
Although saffron is small, the effect is large, about the saffron eating taboo, before drinking to understand clearly

author:Dr. Zhang talks about health

Saffron belongs to a medicinal herb, how do you know about saffron? Do you usually have a general knowledge of saffron? For women, saffron is a good tonic drug, can achieve the effect of tonifying qi and blood, and can make the red blood cell membrane better maintained by taking saffron, so saffron is called saffron.

What is saffron?

Saffron belongs to the precious Chinese herbal medicine, saffron production in the mainland of Zhejiang, and Persia and other countries, as well as the Mediterranean region will have saffron, saffron for the treatment of menstrual irregularities, menstrual blood deficiency have a good effect, while treating bruises, blood stasis effect.

Saffron is a native species in southwest Asia, a plant cultivated by Greek populations as early as the time, mostly distributed in the Mediterranean Central Asia and other regions, and was introduced to the mainland during the Ming Dynasty.

Although saffron is small, the effect is large, about the saffron eating taboo, before drinking to understand clearly

Saffron belongs to the precious Chinese herbal medicine in Zhejiang, China, and is a very valuable drug for women, which can achieve blood activation and stasis, and has a good effect on urticaria and stomach diseases.

What are the benefits of saffron?

Strengthens physique and regulates endocrine:

Saffron has the effect of promoting macrophage function, can make the patient's body garbage better dissipated, can not increase the immunity of cells, but also can improve immunity, promote blood circulation speed, so that the body's thinking sensitivity and peace of mind, regulate endocrine and eliminate the occurrence of pigmentation induced by disorders.

Although saffron is small, the effect is large, about the saffron eating taboo, before drinking to understand clearly

Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases:

After medical research, it has been found that the appropriate use of saffron has a good protective effect on the heart of the body, so that myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, hypertension and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems have obvious effects.

Broken fat:

According to the understanding, saffron tea contains soluble nutrients, this organic acid nutrients, supplemented by other vitamins, trace elements and aromatic alcohol nutrients, can achieve the decomposition of excess fat in the body, so that the body's blood circulation speed increases, reduce blood lipids and play a role in weight loss and weight loss.

Although saffron is small, the effect is large, about the saffron eating taboo, before drinking to understand clearly

Activate blood stasis:

Saffron belongs to the precious Chinese herbal medicine, into the body will promote blood circulation and stasis, it is recommended that women usually if they encounter amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menstrual irregularities, do not want to improve through drugs, can be recommended by the doctor to take saffron, can make menstrual irregularities, amenorrhea situation is improved, while saffron for postpartum discomfort and pain relief, while taking saffron need to consult a doctor, do not take a large amount, otherwise there will be heavy bleeding and fire.

Beauty& Wellness:

Women eat saffron can achieve the effect of beauty and beauty, because saffron can make people's endocrine better regulation, achieve the effect of nourishing blood and replenishing blood, and make women's appearance gradually better.

Now women's work pressure has become greater, so many women are unhealthy, and saffron can activate blood stasis, nourish women's bodies, make the skin elastic, and is the preferred ingredient for beauty and beauty.

Although saffron is small, the effect is large, about the saffron eating taboo, before drinking to understand clearly

Contraindications to be aware of when taking saffron

[1] Pregnant women are contraindicated

Saffron can achieve blood activation and stasis, for adjusting menstrual irregularities, insufficient qi and blood has a good effect, do not take pregnant women, because taking saffron during pregnancy will increase the chance of miscarriage, so pregnant women do not take saffron.

【2】Take in moderation

When taking saffron, it is best to be within 10 grams, because there are examples of saffron for the nervous system has a strong excitatory effect, so after taking saffron, it is easy to appear excited, resulting in dizziness, and more sensitive physiques appear allergic rash, urticaria and other conditions.

Although saffron is small, the effect is large, about the saffron eating taboo, before drinking to understand clearly

[3] Take at a reasonable time

Saffron soaking water is a very suitable health care method, need to pay attention to the daily dosage can not be too much, for normal people, can not exceed 10 per day, weak patients can gradually increase the dosage, so as to avoid the occurrence of uncomfortable reactions.

Saffron soaking water is suitable for daytime use, it is not recommended to take it at night or before going to bed, because saffron can refresh the mind, drinking saffron before going to bed will make the quality of sleep disordered, want to use saffron to calm the nerves, sleep, can be taken during the day.