
The population continues to decline, the marriage rate cannot rise, and is it feasible to legalize the birth of children out of wedlock?

author:Swaying woman flowers

This question is a video I came across by chance about whether it should be legal to have a child out of wedlock.

The population continues to decline, the marriage rate cannot rise, and is it feasible to legalize the birth of children out of wedlock?

Children born out of wedlock, in general, are divided into two cases, in which the definitions of illegitimate and unmarried children should be strictly defined, and the authors hereby assume the rights of both:

(1) After a woman and a married man have reconciled, the children born to them shall be illegitimate children and shall enjoy the most basic rights of citizens, but shall not enjoy the treatment and benefits of children born in wedlock;

2. A woman who has reached adulthood and cannot find a man suitable for marriage, decides to have children alone, and the children born in the hospital through IVF are born out of wedlock and should enjoy the same rights and benefits as children born in wedlock;

The population continues to decline, the marriage rate cannot rise, and is it feasible to legalize the birth of children out of wedlock?

Only by getting married and having children can we establish a stable country

Infidelity within marriage should be eliminated, and only by protecting marriage can we protect the family, increase the cost of infidelity, increase the welfare and treatment within marriage, and increase social stability.

Every citizen should have equal rights, reproductive rights should not be exclusive to married women, and unmarried women should also have the right to be mothers, except for third parties!

First of all, I am personally married, but I have unmarried sisters around me, and I am not resistant to women having children out of wedlock, but I hate the third party!

For many women who have children out of wedlock, I am concerned that unmarried women will face a series of problems after giving birth!

Seriously, when it comes to having children out of wedlock, we have to discuss why we can't have children out of wedlock reasonably and legally.

The population continues to decline, the marriage rate cannot rise, and is it feasible to legalize the birth of children out of wedlock?

Because the family is the most basic unit of social stability, and marriage is the most basic form of forming a family!

Whether it is a child born out of wedlock or an illegitimate child, women have to bear more pain and responsibility, but the road is their own choice, and everyone should be responsible for their own choices, right?

Why not legitimize illegitimate children?

Once the birth of a child out of wedlock becomes legal, then the marriage and family will be scattered, which will lead to a series of butterfly effects:

1. The sanctity of marriage is reduced, affecting the stability of marriage;

2. To some extent, it will increase the degree of connivance of marital infidelity;

3. Reduce the desire of unmarried young people to marry;

4. Increase the factors of social instability, which will affect the safety of single women;

The population continues to decline, the marriage rate cannot rise, and is it feasible to legalize the birth of children out of wedlock?

In this way, in summary, the birth of a child out of wedlock, that is, an illegitimate child, should not be legal, but on the contrary, there should be a corresponding punishment for the act of cheating on the birth of a child!

Of course, innocent children, illegitimate children should also enjoy basic civil rights.

And other social welfare, of course, illegitimate children can not enjoy, otherwise, marriage will become a piece of paper, the family will no longer exist, social stability can not be talked about!

The population continues to decline, the marriage rate cannot rise, and is it feasible to legalize the birth of children out of wedlock?

Why do you have children out of wedlock? The following three points are the main causes of illegitimate children:

1. Women do someone else's primary three, whether passive or active, anyway, when the primary three is the result, can not get a normal marriage, and gave birth to a child, is an illegitimate child;

2. Women have not found the right spouse at the right age, and they like children very much, family conditions allow, it is natural to want to have children, go to the hospital to do IVF, and give birth to children out of wedlock;

3. In addition to girls who will want children, so will men.

Some men have not met love at the right age, but they want a child, so through some channel, they have their own children (although this is not a lot, but it does not mean that there is none).

The population continues to decline, the marriage rate cannot rise, and is it feasible to legalize the birth of children out of wedlock?

Therefore, for various reasons, these people have created a number of children born out of wedlock and illegitimate children.

What would be the problem if illegitimate children were legalized?

1. The social atmosphere will be worse, men's sense of responsibility for marriage will be weaker, and the ability of family relations to protect women will also be reduced;

2. The family structure of society will change, a pair of elderly people + single women + young children will increase the burden on the family, and will cause some safety problems because of elderly parents;

3. In a sound family, a man who has an illegitimate child will not treat his wife and family wholeheartedly, which will lead to the disintegration of the family and is not conducive to family harmony;

4. The legalization of illegitimate children will induce more hidden social problems, for example: the impact on the marriage and love of a new generation of men and women, the other party may be their own brothers and sisters, if not confirmed in time, resulting in a human tragedy, will be harmful to the next generation, but also not conducive to the long-term development of human society;

5. The legalization of illegitimate children will make more women compete to follow suit, and their own families lack corresponding support, which will increase the risk of danger and increase social instability;

The population continues to decline, the marriage rate cannot rise, and is it feasible to legalize the birth of children out of wedlock?

The legalization of illegitimate children is a blasphemy against marriage

Speaking from the heart, if not legal.

Then the fate of these children born out of wedlock can be imagined, first of all, it is impossible to go to the hukou, and secondly, it is the problem of going to school, and if you cannot go to school, then you will not have a better future.

However, if illegitimate children are legalized, then it is also unfair for women within marriage to be cheated on, after all, women within marriage are the most innocent, and marriage is protected by law!

Although children born out of wedlock will certainly not all be illegitimate children, in any case, having children out of wedlock will do more harm than good.

For women's rights and safety, it is dangerous!

Because of one person's choice, it is certainly unwise to drag down the whole family!

The little sisters, whom we hadn't seen for a long time two days ago, sat together and discussed the issue of borrowing sperm to have children.

The population continues to decline, the marriage rate cannot rise, and is it feasible to legalize the birth of children out of wedlock?

There are only a few women who have had children out of wedlock on the Douyin platform, as we all know, raising a baby is not so easy, and the economic conditions alone have stopped many unmarried women from the door.

How hard is it to have children out of wedlock?

Is it really that good to have children out of wedlock? I think for women, in addition to one more blood relative in this world, it may be more of a challenge!

First of all, how to have children out of wedlock?

Some women have a sadomasochistic relationship with a married man and then raise their children alone? Other women, advocating for female independence, go to the hospital to apply for artificial fertilization, or borrow sperm to give birth.

Second, how to raise it?

In addition to economic conditions, but also need to have around the support conditions, women give birth to children at least a year can not go out to work, must get a good private care, even if you can ask for a nanny, but some things are also nanny can not complete, so this time reliable parents and relatives are very precious.

The population continues to decline, the marriage rate cannot rise, and is it feasible to legalize the birth of children out of wedlock?

Again, how to educate?

When a child is born, there may be parents and babysitters to help take care of it, but what about education? Can they do it for them? Parents will get old one day, and nannies just take money to do things, and will not pay to treat their children sincerely.

When the parents are old, the mother can only support the child's childhood and the old age of the two old people by herself, how tired, how sad?

So, think about it, women, if you can't meet the right one, just be single, a person has no concerns, except for the parents, it is enough to be responsible for yourself, although no children will be lonely, but it is better than rushing to have a child out of wedlock!

If you have a certain economic strength, then consider borrowing sperm to have children! If you don't have that economic strength, forget it! Lest the whole family suffer!

The population continues to decline, the marriage rate cannot rise, and is it feasible to legalize the birth of children out of wedlock?

Now in society, there are quite a lot of unmarried single men and women, there is no way to find the right to match the other half, although everyone has the right and freedom to have children, but sincerely advise unmarried sisters, must carefully choose to have children out of wedlock, after all, even if they are married, there are divorced, good children can still have a father who is justified!

Although at present, children who give birth to children out of wedlock can also go to the hukou, But Flutter still hopes that society can have fewer women who have children out of wedlock and illegitimate children born out of wedlock!

In any case, whether they have children in marriage or illegitimate children, they are all citizens who are born equal and enjoy the rights that Chinese citizens deserve!

However, parents of illegitimate children should be punished!

The population continues to decline, the marriage rate cannot rise, and is it feasible to legalize the birth of children out of wedlock?

It is hoped that the State will be able to make some legal arrangements:

1. Severely punish men and women who cheat in marriage, both men and women, should be punished to a certain extent to protect the legitimacy of marriage;

2. Both husband and wife are prohibited from divorcing before the child is 18 years old, protecting the child's growth environment and reducing the impact of parental divorce on the growth of minor children;

3. Prohibit domestic violence, severely stop domestic violence, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of women and children;

4. Incorporate DNA paternity testing into the scope of marriage examination, reduce the chance of marriage between close relatives, and achieve eugenics;

The population continues to decline, the marriage rate cannot rise, and is it feasible to legalize the birth of children out of wedlock?

5. Eliminate the private abortion of the hospital, which is conducive to promoting the increase of the population;

6. Reduce the welfare benefits of illegitimate children, increase the risk of infidelity, and eliminate marital infidelity from the source;

7. Hospitals should increase relevant family planning departments to help unmarried single women with fertility intentions, provide them with corresponding scientific help, and prohibit unmarried single women from conceiving privately;

8. The state should keep pace with the times, promote the legalization of single mothers, safeguard the reproductive rights of single women (provide corresponding learning, inform them of the problems they will face after giving birth alone), and severely crack down on both parties who cheat in marriage, and absolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of marriage, because the family is the most conducive unit to maintain social stability!

This article is only some of the author's ideas on the issue of "legalizing children born out of wedlock", if there is any inappropriateness, please forgive me!