
R net works introduction - two leaf blankets

author:Downtown for a good place

Continue to enjoy the works shared by the teachers of Wind Forest Oasis

Today I would like to introduce two leaf blankets designed by designer KnittingUnlimited.

Overlapping Leaves Blanket

This blanket is the designer's newly released work in March, once the work is released, it has been loved by weavers, and now there are 55 lists to be woven on the R network, the works have been pushed to the home page of the R network hotspot area, and the link of the work on the R network is:

Because it is a newly released work, there are no weavers on the R network at present, so there are very few pictures, let's enjoy it together:

R net works introduction - two leaf blankets
R net works introduction - two leaf blankets

The flower type is simple and generous, and it is easy to get started. Free illustrations provided by the designer:

R net works introduction - two leaf blankets
R net works introduction - two leaf blankets
R net works introduction - two leaf blankets
R net works introduction - two leaf blankets

Weaving is simple. The original design is to use a 5mm needle, starting from 181 needles, first weave 12 rows of osmanthus needles (that is, the weaving method of the left and right side needles in the figure), and then begin to weave patterns according to the pattern, the part of the pattern red box is a repeating pattern, the left and right sides are side needles, woven to the right size, and then weave 12 lines of osmanthus needles to close the needle.

R net works introduction - two leaf blankets

This is the second blanket introduced to you today, the work was released in February 2022, and the link of the work on the R network is:

Because it is a newly released work, there are still very few pictures on the R network, so let's enjoy it together:

R net works introduction - two leaf blankets

Very similar to the previous pattern, the weaving method is roughly the same, the text part I will not put, the weaving drawing is presented:

R net works introduction - two leaf blankets

The original design of this blanket is a 4mm stick needle, starting from 162 stitches, weaving 10 rows of osmanthus needles up and down, the middle part is woven pattern, and the red frame part is still a repeating part.

Thanks to the free illustration provided to us by the designer, respect the labor of the designer, the illustration please do not commercialize!

These two carpet patterns can also be used to weave into shawls or scarves, can also be used for clothes, are easy to weave beautiful classic leaves, I hope you can use flexibly, weave your own works!

Note: The pictures in this article are from R network

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