
The faucet is dripping, is there a meter billing? Don't think about "wool", many people are wrong

author:Han Pang said decoration

It is not uncommon for faucets to drip water at home, some because the faucet is broken, and some cases to be able to "shear the wool". I believe that many people have done this kind of opportunistic thing as I have done.

The faucet is dripping, is there a meter billing? Don't think about "wool", many people are wrong
When the faucet is dripping, the water meter does not move, so you can save water bills. Although the drip may seem slow, you can also pick up one or two buckets of water a day. Don't look at the drops of water is not much, but the dripping water through the stone, the sand into the tower, after a long time, you can also save a very considerable amount of water costs.
The faucet is dripping, is there a meter billing? Don't think about "wool", many people are wrong

The faucet is dripping, is the water meter billed in the end? Do you think that this can be used to shear wool, but in fact, many people are wrong.

Relying on the faucet to drip water to save water costs is a typical "water theft" behavior, although it saves money, but it is very immoral.

The faucet is dripping, is there a meter billing? Don't think about "wool", many people are wrong

Old-fashioned mechanical water meters that will not be billed

Saving money by dripping water was previously feasible. Because the old-fashioned mechanical water meters were used in the past, they were rotated by the gears inside the water meters to calculate the water bill.

This old-fashioned mechanical water meter is relatively unresponsive. If the water flow is too small, it is not enough to drive the gear to rotate, the water meter will not move, and naturally it will not be billed.

The faucet is dripping, is there a meter billing? Don't think about "wool", many people are wrong

New water meters, drip water will also be billed

The old-fashioned mechanical water meter is not perfect, so there is a hole to drill, which the water company also knows. Later, the old-fashioned mechanical water meters were replaced by new water meters, which had much higher sensitivity.

The new water meter is not billed by a gear, but by driving the blade of the bill, which drives the pointer parameters. Even dripping water can drive the pointer parameters of the water meter. It's just that the speed of the dripping water, the parameters that drive the pointer are very slow. We are not able to detect it with the naked eye, it is not that there is no billing, and the water bill that should be paid cannot run.

The faucet is dripping, is there a meter billing? Don't think about "wool", many people are wrong

The hidden danger of dripping water from faucets

The model of dripping water from the faucet, although it can save some water bills, but there will also be some potential hidden dangers.

1. The faucet is easily damaged

If the faucet is in a dripping state for a long time, it will be long after a long time. When you try to turn off the faucet, you find that it can't be tightened anymore. At this time, the faucet has been damaged and can only be replaced by a new one. The water bills that had been saved so hard were eventually spent on new faucets.

The faucet is dripping, is there a meter billing? Don't think about "wool", many people are wrong

2, soak bad furniture, floor

If no one is home for a long time, and the dripping faucet forgets to turn it off. After a long time, the water in the bucket will overflow, not only wasting water resources. And the overflowing water may spread to other places, easily soaking the wooden floor, furniture, and even the possibility of seeping water into the ceiling of the downstairs neighbor.

The faucet is dripping, is there a meter billing? Don't think about "wool", many people are wrong


Now it is not a desirable way to "shearle" by dripping water. Not only are water bills not saved, but faucets can also be damaged. If the water in the bucket overflows, it may also damage the floor and furniture.

If the faucet fails, the repair must also be repaired urgently. If the faucet is not malfunctioning, it is better to turn off the faucet. Only by conserving water can we save money on water bills.