
Xia Hua's marriage - resignation

author:The queen of stories

Xia Hua's heart has always been only Junsheng alone, the boys in the class have never looked at her, no one has her handsomeness, no one has her Junsheng.

The function of transforming people in the city is very powerful, since Junsheng entered the city, his height suddenly jumped up, his skin became very white, he looked like a star in the movie, and the children in the countryside were different, when he thought of Junsheng's handsome appearance, Xia Hua's heart jumped, and his face involuntarily turned red.

After Junsheng entered the city, Xia Hua began to like the New Year, like the Mid-Autumn Festival, like Qingming, only during the festival, Junsheng will follow his father back to the village, she can see the Junsheng she thinks about day and night, Junsheng seems to be more and more shy, less and less talking, not as lively as when he was a child. She thought that this should be because she grew up, because she understood love, and because she was shy.

The day before each festival, Xia Hua was particularly diligent, after returning from school, she began to wash her hair, wash her feet, change into the most beautiful clothes, and then pretended to go to the field at the mouth of the village to cut pig grass, in fact, she was waiting to see Junsheng and her father pass by, often holding a sickle in her hand, but her eyes looked at the road at the mouth of the village, the Junsheng family always couldn't see her, and she just looked at the back of their family from a distance, then she was also very satisfied.

Xia Hua was thinking about studying hard at school at that time, and she must not let the sneers of the villagers become a reality, she wants to prove that she is not worse than Junsheng, absolutely worthy of Junsheng, she often does not go home for a whole month in school, just in order to spend time studying, Heaven rewards hard work, Xia Hua's grades have always been among the best.

There were few girls in the classroom of high school, at that time, there were very few girls who finished junior high school, but Xia Hua had been working very hard, never had the idea of dropping out of school, and the reason for studying hard was not to get ahead, not for any dream, just because her father had set himself a good family affair, she wanted to be worthy of this good relative, she was worried that she had been dumped, it had become a talking point, it had become a joke.

One day in the first semester of the third year of high school, the sky suddenly became cold, the cold wind was biting, and Xia Hua had to go back to get some thick clothes. When she walked to the mouth of the village, she happened to meet Uncle Wang, because of a joke by Uncle Wang, she and Junsheng were engaged, so she saw Uncle Wang very kindly. In the distance, she saw that Uncle Wang was carrying several bags in his hand, and it should have just returned from the market, so she quickly walked over and helped Uncle Wang take one.

Uncle Wang seemed to see her more intimately than before. Uncle Wang said, Xia Hua, study well, no matter what you encounter, learning is the most important, and others are not as good as they are.

She said, I know, learn well.

Uncle Wang said, Xia Hua, some things are not up to the heavens, and the heart should be a little wider.

She said, I know.

Xia Hua had always thought that Uncle Wang was talking to her about going to college.

There used to be a girl in their village, the study was also very good, after the college entrance examination felt that the test was also very good, full of confidence at home waiting for the admission letter, waiting for two months, there were students who were admitted to the school have gone to report, but their own notice is not even a shadow, it is said that they were replaced, and later people went crazy, every day in the village blindly, even a object can not be found.

Xia Hua and Uncle Wang arrived at the entrance of the village and met the sister-in-law of the uncle's family, who held the child in one hand and bumped the watermelon seeds with the other, and the black melon seed skin fell to the ground.

My sister-in-law saw her and said, Xia Hua, why are you back? The Junsheng family is too bullying to be cheap, and they can't give them a refund of a penny.

Her head buzzed, what did she retreat? Why return?

At this time, the great aunt just walked over, took her hand and said, Xia Hua, it's okay, we are such a handsome girl, I don't know how many families are lined up and waiting, Ming'er Aunt will find you a better than Junsheng.

Xia Hua seemed to know something, and flew to the house, still holding Uncle Wang's bag in her hand, and forgot to give it to Uncle Wang.

Pushing open the door, the atmosphere in the home was indeed unusual, the mother seemed to have cried, the father frowned, squatting in the corner of the wall and smoking a cigarette, the grandmother sighed long and short on the kang, only the sister seemed to look so happy.

Grandma shouted to her, Xia Hua, come back, quickly warm up the kang, freeze it, you don't come back, I will let your father go to send you clothes.

She asked, Grandma, if his family had remarried.

Since she understood things, she had never said Junsheng's name, just a "he" word, and "he" in her mouth was a specific reference to Junsheng.

Grandma said, quit it, let's go to college later, find someone to do big things.

Xia Hua's tears involuntarily came down from the mainstream.

So many years of feelings have been wrongly paid, so many years, she made five pairs of flower insoles for Junsheng, since junior high school, she has made him a pair every year, every winter vacation, she is first to Junsheng to finish the insoles, before starting to write homework. She also used her own money to quietly buy a stationery box and a hard leather book for Junsheng, for so many years, she had always thought that she was his daughter-in-law, how suddenly it was not.

This divorce came too suddenly, how could she not notice it at all, was she too stupid, or Junsheng covered up too well.

Grandma said that Chen Shimei, who has no conscience, will definitely not have a good ending.

It turned out that Junsheng was admitted to the technical school in the factory, and Junsheng was admitted with a female classmate of Junsheng, and the two people got the admission letter together, and the Junsheng family came to retire from marriage.

Xia Hua suddenly remembered that it was indeed as if she had heard someone say that Junsheng was fine with a girl in his class, she always thought that others were talking nonsense, that she was jealous that she had a good partner, and she did not believe that Junsheng would change his mind, but now it seemed that this matter must be true.

Junsheng's father said very well, saying that his child will be a worker in the future, Xia Hua is going to go to college, and their son is no longer worthy of Xia Hua, and he does not dare to delay Xia Hua's great future. But the real meaning is actually two words: divorce.

While she was in tears, she turned over the clothes and flowers that the Junsheng family had given her over the years, and wrapped them in a bag, and gave them to her father, saying, Give them back to them.

Father said, no, I have given them money, if you don't like it, give it to your sister.

Sister Chunhua is only two years older than Xia Hua, and the two people are about the same as each other.

It is said that they should not be given a penny, nor do they need to return a thread, this is the old rule in the village for many years, the woman proposes to withdraw from marriage, all money and things must be withdrawn, the man proposes to withdraw from marriage, and the woman does not have to return anything.

But she didn't want to take advantage of their family, her father was also a straight person, and he wouldn't take advantage of other people's money, not to mention that he and Junsheng's father were still so good, partners from childhood to adulthood, what should they do now?

This amount of money is not a small amount, because they have been engaged for more than ten years, and the man's family in the countryside has to send money or things to the woman every year since the engagement, and now the strong father has returned the money to the family, and the family may have to tighten the pants for a while.

Natsuki's Marriage (2)

To be continued, stay tuned

Natsuki's Marriage (1)

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