
Everyday female human 24 hours

author:Interface News
| Vickie

This is the era of women's awakening, people repeat the focus of the camera on those independent, excellent, successful women, and the daily female human life seems to become "less reasonable" because of the small and ordinary, this trend is not another kind of neglect of women?

Today we decided to aim the shutter at ordinary women for 24 hours, to experience their plight and share their happiness, in these ordinary "mirrors", to look at ourselves.

6:30 am

Disney dolls are @Daisy

Everyday female human 24 hours

Image source: TOPHER

Daisy is a Disney puppeteer actress in her third year at Disney. At 6:30 a.m., Daisy, who has an early shift, prepares for the park. After 2 hours, she will wear Titi's doll costume to the park to "surprise" the audience.

The weight of the doll suit is not too friendly to petite girls. In order to skillfully make the signature actions of Disney characters such as touching her ears, covering her mouth, and jumping, she often had to sweat profusely.

At Disney, there are countless faceless doll actors like her, but they are like unsung heroes, quietly transmitting love and joy to the world through dolls.

7:00 am

@Huang Jiewen in the lion dance team

Everyday female human 24 hours

On the rooftop in the early morning, under the dexterous beating lion's head in the sun, is the figure of a girl. Huang Jiewen, who inherited her mother's mantle, became one of the few women in the lion dance team.

Influenced by clan culture, activities such as lion and dragon dances have long been dominated by men, and women are mostly excluded. Even the highly skilled female team members will inevitably suffer some rejection in their work, but she did not give up, but used a hundred times more effort to exchange for a perfect performance, blocking the mouths of those who opposed it.

She is like a microcosm of us in a patriarchal society, although many women suffer more discrimination at work, but we will always fight back with better grades.

8:00 am

Two baby professional women @ Fengfeng

Everyday female human 24 hours

Feng Feng is a professional woman with two children who goes through a race against the clock every morning.

Prepare breakfast, urge the child to get up, send the child out of the door in a hurry, and then quickly put on makeup, grab the bag and go out. There are three meetings to be held today, and when they come back from work, they have to check their children's homework.

Society always wants women to pay more for the family, working mothers are eager to grow three heads and six arms to take care of it, maybe it is time to learn to push a part of the family work to others, let themselves relax for a while.

9:00 am

Urban women who often work overtime @Ericaliga

Everyday female human 24 hours

Last night, I wrote the plan very late, and I couldn't help but brush my mobile phone for a while while while lying in bed, and the result was that I got up late in the morning.

It was too late to make breakfast by herself, Erica quickly freshened up and rushed out the door, got off the subway and bought an Orleans chicken leg rice ball and a cup of soy milk, ran all the way, and successfully punched the clock at the last second.

"When will I stop working?" She sighed in her head as she chewed on the rice balls, but the only thing waiting for her was to change the plan that had not yet passed three times.

"Make sure to squeeze out the time for exercise this week," she swallowed her last mouthful of soy milk and started a new day.

When they graduate and stay in the big city, girls fantasize about working-life balance jobs, but in reality, it is the norm to have fun.

10:00 am

Successful job transfer @ giant can eat spicy good cook

Everyday female human 24 hours

In the first half of last year, the cook experienced a small low in his career and was confused about his future career planning. After rejecting three offers from different places, she chose to polish her feet in the original company for half a year, from work business to communication with leaders, there has been a significant improvement.

At ten o'clock in the morning on Monday, she finally received the transfer email as she wished, and successfully transferred from the business department to the strategy department. Not only did she get a lift in title, but importantly she gradually discovered that overall strategy analysis was her interest.

Those girls who are not defeated by the lows can be called heroes, and if they grit their teeth and stand up, they will surely usher in good luck with a more tenacious posture.

11:00 am

Sweaty women outside of delicate women @ Wang Ting

At 11:00 a.m., Wang Ting, a delivery worker, lined up outside the elevator in the food court and waited for fifteen minutes before squeezing into the elevator. After picking up the meal, she quickly put away the lunch box and rode through the electric car in the cold winter wind to deliver the food to the customers as quickly as possible.

After divorcing her ex-husband, in order to support her daughter and pay off her debts, she could run more than 90 orders a day and work more than ten hours a day. In an industry that was considered unsuitable for women, she was pushed by life and gained a foothold with strong perseverance and the love of her daughter.

In addition to the context of urban elite women, there is such a group of women who rely on sweat to make ends meet, they may not know how to wear makeup, but they are beautiful enough to be down-to-earth.

12:00 am

Anchor @ DanDan

At 12:00 noon, seven or eight anchors in a clothing wholesale mall of less than 20 square meters were shouting at the mobile phone screen.

Dan Dan is also one of them. Even if there is no audience, she must keep talking, because the anchor happens not to speak when the audience clicks in, and the other party will soon quit. One afternoon, there were only three people who placed orders, namely sister-in-law, cousin and girlfriend. In addition to the platform commission and 3 courier fees, a total of 15 yuan was earned.

Li Jiaqi's success is only a myth of one in a billion, and more screens are standing in front of ordinary people who have dreams but can only wait to be disappointed.

1:30 pm

@Ah Yuan who has passed the cooling off period of divorce

Everyday female human 24 hours

At 1:30 p.m., Ah Yuan waited for her husband at the entrance of the courthouse. Today is the last day of the second divorce cooling-off period, waiting for a little half a day, the other party did not appear, the phone did not work, WeChat did not return.

It wasn't until the Civil Affairs Bureau left work that her husband finally called back: the train was late, and the phone was out of power. She has made several appointments to get her divorce papers in the past month, and every time she returns to the last minute, her husband either uses busyness as an excuse not to show up, or he shows up but forgets to bring his papers.

Because the other party missed the appointment, the second cooling-off period was invalidated. If An Yuan still wants to divorce, she must resubmit the divorce registration application and pass the third divorce cooling-off period again.

After the introduction of the cooling-off period policy for divorce, the divorce rate has been reduced statistically, but how can women who struggle in bad marriages experience less difficulties?

2:10 pm

@Zoe after the outbreak quarantine

After repeated outbreaks, Zoe's community was tragically affected and closed. After two months of "isolation", he finally ushered in the unsealing. Long-distance travel is afraid that the itinerary code will accidentally change color, and she decided to catch a fashion and go to a picnic.

At two o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday, she took her son and friends to a picnic in the park, and although the grass was sparse and there was no imaginary grove suitable for taking pictures, the children had a lot of fun playing with the soil. Zoe and his friends, though they just switched places to play with their phones, at least got a breath of fresh air.

Life is not a little happy can not find, if you can not change the environment, please adjust the mentality?

3:00 pm

Overseas Reading Girl @ Little Fun

Everyday female human 24 hours

One afternoon on a sunny day, Xiao Lezi, who was studying social sciences abroad, went to the cemetery alone to read the script. She suddenly became interested in the strangers buried in the ground but close at hand, so she searched one by one according to the names on the tombstones, but most of the deceased were not celebrities, so the search was fruitless.

Finally she saw the tombstone of the famous feminist writer Susan Sontag, next to which a woman was rubbing the tombstone. Between exchanges, she was surprised to learn that the woman who wiped the tombstone was actually Susan's daughter-in-law.

For an instant, it was as if he had personally come into contact with this scholar who had enlightened thousands of women in some form, and he was full of joy. So girls must read more books, because reading books can not only make you have more knowledge, more opportunities, but also let you not miss a good encounter.

4:00 pm

Blind girl @ Hui Ling

At 4 p.m., Hui Ling, a fully blind college girl, was rehearsing for the school celebration. Students entered and sat down one after another, and the concert hall became full of people. She heard the sound of other performers banging on the stage, and her heart was bottomless.

It was her turn to show with a few other blind classmates, and they walked arm in arm to the stage, not knowing who accidentally fell, and everyone fell into a ball one after another. The audience laughed. The four people supported each other and encouraged each other, and continued to walk bravely to the stage.

Nothing can deprive girls of the beauty and tenacity of the depths of their lives, even if it is a little negligence in creating them.

5:00 pm

Don't forget the little flower plum's @Lantern Mom

Everyday female human 24 hours

For dinner today, Lantern's mother made a traditional Vietnamese spring roll wrapped in vermicelli fungus and meat filling, fried crisply.

She is a "Vietnamese bride" bought by Lantern's father, and after a failed attempt to escape, she stayed in the village and gave birth to two children. In difficult days, food from her hometown has become the emotional sustenance of the Vietnamese bride, but the spring roll skin is a Vietnamese specialty, and the Vietnamese compatriots have brought her a long journey, and many times the spring roll skin has been broken when it reaches her hand.

Although the mothers of the Lantern Festival live a more dignified life than the "Little Flower Plum", it should not be their fate to be bought and sold as a commodity, and to help the abducted women is to help ourselves.

6:00 pm

Older girl @ Su Xiao

Everyday female human 24 hours

At 4 p.m., 34-year-old Su Xiao ushered in the 39th blind date in her life, as soon as she entered the box, the sitting blind date immediately stood up to greet her.

After the two people introduced themselves, they were cold, and the other party was obviously not good at words, and his words were rare and restrained.

After the dish came up, the blind date saw that Su Xiao did not eat much, and there was no word to find words to let her eat more. "I'm going to dance later, I can't eat more." Su Xiao resigned. The other party responded solemnly: "Then you really have to eat more, and jump up to have strength."

Su Xiao's 39th blind date in life ended.

The public opinion of "older leftover women" and "returning to the family" will not let more women enter the marriage, but steal their self-confidence and let the road of feelings enter the vicious circle.

7:00 pm

Female PhD @VK

At 7 p.m., the first year of the Ph.D. in social sciences, I fell into a deep self-doubt after a group meeting with a cross-jet lag supervisor, why do ordinary me always have to challenge for more difficult options?

Should I give up and choose an easier life? But I always feel that I can continue to move forward, even if I don't get the most perfect ending, or go slower and experience more twists and turns, but I look forward to meeting a better version of myself on the road ahead.

Marriage before the age of 25 is not a necessary path for every woman, and girls can also choose to continue their studies in school, and studying for a doctorate is just a career choice.

8:00 pm

Love to dance @ square dance mom

At 8 p.m. in the summer, Aunt Xu's square dance team assembled on time in the small square. The evening breeze is gentle, the dry heat of the day begins to dissipate, and the big aunts who get together are nagging in pairs, and some cheerful laughter bursts out from time to time. Some of the aunts are dressed casually, while others are dressed in slightly formal dance costumes, and they are graceful and dancing to the music. The confidence and vitality accumulated in the journey of life fill the air and inspire those who watch.

Thanks to these big moms, they made me realize that getting older is not so terrible, and the love of life is an inexhaustible source of vitality.

9:00 pm

Idealists looking for a job @ Hey

@ Hello is a liberal arts girl who loves art, dreams of living through music / painting / filming / performance art and other above behavior, the road to art is far away to pay back food or to eat, three months of rent let her carry credit card debt, she is not allowed to come out of utopia, find a job that can afford to support herself.

At 9:00 p.m., she anxiously brushed up on the recruitment software, looking at most of the information sent to art institutions that "can't be read back", or the salary given was extremely low and there was no five insurances and one gold, and she began to wonder if she had made the wrong choice.

Idealism is enough for ordinary people to be a kind of heroism, even if it does not go to the end, the scars that have been left for the ideal will become a shining medal.

10:00 pm

Internet girl @Lulu

Everyday female human 24 hours

"Ding! Punch card successfully"

At 10:00 p.m., Lulu, who was working at an Internet company, had been busy all day and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, after 9 o'clock to punch in the car home can be reimbursed, Lulu opened the APP to call a car, WeChat message pop-up window pop-up several messages from her parents, the words are written very long, summed up is to persuade her to return to her hometown to find a stable job.

It is not that she has not considered her parents' proposals, but the facilities in her hometown are backward in all aspects, the average salary is not even a fraction of her current salary, and although her life is stable, what does it mean to be stable in poverty?

Her work has seen improvement, so she wants to take advantage of the young years in the big city to save some money, after thinking about it, she sent a screenshot of the payroll to her parents, so that her parents can live well in the big city.

Stability is not the whole of life, and only by mastering the economic foundation can girls gain more rights for themselves.

11:00 pm

Am reading this article @ you

I don't know if you were lying in bed when you read this article, thinking about getting a good night's sleep, but your hand couldn't help but click into the next video.

Not being good enough, not perfect enough, not being self-disciplined enough often causes girls to fall into self-blame, but isn't that what ordinary people are? Take it easy, try to be more tolerant or even doting on yourself, health and happiness are already good!

00:00 am

Three battles of examination @

Two weeks ago at 12 a.m., @ prayed in front of the computer and played a good luck song to himself in his heart.

This is her three battles to graduate school, the first two times due to objective reasons or insufficient effort and failure. This time, she left work and prepared at home for a year, desperately fighting a battle. But the moment the results appeared on the screen, she actually had a strange sense of relief, followed by self-doubt and confusion.

Life is very long, the world is not only a way, learn to give up those who are not suitable for themselves, will be willow.

1:00 am

Everyday human @Molly

It was already the early morning of the next day, and Molly, a Chinese teacher at a key elementary school, was very busy before the case.

Graduated from the department of Chinese of a prestigious school, she chose the position of primary school teacher after graduation, and originally thought that she could enjoy the holiday with a good salary, and she could also have a sense of achievement in teaching and educating people. But there is no perfect job in the world, and in addition to the heavy teaching work, as a newcomer, she is often caught writing some material to cope with the examination.

For example, she is now torturing her quality development activity materials, whether the event is held or not is not important, the important thing is to hand over the materials, she sighed and continued to write hard.

How many people still live an ordinary life after defeating countless competitors, try to enlarge the highlights of life, maybe you will have extraordinary happiness.

2:00 am

Passionate interns @Cris

Everyday female human 24 hours

At two o'clock in the morning, Cris, who interned at a fashion magazine, was still revising the plan. Between breaks, she brushed up on Taobao, hoping to find the most fashionable items on a limited budget.

Although this month's flowers have not been repaid, in the fashion circle, how can something that does not have a full façade work? In order to surprise others at key moments, she would rather blow up her credit card.

"When will I be able to go to a fashion party?" cris thought enviously when he saw that the editor-in-chief had just posted a photo of a fashion event in the circle of friends.

Fashion editors are sad after the bright, only the love of beauty and trends supports them to spend the night after night, hoping that every ordinary woman can find their own love.


Ukrainian female doctor @ Irina

Everyday female human 24 hours

At 3 a.m., Irina, a Ukrainian female doctor living in North Donetsk, got into an ambulance and sped toward the hospital where she worked. At noon the day before, Russian shells exploded ten kilometers from where she lived.

Although many of her colleagues didn't go to work because they were scared or had a long distance, Irina was scared, but she went to the hospital to help and did her best to help more people, because she didn't want to hide at home when people needed doctors the most.

When the war struck, Ukrainian women once again proved with their actions that "who says women are inferior to men".

4:00 am

@Little Blue

At 4:00 a.m., the emergency assembly bell sounded, and all the firefighters lined up in the playground to prepare for training.

The cold wind in the early morning made people's bones tremble, but Xiaolan, a female firefighter who did not accept defeat, did not shout bitterly and tired, but gritted her teeth to complete one training project after another, because she knew in her heart that if she worked harder today, there would be a greater chance of saving one more person tomorrow.

In the team of defending the country, women are not women, but heroes who have been tempered for thousands of years.

5:00 am

Waiting for tomorrow's @ Zhang Xiao J

On the second day of the new year, Zhang Xiao J got up early in the morning to go to the beach to see the sunrise, before the sun came out, the weather was still a little cold, she rubbed her hands and carefully took stock of the regrets and highlight moments of the past year, waiting for the sun to rise.

The first day gradually appeared in the clouds, and within half an hour, the sky was full of light.

"I hope that the new year will be smooth and healthy"

Every year is a similar wish, but it is a year of unknown and hopeful, and there are too many people who wish to get rich, it is not difficult for God.

Cute girls, it seems that no matter how many stories and accidents they have experienced, they are willing to believe that there is a good future waiting, secretly make a wish not to be greedy, and wait for tomorrow.

Every ordinary woman is the protagonist of life, and in the challenging journey of life, we add different colors to the 24 hours of the day with strong perseverance, diversified creativity, and infinite love.

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