
Not very good at health, fooling around the first place? 6 kinds of snacks cloaked in healthy clothes, pit money also makes you fat

author:54 bigfoot colors

First, dried vegetables/dried fruits

Vegetables and fruits, eating some every day is really great for the body, and because of this, many people feel that dried vegetables and fruits should be the same. However, in order to dehydrate vegetables and fruits, many processing plants dehydrate vegetables and fruits by frying, so that the processed products are very high in calories. In order to make dried vegetables and fruits have a better taste, when processing, additional spices such as saccharin, salt and monosodium glutamate are added, which are not good for the body when eating too much.

Not very good at health, fooling around the first place? 6 kinds of snacks cloaked in healthy clothes, pit money also makes you fat

(Nutritional composition list of a certain fruit and vegetable crisp, every 100g there is 30g of fat)

Second, vegetable juice/fruit juice

Like dried vegetables and fruits, many people feel that vegetable juice is also healthy, and even many people want to achieve weight loss through it as a staple food. But in fact, once the vegetables and fruits are processed into vegetable juice, the processing plant will filter out the processed residue, which wastes the most important dietary fiber and many minerals of the fruit, and the sugar in the processed juice is more easily absorbed by the human body, in order to drink well, the processing plant will also add white sugar and other seasonings, in order to look good will also add MSG. So it's better to eat fruit directly

Not very good at health, fooling around the first place? 6 kinds of snacks cloaked in healthy clothes, pit money also makes you fat

Third, coarse grain biscuits

Many people think that there are a lot of oat bran and so on in the coarse grain biscuits, which are very rough to eat and give people a healthy feeling, but in fact, the main ingredients of the coarse grain biscuits are wheat flour and vegetable oil, which is the same as ordinary biscuits, in order to be delicious, you also need to add a lot of sugar

Not very good at health, fooling around the first place? 6 kinds of snacks cloaked in healthy clothes, pit money also makes you fat

The nutritional composition list of a certain coarse grain biscuit has 33g of fat for every 100g, and 1/3 of the biscuit is oil when eaten

Fourth, vegetarian chicken vegetarian duck

Vegetarian chicken vegetarian duck is a food made of starch that tastes similar to the taste of chicken and duck, but in order to be delicious and has the taste of meat, vegetable glue, sauce, sugar, etc. are added when cooking. Jian is not healthy, in fact, just look at the monks in the temple, they eat every day, although they do not eat meat, but still fat and outrageous!

Not very good at health, fooling around the first place? 6 kinds of snacks cloaked in healthy clothes, pit money also makes you fat

Fifth, sweet yogurt

Yogurt is good for the stomach, which is true, but for the taste will also add a lot of sugar, some yogurt will also add processed jam, which is actually not easy to digest, can be described as more than worth the loss.

Sixth, sugar-free foods

In fact, this is a proper IQ tax, he said that the sugar-free is just no white sugar, but sugar-free biscuits, sugar-free bread, etc., which contain a lot of starch, after digestion and then become glucose.

Not very good at health, fooling around the first place? 6 kinds of snacks cloaked in healthy clothes, pit money also makes you fat