
No matter how busy you are, this pot of soup should be drunk often, especially for women, and there is no meat from the inside to the outside

author:Elf A's Food Shop

No matter how busy, this pot of soup should be drunk often, especially for women, from the inner beauty to the outside does not grow meat!

It is the noble of chicken, comprehensive and rich in nutrition, eat it every few days, nourishment and beauty!

No matter how busy you are, this pot of soup should be drunk often, especially for women, and there is no meat from the inside to the outside
No matter how busy you are, this pot of soup should be drunk often, especially for women, and there is no meat from the inside to the outside

In early spring, the climate is pleasant; especially in the southern region, where birds and flowers are everywhere, the scenery is also very beautiful; the soft light of the sun shines on the body, which is particularly comfortable, and people can't help but want to go out for a walk. However, there is also a less friendly side to the spring weather, that is, dry and windy.

A while ago busy, did not care too much about the skin on the face, these days a little idle, only to find that the skin is much worse, and even slight peeling, oil acne phenomenon. Sure enough, the skin is delicate, and when you don't treat it well, it brings about a bad state; therefore, at all times, you need to take care of it with your heart and take care of it.

If you want your skin to be in a good state, in addition to going to bed early and getting up early, ensuring adequate sleep time, using non-irritating skin care products, you also need to drink more soup and water, and often eat light food. Today, recommend a good soup to friends, especially female friends, drink once or twice a week, the skin is tender and tender, from the inner beauty to the outside, and do not worry, drink more fat long meat, it is health black chicken soup.

No matter how busy you are, this pot of soup should be drunk often, especially for women, and there is no meat from the inside to the outside

Black chicken, also known as black bone chicken, the whole body is black, contains 27 kinds of trace elements, 19 kinds of amino acids, and the taste of eating is also very tender and delicious. In addition, its nutrition in all aspects far exceeds that of ordinary chicken, is a tonic ingredient with high nutritional value, and is often eaten to regulate the body, strengthen bones, enhance immunity and other effects. For female friends, it is more nourishing and clearing the heat and preventing the effect of anemia.

Black chicken, the most common way to eat it in my family, likes to cook soup with different ingredients. Today, I chose jade fungus, cordyceps flowers, and several flavored tonic ingredients suitable for women to eat, and cooked a pot of health soup; the soup is delicious and tender, there is no meaty hair, the state of stuffed teeth, i drank two bowls without paying attention, and I was really comfortable. No matter how busy, this pot of soup should be drunk often, especially for women, from the inner beauty to the outside is not long meat; it is the nobility in chicken meat, comprehensive and rich in nutrition, eat every few days, supplement nutrition and beauty; let's take a look at the specific methods ~

No matter how busy you are, this pot of soup should be drunk often, especially for women, and there is no meat from the inside to the outside
No matter how busy you are, this pot of soup should be drunk often, especially for women, and there is no meat from the inside to the outside

Ingredients: Half a black chicken

Ingredients: 30 g of jade fungus, 10 g of cordyceps flower, 8 red dates, 10 g of astragalus, 10 g of angelica, 20 ml of cooking wine, 5 g of ginger, 2 g of pepper, 2 g of salt

Preparation steps:

1: Prepare various raw materials.

No matter how busy you are, this pot of soup should be drunk often, especially for women, and there is no meat from the inside to the outside

2) Black chicken, clean up and wash and chop.

No matter how busy you are, this pot of soup should be drunk often, especially for women, and there is no meat from the inside to the outside

3) Chop the black chicken in cold water, add ginger slices, cooking wine, blanch for about 5 minutes, scoop up and wash with warm water and drain.

No matter how busy you are, this pot of soup should be drunk often, especially for women, and there is no meat from the inside to the outside

4) Soaked jade fungus, cordyceps flowers, washed and washed; sliced ginger, red dates, astragalus, angelica, all washed.

No matter how busy you are, this pot of soup should be drunk often, especially for women, and there is no meat from the inside to the outside

5) Wash the liner of the electric saucepan and pour in the drained black chicken nuggets.

No matter how busy you are, this pot of soup should be drunk often, especially for women, and there is no meat from the inside to the outside

6) Add all the prepared ingredients and water.

No matter how busy you are, this pot of soup should be drunk often, especially for women, and there is no meat from the inside to the outside

7: Turn on the power, choose to simmer in water for 2 hours.

No matter how busy you are, this pot of soup should be drunk often, especially for women, and there is no meat from the inside to the outside

8) Open lid, add pepper and salt to taste, stir gently for a few times, then power off, put in a bowl and enjoy.

No matter how busy you are, this pot of soup should be drunk often, especially for women, and there is no meat from the inside to the outside

Genie Fragments:

1: The genie uses fresh black chicken, so there is no need to soak it. If it is frozen, please consider it as appropriate.

2: The amount of soup is increased according to the number of people in your own family. The genie is a family of three, two bowls per person.

No matter how busy you are, this pot of soup should be drunk often, especially for women, and there is no meat from the inside to the outside

Well, I am the food workshop of Genie A, today's healthy black chicken soup, it is introduced here; if you like my article, remember "Collect", "Share" or pay attention to "Genie A's Food Workshop", your support is my motivation to continue to work hard!. Dear friends like it, want to try it, have any questions in the production process, you can always leave a message to the elf, the elf will be the first time to reply!

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