
Meet the eleventh full | Li Lu: Grateful to meet, thank you for the leader

author:Central Plains Vision

Meet Eleven

Li Lu

The most beautiful thing in life is to meet, meet the right person, you and ta will be spiritually compatible, support each other, accompany each other forever; meet the right thing, interest, will make you go all out, harvest growth and happiness. I am glad to be able to step into the poetic eleventh campus at the best age, meet the right people, and do what I like best.

Meet the eleventh full | Li Lu: Grateful to meet, thank you for the leader

First, be grateful to meet, thank the leader

In a good school, the principal is the soul and the leadership is the core.

Principal Yang has always compared himself to the old captain, mastering the development direction of the two schools, and maintaining the happiness and safety of many teachers and students. But every time he saw Yang School, he was always energetic and radiant, and he never seemed to know what tiredness was. I think this is what Yang Xue himself said about the spirit of spirit, if people understand why they set out, they will aim at the target, strengthen confidence, face all difficulties with a high posture, and be full of strength. Yang School has a unique concept of educating people, there is a declaration stone at the sixteen small gates, writing the school motto "Growing up on the beat of happiness", the wall of the teaching building is written "Based on student development, laying the foundation for the happiness of children", the campus is full of Yang School's happiness education concept, I think, only those who have love in their hearts will be happy as far as they can see. Eleven all the cultural concept of the high school school motto school emblem school song and so on are all created by the principal himself, the school emblem pattern, changed and changed, a little slight gap can not be seen by others, but he feels that the matter is important, because he firmly believes that the cultural connotation of the school is the source of support for the development and growth of the school. "Student-oriented, in addition to knowledge and college entrance examination, the three-year high school students are more important to learn to be people and do things, so that these three years will affect his life, which is what we have to do." This is what Yang School has mentioned to me more than once, according to this concept, I constantly adjust the method of teaching and managing the class, and I feel that my mentality is more peaceful, I am more patient with students, and my work ideas are more open. In addition to paying attention to students, Yang School pays more attention to the growth of teachers, before coming to this school, I have never heard of any school adhering to the concept of "teacher first, student second, school third", committed to providing a platform for teachers, so that teachers who dare to forge ahead and dare to be self-motivated can get exercise in multiple ways, this is only four months, I have a very personal feeling. This is the arrogance and pattern of a principal. Thank you Yang School, strong school has you, such as Pei Yu Ganlin.

In 2019, because of work reasons to the middle of the 29th, it was the first time I met Director Song, treating me as a nameless person who met for the first time, the director's warm hospitality made me remember this handsome and beautiful big brother (this handsome word is absolutely not in quotation marks!). When I learned that Director Song was mainly engaged in education and teaching work this year, my first feeling was: stable! In any aspect of teaching, you just have to follow him, and you're right. When Director Song speaks, he always unconsciously flows out some golden sentences, or beautiful and beautiful, or inspirational, or his life experience, or can make the work suddenly cheerful, which can be described as listening to Director Song's words and saving me ten books. Thank you Director Song, the new school has you, happy to learn and teach.

Director Ke is like a cup of tea, the more you taste it, the more flavorful it is. The first taste of her, just like holding up a cup of hot tea lightly smell the aroma, she is beautiful, intellectual, touch the cup body but some hot hands, and then taste the tea mellow and sweet, refreshing, after a period of time to taste another taste, only the fragrance in the center of the mouth for a long time. You think that Director Ke is only very attractive to talk, but she is not only eloquent, meticulous and perfect in doing things; you think Director Ke will only do management, but as a teacher, she has excellent professional quality, mental health classes make students look forward to every week, and the class is very exciting. She is sometimes serious, but it is a silent urge and encouragement to you, and in hindsight, if you want to do things well, it should be like this. More often, she is warm as spring and cares for all the people around her. Thank you Director Ke, the American school has you, such as the breeze and the warm.

Although Director Wang has less contact with the teachers, but silently pays the most for the teachers, the campus we see now, from the building facilities to the broom chalk, I don't know how much Director Wang has run and how much more words have been exchanged! Because of the logistical support, the campus of NUO University can be brightly lit, the spacious classrooms can be neat and clean, teachers and students can eat clean and delicious meals, and teaching can have no worries. Director Wang often shouted when he saw me: "Nell", which made me feel that he was like a father, tall and mighty, generous and benevolent, silently paying, silent but silent. Thank you Director Wang, there are teachers like you, right body and right heart.

Director Zhao of the military order, such as a chivalrous woman breaking into the heavens, specializing in the treatment of students' difficult and complicated diseases, mischievous students in her hands instantly obeyed, as a class teacher often because students deal with her, no matter how small things are, no matter how busy the work, she always deals with it very well at the first time. Although she is younger than me, I am far from her in many ways, and I want to learn from her enthusiasm and sincerity in dealing with people and things, learn from her flexible working methods and ideas, and learn from her courage to think and face difficulties. Thank you Director Zhao, the school has you, military orders are like mountains, stable as Taishan.

Thank you, the leader of the school, it is precisely because of you in the front of the thorns, there is a stable educational environment for teachers and students, and there is a bright development prospect for our school.

Second, be grateful to meet and thank your companions

A good school, a united team of teachers is the foundation.

In spring, the grass is thriving, Tingting and independent, and the wind is late, as pleasant as Nannan whispering; summer, scorching sun, enjoying the scenery in the rain, swimming in the sea to write a happy life; autumn night, under the moonlight, walking with light feathers and beautiful people, enjoying a quiet and peaceful, dream life; in the cold winter, plum blossoms swaying gently in the wind, small snow flying, fluttering and sprinkling on the ground, like crystal dewdrops. Beautiful scenery is every now and then, and you must not waste heavenly treasures when you can enjoy them. Walk with gentlemen, coexist with polite people, talk with people with extensive knowledge and beautiful hearts, and interact with people who have the sea and sodium and a hundred rivers. In the book, seek true knowledge, march towards the golden future at sunrise in the east, and carve yourself into a flawless jade, a piece of flexible jade, lingling and full of ears. It is necessary to build the ideal land in the heart, to fear the heavens and the earth, and to be ashamed and choose in the heart. Like a roc, set out to the unknown to help the wind rise, go against the wind, and create a life without regrets!

Please forgive me for describing you in such crude words, dear fellows. Whether you are in the fast running stage of striving for the upstream, or the wandering moment of slowing down and slowing down in life, or watching the mountains and rivers return to the dull tangled moment, you must be grateful, because everything is the best arrangement. No matter where we came from in the past, what kind of work we are engaged in, if we want the happiness of life in the present, we must abandon the past, live in the present, and cherish the good times that we do not realize and lose.

Go alone fast, go far. Thank you, we have been walking all the way, and none of us can be left behind! Finally, let all our leaders and teachers join hands and work together, the day when Nanyang No. 11 Complete School Senior High School becomes a famous school is just around the corner, thank you!
