
Refuse to be fooled by the merchant Teach you to see what the parameters of the headset represent

When choosing headphones, what do you pay attention to first? If you tell me that your first concern is faith, sorry, then there is no need to talk, you just stick to your faith to buy the products you want to buy. For most normal players, when buying headphones, you must first look at the parameters. For senior players, these parameters can be understood at a glance, and even easily recognize the various routines of the merchant, but for the small white players, the parameters written on the product detail page are like a book of heaven, just look at a word to know, but together they do not know, as if it is a feeling of reading a high number textbook.

Today I want to introduce you to the various key parameters of the headset, what they represent, and by the way, help you identify the routines of some unscrupulous merchants, and do not be deceived by various parameters and business promotional words. There will be many parameters about headphones, this article will pick a few more important and more common parameters to explain.

Frequency response range

The frequency response range, which can also be called the frequency response range, is also called the frequency characteristic. Refers to the range of frequencies that the sound system can replay within the range of amplitude allowed, and the amount of change in the signal within this range. The frequency response range is a very well understood parameter and one of the most human-specific parameters. Usually 30-150Hz is the low frequency band; 150-500Hz is the middle and low frequency band; 500-5KHz is the middle and high frequency band; 5K-16KHz high frequency band.

Refuse to be fooled by the merchant Teach you to see what the parameters of the headset represent

A headset parameter

Normal people's hearing range is generally between 20-20kHz, and in general, the listening ability of the vast majority of teenagers is higher than, or even far beyond, this range. But to 30Hz below it is difficult to hear, there are some good performance headphones on the market will try to convert these signals into the sound that the human ear can hear, which is often said to be "diving", "diving" deep headphones will make you listen to the low frequency of music more immersive, low frequency is full of elasticity.

Refuse to be fooled by the merchant Teach you to see what the parameters of the headset represent

That for our daily purchase of headphones, if the details page of a certain headset is written that the frequency response range parameter is 20-20kHz, in fact, this headphone can also play more than the sound of this frequency response range, but the closer or beyond this critical person, it will produce distortion, so when choosing headphones, try to choose some headphones with larger frequency response range parameters.

What is impedance and sensitivity?

Impedance is also one of the most common parameters of a headset in the product introduction. There is a misunderstanding here that also needs to be explained, the unit of impedance is ohms, so there will be many people who think that the impedance of the headphones is the resistance of the coil, which is definitely not right. In fact, impedance refers to the obstruction of AC current in circuits with resistance, inductance, and capacitance. It should be noted that the sound quality performance and impedance of headphones are not absolutely related, and headphones with good sound quality are not necessarily high impedance, and the impedance of headphones with poor sound quality is not necessarily low.

Refuse to be fooled by the merchant Teach you to see what the parameters of the headset represent

Coils are one of the causes of impedance

In general, impedance within 32Ω are standard low-impedance headphones, such headphones are easy to sound, mobile phones or portable players can be well driven; 32Ω to 100Ω is called high impedance headphones, such headphones are not so good driver, the general front end can also introduce a relatively large sound; more than 100Ω is called high impedance headphones, generally will have certain requirements for front-end output power. Small impedance headphones are good to push and do not pick the front end, so why are there still high impedance headphones? Although we say that the level of impedance cannot be directly reflected in the quality of sound quality, high-impedance headphones do have some advantages in terms of sound field and level. Of course, high-impedance headphones also need to be supported by more powerful amplifier materials, and it is generally the desktop system that can be driven by multi-stage amplification.

Refuse to be fooled by the merchant Teach you to see what the parameters of the headset represent

Introduction to the impedance and sensitivity of a certain headset

Sensitivity and impedance are inseparable. Sensitivity refers to the sound pressure level that can be emitted when the headphone inputs 1 milliwatt of power (based on 1KHz), that is, the volume level. In general, the smaller the impedance, the higher the sensitivity. At the same time, the easier the headphones are to drive, the easier it is to make a sound. So if you usually use a mobile phone or a portable player to listen to songs, when purchasing headphones, try to choose low impedance and high sensitivity headphones, generally 16Ω or 32Ω headphones, mobile phones can be well driven.

Cell material

Unit material is many businesses like to fool some small white users of the way of publicity, saying that we use what biotechnology diaphragm for this headset, what imported diaphragm material is used, etc., the diaphragm material is usually blown by the merchant that is the ceiling, and many manufacturers also like to use the diaphragm material to promote the tone of their headphones. However, it is important to remember that you get what you pay for, and this truth applies to all goods. No matter what the diaphragm material is, what level its sound quality is expressed at, it will be set in a corresponding price range. Good headphones are likely to be expensive, or you can also adhere to the principle of "good is expensive, expensive is good" to choose headphones.

Refuse to be fooled by the merchant Teach you to see what the parameters of the headset represent

I see how you blow

Write at the end

Of course, the parameters of the headphones do not represent everything, and there are many headphone parameters that are not eye-catching, but the actual listening sense has a good performance. The parameters of the headset and some performance indicators can not quantify the quality of a headset, but the parameters of the headset can indeed reflect the acoustic design of the headset to a certain extent, as well as the workmanship. Through this article, I hope that everyone has learned some of the parameters about the headphones that represent what they mean, and I hope that you can successfully identify the routines of the business.


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