
10 kinds of "wet" hidden in the body, what are the manifestations of each? Tidy up and make it clear at once

author:Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescription - Director Guo

Recently, many patients are consulting about wet evil, so I took the time to sort out the more common clinical symptoms, wet evil disease has a variety of different manifestations, these types, please control yourself!

1. Summer wet injury table

Manifestations: fever, less sweating, and fever does not recede after sweating, nasal congestion and turbid nose, dizziness and pain, chest tightness and shortness of breath, stomach distension, turbid urine

Principle: Heat removal and moisture solution table

2. Sputum damp resistance lung

Manifestations: cough, sputum is sticky, chest is full of stuffiness, sputum in the throat, acid reflux, insomnia, yellow greasy moss

Principles: clear the heat and suppress the lungs, open up the phlegm and suppress the cough

10 kinds of "wet" hidden in the body, what are the manifestations of each? Tidy up and make it clear at once

3. Damp heat resistance

Performance: Head and face love oil, stomach pain, dry mouth and bitter mouth, although thirsty but do not like to drink water, heavy head as wrapped, nausea, urine yellow color, poor stool, irritable mood, red tongue, yellow tongue

Principles: Refreshing damp heat, rational qi and stomach

4. Cold and wet diarrhea

Manifestations: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, chronic pharyngitis, love of anxiety, love of fire, diarrhea, light cracks at the base of the tongue

Principle: Warm and moist to stop diarrhea

10 kinds of "wet" hidden in the body, what are the manifestations of each? Tidy up and make it clear at once

5. Hepatobiliary humidity and heat

Manifestations: bitter mouth, muscular mouth, flank swelling pain, burning pain, chest tightness, nausea and vomiting, yellow and red urine, poor stool, upset, panic, dry mouth, dry throat, bad breath

Principle: Clear heat and dampness

6. Wet heat betting

Manifestations: turbid urine, dizziness, damp scrotum, unfavorable urination, poor drenching, urgency of urination, perineal swelling and pain, weight fatigue, yellow tongue

10 kinds of "wet" hidden in the body, what are the manifestations of each? Tidy up and make it clear at once

7. The bladder is hot and humid

Manifestations: Urine drip, bitter mouth, poor sleep quality, palm fever, dry mouth, dry throat, large temper, red tongue

Principles; Clears heat and dampness

8. Rheumatic headache

Manifestations: head weight as wrapped, headache, chest tightness, decreased appetite, dizziness, fatty liver, waist and knee soreness, heavy weakness of both lower limbs, greasy tongue roots

Principle: Get rid of wind and moisture

10 kinds of "wet" hidden in the body, what are the manifestations of each? Tidy up and make it clear at once

9. Sputum is wet and inside

Performance: body fat, chest septum full, chest tightness, dry throat, dry mouth, irritability, bad breath, heart full, bad breath, impotence, premature ejaculation

Principle: Dry and humidify phlegm

10. Cold and wet low back pain

Manifestations: cold pain in the waist, chest tightness, shortness of breath, cold limbs, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fat tongue, white tongue, sunken tip of the tongue

Principle: disperse cold and wet, warm meridians

The above 10 kinds of wet evil, which one are you?