
He was buried alive for 38 hours, rescued by two flies, and eventually vowed never to fight flies for life

author:Thousand Miles of Smoke

Behind China's prosperity and strength today is the comfortable peace that our ancestors have fought in the war of blood and fire, which has been bought for us. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, many heroic figures gave their youth and lives to the establishment and construction of the mainland.

In the Battle of Shangganling to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Huang Jiguang's battalion was ordered to seize the 597.9 heights on the west side of Shangganling. However, the time did not bless me, and the battalion at that time failed to blast three positions that needed to be captured.

He was buried alive for 38 hours, rescued by two flies, and eventually vowed never to fight flies for life

Time is urgent, and if we do not quickly capture the position, we will delay the leading fighters of the entire Campaign to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. In such an urgent time and environment, Huang Jiguang stepped forward and volunteered to take on the blasting mission and went to the enemy position to carry out the blasting.

Just 10 meters away from the enemy bunker, Huang Jiguang was unfortunately discovered by the enemy, and the enemy immediately opened fire on them. Only to see Huang Jiguang use his chest against the muzzle of the gun, and then throw the grenade out. The comrades immediately rushed forward and recaptured the heights in one fell swoop, and Huang Jiguang exchanged his life for the victory of this battle.

He was buried alive for 38 hours, rescued by two flies, and eventually vowed never to fight flies for life
Of course, in addition to these tragic heroic deeds, there are also some fortunate things for the rest of their lives. Let's take a look at the story of this anti-war hero who was saved by two flies, General Wang Fuzhi.

Who is Wang Fuzhi?

I believe that many people are not very familiar with the name Wang Fuzhi, but his achievements are not low. He was one of the veteran generals of the mainland, participating in a series of battles such as the agrarian revolution, the War of Liberation, the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and was awarded the rank of major general in 1964.

Wang Fuzhi, who came from a poor peasant family in Shaanxi, saw the activities of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army at the age of 12 and was deeply influenced by the ideas of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.

At this point, he originally worked in a rich peasant family, resolutely joined the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and became a soldier defending his family and the country.

He was buried alive for 38 hours, rescued by two flies, and eventually vowed never to fight flies for life

When he first joined the Red Army, the Red Army at that time was poor and white, with no equipment and no weapons.

Many Red Army soldiers could only rush ahead with axes and large knives. At that time, Wang Fuzhi's team needed to encircle and suppress a high ground of the Northeast Army, but most of the soldiers in this team were young and young, and even many of them were underage children.

At first glance, the soldiers stationed in the Northeast Army are all dolls, they do not have guns, and they can do anything big, so naturally they will be careless with the enemy. Unexpectedly, these children were not afraid at all, and even with tacit cooperation, they steadily suppressed the Northeast Army, while Wang Fuzhi was even a pioneer, rushing to the front and capturing the enemy's weapons.

He was buried alive for 38 hours, rescued by two flies, and eventually vowed never to fight flies for life

Subsequently, Wang Fuzhi participated in battles ranging from the agrarian revolution, the War of Resistance Against Japan, the War of Liberation to the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and he also grew from an ordinary soldier to a commander of a military region step by step. Until the founding of New China, it was thought that it could live a quiet and peaceful life, but the Korean Peninsula, which is adjacent to the mainland, once again sounded the horn of war.

The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea began

In 1950, the Korean War broke out. Adhering to the principle of "cold lips and dead teeth", coupled with the artillery fire and stray bullets in the Korean War, it often causes trouble to the residents of the northeast region of the mainland. Therefore, our Chinese volunteers once again carried their guns to Korea to resist US aggression.

At that time, Wang Fuzhi was the commander of the 343rd Regiment of the 115th Division of the 39th Army of the Volunteer Army, and the two armies held the position of Linjin River. In order to seize control of this battlefield, the US military used fire coverage to use the Air Force to drop countless heavy explosives to bomb the area.

He was buried alive for 38 hours, rescued by two flies, and eventually vowed never to fight flies for life

Suddenly, a piece of loess turned into scorched earth, and everything on the ground was reduced to nothing. Fortunately, Wang Fuzhi at that time was in the command center of the troops, and this position was located in the cave. Lucky Wang Fuzhi and his comrades escaped the disaster.

With the mutual support of their teammates, they crawled out of the rubble, but unfortunately, under the heavy artillery fire of the American army, the east entrance of the cave in their command center had long been buried by rocks. The entrance to the cave was completely sealed, they had neither water nor food, and even the people outside could not hear their cries, and now they were completely cut off from the outside world.

The two flies turned out to be lucky stars

Wang Fuzhi and others in a desperate situation have no water, no food, and may even die of lack of oxygen. But will they admit their fate? No, they look for all kinds of objects that can make sounds, and they keep banging, hoping that people on the outside will find out about their existence.

He was buried alive for 38 hours, rescued by two flies, and eventually vowed never to fight flies for life

Of course, our motherland will not give up every hero, since the news of Wang Fuzhi's troops being bombed, the headquarters immediately ordered the troops to rescue. But the rescue conditions at that time were very difficult.

Because it takes many people to go to each trench and dig out the rubble and dirt little by little. At that time, the rescue team searched for 1 day and 1 night without news, and the mud at that time would isolate the sound of Wang Fuzhi's help, so the rescue team at that time could be described as a headless fly.

Just when everyone thought that Wang Fuyi's party should have been heroically sacrificed, a small soldier saw two flies. The two flies just flew out of the ruins where Wang Fuzhi had been buried.

This can make the creep shout excitedly, and immediately call people to the ruins, and work together to remove the rocks buried in the cave. Looking away, sure enough, Wang Fuzhi and the others were inside.

At that time, Wang Fuzhi and others had been trapped for 38 hours, and the scarcity of oxygen had caused them to become unconscious. It is conceivable that if you find out later, Wang Fuzhi and others will not be so lucky.

He was buried alive for 38 hours, rescued by two flies, and eventually vowed never to fight flies for life

In fact, the guidance of flies is scientific, because there are still some gaps in the cave, and their body odor and excrement smell in the cave are naturally attracted to the flies as the gaps are emitted.

Afterwards, after Wang Fuzhi was rescued, he learned that it was two flies that saved their lives. He acted very surprised and very grateful. Even Wang Fuzhi swore never to fight a fly for life because of the "life-saving grace" of flies, in fact, he has been practicing this oath.

After returning to China, Wang Fuzhi has been serving the motherland, and once again participated in the battles of self-defense on Zhenbao Island and the Battle of Xisha, until 1998, when he left his post to recuperate. As a volunteer soldier, Wang Fuzhi not only has a strong desire to survive, but also has a very firm trust in our soldiers, which is what we are most worth learning and admiring.

He was buried alive for 38 hours, rescued by two flies, and eventually vowed never to fight flies for life


China in modern history is not a happy era. Our happiness today was bought by our ancestors with their own blood and responsibility, and when we are grateful for the efforts of our ancestors, we must also love the motherland that brought us peace.

While loving the country, do not forget the national shame, always remember our bitter history of struggle, we can not forgive the perpetrators for the ancestors. Do not forget the national shame and strive for the rise of the motherland, only in this way can we live up to the original efforts and sacrifices of the revolutionary ancestors.

He was buried alive for 38 hours, rescued by two flies, and eventually vowed never to fight flies for life

Now that we are flourishing, we should take patriotism as our duty! The future of the country is on us, the task is heavy and the road is long, we must work hard, forge ahead, learn scientific knowledge, master the ability to build the motherland, and compose a chapter of youth!