
Sperm premature ejaculation lotus seed drink [prescription] rice, lotus seed, mustard fruit. 【Preparation】Wash the rice. Lotus seeds blister in warm water, peel the heart. It is also soaked in warm water. Rice, lotus seeds

author:Dengzhou family of traditional Chinese medicine

Premature ejaculation of sperm

Lotus seeds to drink

【Prescription】Rice, lotus seeds, mustard fruit.

【Preparation】Wash the rice. Lotus seeds blister in warm water, peel the heart. It is also soaked in warm water. rice

Put the lotus seeds and mustard into an aluminum pot, stir well, add an appropriate amount of water, and cook like braised rice. Stir the rice when eating and eat it regularly


【Effect】Strengthen the spleen and solidify the kidneys, and stop the astringent essence. Use to cure impotence, sperm retention, premature ejaculation and diarrhea caused by spleen deficiency.

【Verification】Repeatedly, it is effective.

Sperm premature ejaculation lotus seed drink [prescription] rice, lotus seed, mustard fruit. 【Preparation】Wash the rice. Lotus seeds blister in warm water, peel the heart. It is also soaked in warm water. Rice, lotus seeds
Sperm premature ejaculation lotus seed drink [prescription] rice, lotus seed, mustard fruit. 【Preparation】Wash the rice. Lotus seeds blister in warm water, peel the heart. It is also soaked in warm water. Rice, lotus seeds
Sperm premature ejaculation lotus seed drink [prescription] rice, lotus seed, mustard fruit. 【Preparation】Wash the rice. Lotus seeds blister in warm water, peel the heart. It is also soaked in warm water. Rice, lotus seeds