can choose to return to Guiyang from the river or continue south to Sanjiang, Longsheng, and Guilin.

Budget: Accommodation 80 yuan (Guiyang or Guilin accommodation) + catering 20 yuan + transportation 70 yuan (including to Guiyang or to Guilin) fare = 170 yuan

Gaozeng Dongzhai Although Gaozeng is only 5 kilometers away from Congjiang County, the traffic is not very convenient. The village still maintains the original folk customs, a tall drum tower stands in the middle of the village, and there is an exquisite wind and rain bridge on the side of the village. When you wander around the village, occasionally women will pull you to their homes to see their handmade cloth or handicrafts (in fact, daily necessities), you may wish to go with them to see, the price is very fair, will not be forced to buy and sell, and the bargaining space is relatively large, you can also take a good picture.

At the JiangSu Bus Terminal, take a three-wheeled motorcycle to Qingyun Bridge (2 yuan), and then transfer to a two-wheeled or three-wheeled motorcycle with high increase (3 yuan). If you live in the old city, you can transfer from the ferry to Qingyun Bridge. From Jiang County, there is a Changan car rental to Gaozeng, which costs 30 yuan to go back and forth. Gaozeng village entrance has a place to eat and stay, 5 yuan / bed. However, because it is relatively close to Congjiang, food and accommodation can be solved in Congjiang. About 2 kilometers away from Gao Zeng is yinliang village and two small dong villages in Pingqiao village, with drum towers, which can be seen by the way.

In addition to Kaili, which is a big city, the others on the Qiandongnan line are small towns, but accommodation is not a problem, the price is cheaper, and there are even 5 yuan / single room.


Labor Bureau Guest House: Close to Nomat Supermarket, next to the supermarket is the famous Wang Ji Beef Noodle Shop. It is a cheaper and hygienic place to stay in the city center. The newly renovated standard room is about 100 yuan, and the multi-room room is 30 yuan / bed. Located at No. 188 Dusi Road, it is accurate to say that Dusi Road is about 100 meters to Wenhua Road. 0851-5860079。

Xinhua Bookstore Guest House: Located in the city center, the geographical position is superior, less than 500 meters to the west is the largest Hequn Road Night Market snack street in Guiyang. Double room: 60 yuan / room, 30 yuan / bed, public toilet, bathroom. Next to xinhua bookstore in Yan'an Middle Spray Pool Province, from the railway station, you can take Bus 1, 2, 17 to the fountain, and walk about 100 meters west. 0851-6822190

Bus station guest house: ordinary double room, triple room are 20 yuan / bed, there is a fan, TV. Shared toilets and bathrooms. Public bath 21:00 ~ 24:00 hot water, standard room: 60 yuan / room, no air conditioning, telephone, fan, TV. On Beijing Road, opposite the intersection of Qianling Park, take bus No. 1 or 2 under Qianling Park. 0851-6522745

Part III Southwest Region - Qiandongnan (7)

As the capital of Qiandongnan Prefecture, Kaili, accommodation is very convenient, and various grades of hotels, guesthouses, and guest houses can be found. However, in qiandongnan tourism, Kaili is more mainly the central city of transportation, most of the time is to live on the attractions, the attraction accommodation conditions are relatively poor, in Kaili may wish to live a little luxury.

Cathay Pacific Hotel quasi-three-star modern tourism foreign-related hotel, located in the city center of No. 6 Beijing East Road, is currently the best hotel in Kaili. Standard room: 170 yuan / room (discounted price), single standard room: 140 yuan / room (discounted price), perennial discount 0855-8269888

Blue Sky Hotel, Kaili City Center, No. 1 Beijing West Road, is applying for a two-star hotel. Standard room A: 130 yuan / room, standard room B: 100 yuan / room, ordinary triple room: 136 yuan / room (can not be single bed), the above are discounted after the price of 0855-8275980

Qiandongnan State Government Guest House is located behind the Grand Cross Post and Telecommunications Office in the center of Kaili, open for about two years and is very clean. Single and double rooms: 40 yuan / room, 50 yuan / room, 60 yuan / room three kinds; triple room: 20 yuan / bed 0855-8239688

Zhenhua Yunquan Hotel Long-established foreign-related hotel. The ordinary standard room is converted from a resident suite, with a living room, balcony, bathroom, not much different from living at home, and there is a TV in the living room. It is located at No. 54 Beijing East Road, near Da cross. Standard room: 100 yuan / room (discounted price), ordinary double room: 56 yuan / room, ordinary quadruple room: 100 yuan / room, can not only want a bed 0855-8275138

Kaili's eating habits are not much different from Guiyang's, mainly sour and spicy, and the oil is more flavorful. Carey is best known for its sour fish. Sour soup is a special base that the local Miao people like to eat, there are several kinds of red acid, white acid, stinky acid, tomato acid, as you go, not only do sour soup fish, many dishes use the raw material, such as kimchi or something, some people even have more than ten years of old soup at home. The sour soup fish adds a lot of small tomatoes, a red pot, which makes people mistakenly think that it is a pepper, but in fact, the peppers are in the accompanying seasoning bowl. Needless to say, the soup is delicious, and the tenderness of the fish is another benefit. You can try it.

There is a 5 yuan shop opposite Yingpanpo Hotel, casually ordering, rice 1 yuan. 6 yuan is definitely full and good to eat. There are several rice noodle shops on Beijing East Road, one of which makes goose meat powder, and I think that without putting chili oil, I can reflect the umami flavor and taste very good. Northerners who want to eat pasta can go to Yingpan West Road, where there are bun shops and dumpling shops. The Kaili National Street is full of restaurants, and the famous specialties of the province can be found here. In the evening, the night market snacks of Niuchangba are also very rich, and it is a good place to eat supper. Only a few minutes' drive from the city, gaoxi's bright village of Kaili sour soup fish, is most famous for its sour soup series.

Clear acid soup Boil the rice water, pour it into the jar, add the appropriate amount of yeast water or white vinegar, wild onion, wood ginger seeds, ferment for 2 to 3 days can be taken, after each take to add new tao rice water, 24 hours after use, pay attention to cleaning, do not stain the oil, otherwise it will become flavored.

Red acid soup Select tomatoes with thin skin, wash and dry, add salt to the jar (500 grams of salt per 5000 grams of tomatoes), pickle for 15 to 20 days can be taken, such as too long and too sour. When using, add an appropriate amount of water to relieve acidity. At the same time, be careful not to dip into the oil.

Wood ginger seeds are local specialty condiments, perennial growth of woody plants, can be soaked and preserved, or oil, can also be dried to make powder, but the taste is slightly worse after powder.

From the river

From the river mandarin orange annual production reaches 20 million kilograms, the taste is delicious and juicy. Since 1999, every year from November 28 to 29, fruit farmers have blown reeds, sang Dong songs, and held ethnic cultural activities such as "Recruiting Officials" and "Doye", which is the local "citrus festival".

Yao medicinal bath: In Yaozhai, every month on the first day of the first lunar month, the sixth, eleventh, sixteenth, twenty-first, twenty-sixth, the whole family must bathe. They consider these 6 days to be "disaster relief days". The bottom of the bath is exquisite, there are more than ten kinds of herbs in it, and it is said that Yao women can work in the field after giving birth to a child.

In Yaozhai to take a medicinal bath, guests should be invited to wash first, and then bathe in the order of first male and female, first old and then young. Change one person per rotation and change the potion again. There are also two Yao medicinal bath shops in Congjiang County, and there are signs on the old city street. The medicine may not be as authentic as in the real Yaozhai, but it is also OK. And they covered the wooden barrel with disposable plastic film to let the guests bathe, one person and one change, which is also clean. Wash it once after a long run, naturally comfortable, 15 yuan / person.

Congjiang Xiaoxiang Pig: There are pigs everywhere, but the pigs here are a kind of maverick pig - congjiangxiang pigs. This kind of pork is tender and fragrant, has no fishy taste, and can be savored.

Kaili is the capital of Qiandongnan Prefecture, and there are also trains directly to Kaili from Beijing and Shanghai, but because Kaili is not a key station, most express trains sent from other places to Guiyang arrive in Kaili in the early morning, which is not very convenient for travelers. Kaili Railway Station is 2 kilometers north of the city, you can take the No. 1 bus and so on directly to the fare of 0.5 yuan. Because the bus has been contracted to individuals, there is a phenomenon of people walking again at night. Tickets can be bought at the train ticket office near the Bank of China in the city center, saving you the need to travel back and forth. Train station 0855-3812222.

The traffic from Kaili to the counties, townships and towns in qiandongnan is mainly by road, and after the kaili-Majiang expressway is built, the journey from Guiyang to Kaili is shortened, the journey is about 2 hours, the fare is 30 yuan or 35 yuan, 15 minutes / shift. Now Kaili-Guiyang is also mainly based on road traffic. Guiyang Stadium coach station has a express bus to kaili direction, in addition, kaili to Leishan, Kaili to Taijiang, Rongjiang to Congjiang, Rongjiang to Liping have newly built first-class road roads, at present, Leishan to Rongjiang highway is being reconstructed. Kaili Bus Terminal has long-distance buses to all parts of Southeast Qiandong. The Qiandongnanzhou Passenger Terminal of the Washima River is the largest passenger station in Kaili, mainly for long-distance buses to Guiyang and the whole state. State Passenger Terminal 0855-8251025. The Kerry City Transport Company next to the Kerry City Hospital mainly sends short-distance buses. In addition, there are some minivans running short distances at the three forks of the wanbo (three forks in front of the museum), shopping mall road and road maintenance section. The area around Wanbo is to Zhouxi and Qingman; the shopping mall road is to Xiasi and Lushan; and the road maintenance section is to Sankeshu Town. The fare is generally 3 to 4 yuan, and it is more convenient and faster to take a short-distance small bread than waiting for a minibus. As long as there are 2 to 3 people, the driver will leave.

During the rainy season, the road collapse is serious, and the road may be interrupted at any time, so you should be prepared for unexpected situations.