
Great bustard – the male and female weigh more than twice as much, and are also the heaviest and most flying birds

author:Slightly smoked history

Birds live in a colorful, dazzling world, different birds have their own characteristics, each of their feathers is unique, and every song will be fascinating!

But, you know what? There is a bird that lives on Earth, the female and male have a huge difference in weight, and they are also the largest and can fly.

Great bustard – the male and female weigh more than twice as much, and are also the heaviest and most flying birds

Next, let's step into the world of this amazing bird!

One, the great bustard

This bizarre bird is called the Great Bustard. It is the national bird of Hungary. When it comes to Hungary, many people may not be able to find it on the map, it is a developed landlocked country in central Europe, the capital is Budapest, and the total population of the country is only more than nine million. With a per capita GDP of nearly 20,000, it is a very developed country.

The great bustard takes the grassland as its home and is a typical bird that depends on the grassland for its livelihood. They can often be seen in open plains, arid grasslands, and even some savannas and semi-desert areas. During cold winters or in migratory waves, they also make short stops along rivers, lakes and wet and dry meadows adjacent to grasslands

Great bustard – the male and female weigh more than twice as much, and are also the heaviest and most flying birds

They are also found in Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang on the mainland, which have lived in the grasslands of the dependent areas for generations, and often haunt the farmland, foraging, playing and fighting near the farmland. However, their infested farmland is far from the human living area and may be a little afraid of humans.

The great bustard is also one of the best hunters, with a high level of competition with eagles, they are very hardy and alert, and it is difficult for people to get close to them. They are natural hunters, very good at running, and when they run at full speed, they are faster than the horses on land who are known for running. The great bustard feeds mainly on ground insects, other small animals and plant seeds, and also eats grain from the field for a while.

Great bustard – the male and female weigh more than twice as much, and are also the heaviest and most flying birds

Compared with the great bustard's superb hunting skills and extraordinary running speed, the most interesting thing is the huge difference in the shape of their male and female.

Male great bustard

In general, male bustards are between 75 and 105 cm long and generally weigh between 10 and 16 kg. The male looks very strong, has a thick and long neck, and has strong legs and is very good at running. However, it is reasonable to say that among birds, such a large weight is difficult to fly, but the great bustard is an exception, thanks to their powerful wings, when it spreads its wings, the length will reach more than two meters.

Great bustard – the male and female weigh more than twice as much, and are also the heaviest and most flying birds

Male bustard because of the huge weight, each take-off before the need to run, and the aircraft take off needs to use the runway to help run a little similar, with the increase in the speed of the run, the male bustard will slowly leave the ground, soaring in the sky, but the male bustard does not fly high, in the case of such a large weight, flying for the male is nothing more than a gift from heaven.

Female great bustard

Compared to the mighty male body of the male bustard, the female appears slightly thin. Female bustards are no more than 50 cm long and generally weigh 5 to 6 kg, with some more exaggerated, not even 4 kg.

One is 16 kg, 105 cm, one is 6 kg, less than 50 cm, whether it is weight, or body size, is the advantage of the crushing level, the gap is not too obvious. The female stands next to the male, and in a trance, you think that father and son are two generations together.

Great bustard – the male and female weigh more than twice as much, and are also the heaviest and most flying birds

This gap is unique among flying birds, and you have to marvel at the wonder of nature!

Third, the current situation of the great bustard

Although the great bustard is widely distributed, with the development of human civilization, some areas have become extinct! And the number of ethnic groups across the world is decreasing at a rate visible to the naked eye. The global total is about 29,700.

The population of the great bustard in China was once so abundant that dozens of flocks of them could often be seen skimming through the air, but now, the number of times such a scene is seen is even more numerous. According to statistics, the total number of great bustards on the mainland is only a pitiful three or four hundred.

Great bustard – the male and female weigh more than twice as much, and are also the heaviest and most flying birds

The reason for this is that humans certainly account for the main factor. For example, the vandal destruction of the great bustard habitat, overgrazing and reclamation, the spread of modern machinery such as agricultural machinery, and the poles and wires can also lead to the accidental death of the bustard.

Conclusion: Nature is not only the nature that belongs to human beings, but also the home of various animals, plants, etc. With the high prosperity of human civilization, this homeland is now in tatters. Do you have to wait until you lose it to know the importance of possession?

Protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility!


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