
Why are there all kinds of strange flying vehicles in Miyazaki's animation?

author:Black rat rat

This is related to the early experience of Miyazaki Hayao, who worked at the airport and dreamed of flying as a child. Therefore, in his animation works, various types of flying vehicles always appear. It can be seen from his works that he hates war a lot, and it is precisely because of his experience that he has a deeper understanding, because an animated work "The Wind Rises" is interpreted by people with ulterior motives as soul-calling militarism, which is a big mistake, and it is not so difficult to understand in depth, to see what he really wants to express. The only connection is that the aircraft used in this step is the Japanese World War II aircraft, which he has experienced, and it is also the aircraft he is familiar with, and nothing more.

Why are there all kinds of strange flying vehicles in Miyazaki's animation?

Another aircraft-based work is "Porco Rosso", the best pilot has a pig's head, his good friends have died on the battlefield, there is a beautiful girl waiting for him, he does not dare to face it, and the friend he sacrificed is the person the girl used to like. His plane is seaplane and red.

The 1984 animation "Valley of the Wind" tells the story of how the surviving human beings survived after the devastating war and how the environment has changed dramatically, Nausicaa's flying machine, which looks like a gliding wing, can be stepped on, and some science fiction works also have similar frisbee, which is very cool, and it is this aircraft that proves that the technological civilization here has reached a very high level.

Why are there all kinds of strange flying vehicles in Miyazaki's animation?

The ending music of 1986's Castle in the Sky is my favorite, there are so many things that can fly in this one, and the first thing that comes up is a huge airship, a group of air thieves piloting small aircraft with transparent wings like dragonflies hijacking the airship and taking the heroine to their base. Not to mention the Sky City, which carries a high degree of civilization, it can be said that it is a flying island, or it can be said that it is a huge spaceship in itself, and many highly powerful robots on it can also fly. In "Hal's Moving Castle", there are large airships and small spaceships on both sides of the war country, and small flying machines can still incite wings, and finally even the entire Castle of Hare can fly.

Why are there all kinds of strange flying vehicles in Miyazaki's animation?

"Witch House Rush" is even more crisp, the witch must be flying on a broomstick, although it can't bear the weight, it is still enough to pull a boyfriend. There are also no technology vehicles in "Spirited Away", and Chihiro flies on a small white face, which is higher than all the above aircraft.

The big and particularly fat totoro in "Totoro" can carry the children who catch it in the air with an umbrella, and it can barely be considered flying.

Text: Dragon Knight Sharu