
Don't worry! Children can eat but do not grow meat or grow, what to do? Solve it in 2 steps

author:The doctor of Chinese medicine talks about height

Often a mother comes and asks, my child is particularly able to eat, see everything wants to eat, you don't give him food, he still has to cry, can't eat enough, but such a child, but long thin and small, what is wrong with my child?

Don't worry! Children can eat but do not grow meat or grow, what to do? Solve it in 2 steps

Chinese medicine classifies this kind of child as a strong stomach and weak spleen, the function of the stomach and spleen is not matched, we say that the function of the spleen and stomach is like a balance, when the function matches, the child can eat and digest and absorb, and the height and weight are also steadily increasing.

The stomach is accepted, the spleen is transported, the stomach is strong and the spleen is weak, and the two ends of the scale are high and low, which will cause the child to eat, but he cannot digest.

Don't worry! Children can eat but do not grow meat or grow, what to do? Solve it in 2 steps

I often give parents an example, just like a mixer, the spleen is like the kinetic energy or the maximum workload of this mixer, if it can only put a ton of cement, you stuff it into 2 tons, when stirring it needs to consume a lot of energy, originally this mixer can be used for a year, every day to increase the workload, overwork, may be half a year on the problem.

The child's spleen and stomach is also such a truth, if you eat very much every day, you need a strong power of the spleen to transport, a long time overload work, spleen deficiency will appear, the function can not keep up, this time there will be a child can eat but not long situation.

Children with a strong stomach and a weak spleen are prone to accumulation of food, easy to catch fire, unstable sleep, grumpy, slow growth and development, and easy to get sick.

Don't worry! Children can eat but do not grow meat or grow, what to do? Solve it in 2 steps

I often say that the spleen is too full, the role of the spleen in the child's growth and development process is too important, the stomach is strong and the spleen is weak, the adjustment is usually divided into 2 steps:

The first step is to control the diet, reduce the intake, especially dinner, breakfast normal eating, dinner must be reduced, and to give the child to eat a good digestion, meat as far as possible not to eat; eat some full stomach, such as steamed bread, pumpkin, etc., or fiber-rich food, can laxative, help digestion.

Don't worry! Children can eat but do not grow meat or grow, what to do? Solve it in 2 steps

Be sure to give the child less snacks, biscuits, chocolate and other high-calorie foods, easy to get wet, heat, damage the child's spleen and stomach, remove the bedtime milk, give the child spleen and stomach sufficient rest time.

The second step, we have to give the child a healthy spleen, when the function of the spleen goes up, how much to eat can be digested, can be absorbed.

Children with a strong stomach and a weak spleen, in addition to spleen deficiency, generally have a heart fire, liver fire, eat some lotus seeds, wheat dong, lilies and other foods on the diet, and purify the heart and nourish the liver.

Children under 3 years old can also cooperate with pediatric tuina conditioning, clean stomach meridian, spleen meridian, clear large intestine, rub the plate door, clockwise rubbing the abdomen, etc., and can also apply the corresponding acupuncture points, such as the middle acupoint, tianshu acupoint, foot sanli acupoint, Yongquan aching, spleen Yu acupoint, etc., to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and improve the spleen's transportation function.

Don't worry! Children can eat but do not grow meat or grow, what to do? Solve it in 2 steps

In addition, there are some small formulas and proprietary Chinese medicines, which need to be combined with the child's symptoms and recommended.

Note: Medical science, for reference only, specific problems for specific analysis.

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