
Plant recommendations | Lig Begonia

author:Middle Farmers Fuyan
Plant recommendations | Lig Begonia

Lig Begonia



简介 Brief introduction of plants

Cultivar name: Begonia Reg

Attributes: Perennial herbaceous flowers

Ornamental parts: Flowers (blooming period is from April to June and September to December)

It is a perennial herbaceous flower

As long as the maintenance method is correct

Can flower all the time and continue to grow

Liger Begonia is plump

The flowers are colorful and rich

The leaves are green and oily

It is the main variety of indoor flowers in all seasons

Plant recommendations | Lig Begonia


Growth Habit

illumination Hi light
temperature Warm and humid environment
soil Fertile sandy soil rich in humus
Propagation methods Cuttings, tissue culture
Plant recommendations | Lig Begonia


Plant Characteristics

The roots of Begonia Liga are whisker root system

The stems are fleshy and juicy

The single leaves are alternate, heart-shaped, and the leaf color is mostly green

Some are brown

The flowers are diverse in shape, mostly with heavy petals

The flower colors are red, orange, yellow, white, etc., and the variations are complex

Begonia Reg does not form seeds

Propagation can be achieved by cuttings or tissue culture

Plant recommendations | Lig Begonia

It has the characteristics of winter flowering

And the flowers are rich and varied in color

It is a rare greenhouse potted flower

Plant recommendations | Lig Begonia

Begonia ligs are suitable for ornamental, home-reared

Can add to the fun

Also suitable for will Reg Begonia

Placed in the home a few cases, window decorations

Table decorations, living room, conference hall, restaurant and hotel lobby


Begonia ligs can also be cut off for flower arrangement

Plant recommendations | Lig Begonia


Suitable for planting suitable planting areas

It is found in tropical and subtropical regions

Plant recommendations | Lig Begonia


Planting emphasis

Buy home lig begonias don't rush to change the pot

Start by slowly maintaining for 1 to 2 months

Wait until the plants are fully adapted to the environment before changing pots

Plant recommendations | Lig Begonia

Begonia Reg is sensitive to light

If you are not careful, you will be burned by the sun

In order to make it bloom more

We need to add more soft light to it

The suitable temperature of Begonia Rieger is 18 to 22 degrees

The temperature in autumn and winter cannot be lower than 15 degrees

Below this temperature the leaves will fall

In the summer, also be careful not to be too hot

It can be properly shaded or moved to an air-conditioned room

Plant recommendations | Lig Begonia

Lig seawater is more suitable for watering with the "dip pot method"

Place the pots on a small plate filled with water

Let it absorb the water on its own

Spraying water is also exquisite, from the bottom up

Leaves, branches, and potting surfaces can be sprayed

But do not spray to the petals


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