
Zelinsky: A comedian who chooses to be tragic

author:Life bottomed out
Zelinsky: A comedian who chooses to be tragic

Remember february 24, 2022, because it is destined to be rewritten by history. Because this day is a turning point in the geopolitical reshaping of Europe, and it may also be a watershed in the change of the world pattern; because this day changes the fate of the two fraternal countries; because this day determines the historical status of the two politicians.

Before Russia's "special military operation", in the field of public opinion, Ukrainian President Zelinsky was more called "actor president", "clown", "marionette" and so on. Obviously, there is no shortage of irony in these titles.

However, after the start of the war, Zelinsky, a "puppet president" who was not favored by outsiders or even respected by his opponents, showed extraordinary courage, and the evaluation of him in the field of public opinion was obviously changing. The reason is that he chose a tragic path.

In this Russian-Ukrainian game, at the battlefield level, no one doubts Russia's overwhelming superiority, and no one doubts that the Russians will win the battle.

At the level of strategic intelligence, no one doubts the huge gap between the two managers. One is a "veteran coach" who has been in the world political arena for decades and has rich experience in international games. The other is a "political amateur" who has been "pushed" to the top.

In terms of comprehensive national strength and war potential, one side is an old world power, not only with a population size of nearly 4 times that of the other side, but also an energy power and a country with the world's first strategic depth. On the other side is a small country with a flat terrain and has long been poor enough to be at the bottom of Europe.

Zelinsky: A comedian who chooses to be tragic

Objective analysis, from any point of view, Ukraine is a weak side. Therefore, long before the beginning of the crisis of the situation and before the special military operation, there was no confrontation capital in Ukraine in the field of public opinion, and the "actor president" should "know the current affairs". The implication is naturally that Zelinsky should "value peace" so as not to make his fate tragic. However, the president, who in the eyes of some people can only "act", did not compromise, but chose a path that was destined to be tragic.

As the name suggests, sadness is sadness and grandeur, or sadness but excitement. Leaving aside the political merits of the Russian-Ukrainian struggle, in terms of Zelinsky's personal performance alone, during the period after the war, he fit the tragic interpretation.

Whenever he appears in the video, zelinsky, who is full of scum, gives people a sense of sadness. However, as soon as he opened his mouth, he immediately had an intense infectious force. Some people may say that Zelinsky is "acting", but even if he is acting, it will take the cost of energy, time and even life. This brings me to an alternative interpretation of love.

Some people say that cheated love is not love. However, some people say that if you can "cheat for a lifetime", it is love. In this world, almost everything can be seen. Therefore, it can be said that Zelinsky is "acting". But I also have to say that his act makes many "prophecies" a laughingstock, and his act condenses the sense of national identity of Ukrainians. His acting is quietly changing the direction of the situation.

The disparity in strength exists objectively. Therefore, how long Zelinsky can "act" in the end, and when his tragic moment will come, no one can be sure. In fact, even if Zelinsky's fate came to an abrupt end, he had already created a miracle. Because, he has thrown off many of the "hats" added to him in the field of public opinion.

Zelinsky: A comedian who chooses to be tragic

Zelinsky is undoubtedly a "political amateur", but he is by no means a "political idiot"; some people say that he can only "act" but ignore his "director" talent; some say that he is "used" by the West, but he is not using the West.

Both history and reality tell people that in the gaming field, do not underestimate any opponent, especially not to despise the seemingly ignorant people. Because, under the appearance of ignorance, there is often wisdom and potential.

When the public opinion field focused on Zelinsky's actor background, it ignored the fact that he was a senior student in international law at the law school. When the public opinion field talks about him just good acting, it is obvious that he was once the captain of KVN, the main creator of "95 Quarter", the choreographer of many TV and film content, indicating that he also has talents other than acting, indicating that he has his own thoughts.

Some people think that Zelinsky was "pushed" to the presidency, that he was a "political white", not a "qualified" president. However, it ignores the fact that why is the person who is "pushed" by him and not others? Why did people gather around him? Is it just because he's a popular comedian? Obviously, Zelinsky has a table with some kind of special aura that can be felt. The facts of the start of the war have actually proved this.

Zelinsky: A comedian who chooses to be tragic

Some people believe that Zelinsky has no strategic wisdom and no ability and level of international games. But one phenomenon that is particularly puzzling is that Zelinsky's predecessor Poroshenko was also an anti-Russian vanguard, but during Poroshenko's five years in office, Russia was able to deal with him with ease. After changing to Zelinsky, Russia is "intolerable"! There is no need to say what to say.

Some people believe that Zelinsky is just a "marionette" in the United States and the West, and that he is just acting according to the script. However, every time he appeared on camera and made a passionate speech, he not only forced those politicians in Western countries to fight the issue of sanctioning Russia, but also won the sympathy of many people in Western countries. So, while Ukraine is being used by Western countries, why is Zelinsky not "kidnapping" the West?

Zelinsky: A comedian who chooses to be tragic

It is often said that in the face of absolute power, any skill is futile. However, it should not be forgotten that power can be converted, and it is also a strategy to provoke the opponent and make the opponent impatient.

For example, at the peak of Tyson, if he was calm, almost no one could beat him. However, when he is provoked, there are often two results, one is that the opponent will be hit by the thunder and fall to the ground. The other is to be won by the opponent's points after the action is deformed.

On the battlefield, Russia undoubtedly has absolute superiority. However, outside the battlefield, western sanctions against Russia are undoubtedly unprecedented. Such a situation can be considered a conspiracy of the West, but it can also be said to be the inevitable result of Zelinsky's provocative and tragic performance. Perhaps, provoking Russia, making Russia impatient, and making Russia intolerable is precisely Zelinsky's strategy.

Some people believe that Zelinsky has been pushed by some force behind him, that Zelinsky is involuntary, that he has no opinion of his own. However, this view ignores the most basic fact that when Zelinsky took over Ukraine, ukraine had no way to retreat. If Zelinsky wants to make a difference, he must find another way, and although this alternative path may be a dead end, there is a glimmer of hope for a desperate situation.

Zelinsky: A comedian who chooses to be tragic

Zelinsky was officially inaugurated as president of Ukraine on May 20, 2019. At that time, Russian-Ukrainian relations had already formed three facts. First, Crimea has entered Russia. Second, the Donbass region has been de facto divided. Third, the confrontation between Russia and Ukraine is irreconcilable. Ask yourself, if it were you, how would you face this situation?

If Zelinsky had only thought about getting the president hooked, it would be simple, keep a low profile, not irritate Russia, and then do nothing to fill the presidency. However, if that is done, Russian-Ukrainian relations remain unresolved. In particular, the issues of Crimea and Donbass remain an insurmountable obstacle between the two countries.

Moreover, Zelinsky, a talented student in international law, could not be unfamiliar with NATO's charter and the conditions for membership. Obviously, Zelinsky is well aware that Ukraine is not in a position to join NATO. But why did he still raise the tone of joining NATO? In addition to being almost recognized as "being fooled by the United States" in the field of public opinion, is there no element that Zelinsky deliberately did? Perhaps, that is precisely Zelinsky's "unsuccessful and become a benevolent" strategy to solve the problem once and for all.

Zelinsky: A comedian who chooses to be tragic

It is clear that, politically and strategically, Zelinsky has chosen a tragic path of uncertainty for Ukraine. And for Zelinsky personally, the same is true. He could have avoided taking this one-way street of "having nothing" at any time, because he was not short of money or fame. However, he showed no remorse.

Without others, no one else is wrong. History will give a fair assessment of the tragic path chosen by Zelinsky, and the Ukrainian people have the most say.