
【Focus on the two sessions】Listen to the deputies and members discuss the "digital economy"

author:China Service Manufacturing Alliance

In recent years, the amount of digital economy in the mainland has continued to create a record high, and digital technology has brought about the emergence of new formats and models at an accelerated pace. How to make the digital economy bigger and stronger? "Strengthen the overall layout of digital China construction." Build digital information infrastructure, promote the large-scale application of 5G, accelerate the development of the industrial Internet, and cultivate and expand digital industries such as integrated circuits and artificial intelligence..." In this year's key tasks, the government work report has made special arrangements for promoting the development of the digital economy from many aspects. During the two sessions, how to promote the rapid and healthy development of the digital economy has become the focus of attention of many deputies and members.

I. Shao Zhiqing, Deputy to the National People's Congress, Member of the Central Committee of the Zhi Gong Party, and Full-time Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee: Answer the "must-answer question" of digital economy development

【Focus on the two sessions】Listen to the deputies and members discuss the "digital economy"

Shao Zhiqing said in an interview with reporters that it is necessary to accelerate the integration and development of the digital economy and the real economy, use the digital economy to empower traditional industries, enhance the energy level of traditional industries, and promote the emergence of new formats.

Shao Zhiqing believes that the emerging digital industry is the "main artery" of China's economic and social development, and data is the blood that runs through the artery. To better promote the development of the digital economy, it is necessary to accelerate the formulation of a data asset registration law. "Compared with traditional production factors, data elements have problems such as 'difficulty in confirming rights, difficulty in pricing, difficulty in entering, difficulty in mutual trust, and difficulty in supervision'." Data asset registration is an important basis for solving the "five difficulties" problem of data element circulation. Shao Zhiqing suggested that a data asset registration platform that is interconnected and fully shared in China should be fully built as soon as possible, bringing together valuable data element resources and data assets across the country, building a mainland data resource base, and leading the development of the global digital economy.

In Shao Zhiqing's view, the current acceleration of the construction of industrial Internet platforms, smart factories and intelligent research centers in various places is because for the development of the manufacturing industry, digital transformation is no longer a "choice question", but a "compulsory course" related to survival and long-term development. Shao Zhiqing also suggested that we should accelerate the breakthrough and innovative application of data technology to ensure data security. Increase investment in research and development of data technologies such as blockchain and big data, accelerate technological breakthroughs, and promote the innovative application of data technologies to the new online economy. In the construction of new infrastructure, we will focus on data security, promote the management and supervision of data elements, and provide data security for the development of the new online economy. Under the premise of ensuring data security, accelerate the circulation and sharing of data in various fields.

Zhou Yunjie, deputy to the National People's Congress, chairman of the board of directors and CEO of Haier Group: Digital empowerment of circular economy accelerates the implementation of the double carbon strategy

【Focus on the two sessions】Listen to the deputies and members discuss the "digital economy"

Zhou Yunjieren believes that the current low level of digitization seriously restricts the closed-loop development of the mainland circular economy, and the full-chain digital system covering "recycling, processing and reuse" has not yet been opened, and it is impossible to achieve data sharing, comprehensive supervision and traceability of the whole industry. For example, in the user link, overdue service products cannot be monitored and recycled, which brings great safety risks; in the dismantling link, the degree of intelligence is not high, and real-time monitoring and full audit cannot be realized.

Based on corporate practices and industry development, Zhou Yunjie submitted the "Proposal on Leading the New Development of Circular Economy and Realizing the New Vision of The Dual Carbon Strategy". In view of the outstanding problems faced by the development of circular economy, such as insufficient digital empowerment, insufficient innovation ability, and high pressure on enterprise operation, Zhou Yunjie suggested that the construction of a national-level recycling industry big data platform should be strengthened, "combined with digital technologies such as artificial intelligence and industrial Internet, encourage enterprises in the whole industry to go to the platform and use the platform to build a closed-loop system of the whole process of the circular economy that is intelligent, efficient, traceable, and online and offline integration.". Accelerate the opening up of the whole industrial chain of waste resource recycling, dismantling and reuse, solve the development problems of each link, improve the carbon accounting mechanism of key industries, quantify carbon emission reduction indicators, and incorporate carbon emission trading markets into the national carbon emission trading market as soon as possible, and transform carbon emission reduction into green assets.

3. Ma Huateng, Deputy to the National People's Congress, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Tencent:

Promote the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy

【Focus on the two sessions】Listen to the deputies and members discuss the "digital economy"

Ma Huateng submitted the "Suggestions on Systematically Promoting the Integration of "Digital Reality" to Create New Advantages in the Digital Economy", which proposes that the systematic thinking of "technology-industry-society" should be used to solve problems, jointly promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and effectively enhance national competitiveness. Specific suggestions include: guiding digital technology enterprises to conduct research and development for core industries and key areas, increasing the technology supply for digital transformation; giving play to the leading role of technical standards, promoting the formulation of digital transformation technical standards, promoting the integration of tools, reducing the threshold and cost of traditional enterprises; and improving the accuracy and effectiveness of digital upgrading support for "specialized and new" enterprises.

Yang Yuanqing, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman and CEO of Lenovo Group: Using digital transformation to promote small and medium-sized enterprises to become specialized and new

【Focus on the two sessions】Listen to the deputies and members discuss the "digital economy"

Yang Yuanqing believes that in the national strategy of the development of the mainland's digital economy, small and medium-sized enterprises and large-scale industry enterprises are equally important, and small and medium-sized enterprises are not only an indispensable part of the industrial chain supply chain, but also an important source of innovation, which has a significant impact on employment, people's livelihood and other issues. However, in the process of digital economy development, many small and medium-sized enterprises have challenges such as weak digital foundation, lack of funds and technical talents, insufficient motivation for upgrading and transformation, and lack of clear focus and grasp.

In order to better promote the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises and cultivate more "specialized and specialized" enterprises, Yang Yuanqing's specific proposals include three points: First, the government and relevant associations jointly establish the "Digital Development Index for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" to provide a scientific basis for assessing the development level of small and medium-sized enterprises. Second, build an acceleration platform for the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, provide digital assessment consulting, training and funding programs for small and medium-sized enterprises, effectively promote the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, and solve the problem of "not turning and not daring to turn" in the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises. Third, scientifically and accurately formulate support policies, optimize the business environment, and boost the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, including increasing fiscal and tax support, improving credit support policies, and smoothing market-oriented financing channels.

Chen Li, deputy to the National People's Congress and general manager of Shanghai Mobile: Accelerate the cultivation of the data element market and help promote the healthy development of the digital economy

【Focus on the two sessions】Listen to the deputies and members discuss the "digital economy"

Chen Li believes that in the process of continuously deepening the mining of data elements, we should resolutely correct and solve some unhealthy and irregular signs of platform monopoly, information security, user rights and interests, etc., in order to give play to the role of data as a production factor and ensure the healthy and orderly development of the data element market. Therefore, he proposed to "accelerate the cultivation of data element markets and help promote the healthy development of the digital economy." By accelerating the cultivation of the data element market, we will further release the potential of data elements, promote the transformation and upgrading of the mainland economy and high-quality development, and seize the commanding heights of the development of the global digital economy.

On how to accelerate the cultivation of the data element market, he suggested: First, promote the overall planning of the data element market. The second is to improve the development and trading basis of data production factors. The third is to establish a data classification and grading management system. The fourth is to improve data quality and make every effort to develop data production factor application scenarios. The fifth is to build an open and shared pattern of data elements. Sixth, improve the security guarantee mechanism for data elements.

Pan Yue, deputy to the National People's Congress, professor of the Department of Finance and doctoral supervisor of the School of Economics of Xiamen University: Accelerate the construction of a governance and supervision system for the digital economy

【Focus on the two sessions】Listen to the deputies and members discuss the "digital economy"

Pan Yue proposed to accelerate the construction of a digital economy governance and supervision system, fully release the new vitality of the digital economy, and promote high-quality economic and social development. Pan Yue said that in recent years, the mainland digital economy has shown a vigorous development trend, but there are also risks such as data abuse and algorithm discrimination. Regulating and supervising the digital economy is an inherent requirement for promoting the healthy and orderly development of the digital economy, and we must adhere to the dual grasp of promoting development and regulatory norms, taking the protection of public rights and interests and promoting the orderly and healthy development of the industry as the criterion, through reasonable setting of policy standards, improving technical means, finding a balance between promoting development and standardizing supervision, and constantly making dynamic adjustments and improvements.

She suggested that we speed up the legislation of the digital economy, improve relevant laws and regulations, and ensure that there is a law to follow. Improve legal norms in areas such as monopoly identification of platform enterprises, management of data collection and use, data compliance and sharing, and protection of consumer rights and interests, to provide a legal basis for supervision. Strengthen coordinated governance and effectively crack down on illegal and criminal acts in the field of digital economy. Taking data collection, circulation and opening up as an example, involving administrative departments at different local and different levels, it is necessary to strengthen cross-departmental and cross-regional division of labor and cooperation, promote the collection and sharing and utilization of regulatory data, and accelerate the establishment of an all-round, multi-level and three-dimensional regulatory system. Use advanced regulatory technology to improve the level and efficiency of supervision in the digital economy. Relying on the new generation of information technology such as blockchain and big data to strengthen market supervision, continuously empower supervision, continuously improve the level of supervision, and escort the vigorous development of the digital economy.

Chen Baohua, deputy to the National People's Congress and president of Huahai Pharmaceutical: Formulate a digital economy promotion law to promote the transformation of the development mode

【Focus on the two sessions】Listen to the deputies and members discuss the "digital economy"

In view of the problem of the delay in the construction of the legal system after the rise of the digital economy, Chen Baohua suggested improving the legal system and mechanism related to the digital economy, promoting the development of the digital economy with laws to rely on, and providing legal guarantees for the implementation of the "14th Five-Year Plan" digital economy development plan.

For the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, Chen Baohua is quite concerned, he believes that digital transformation is imperative, and scientific setting of solutions is the key to promoting the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises. To this end, Chen Baohua suggested improving the basic digital capabilities of small and medium-sized enterprises and focusing on cultivating the "elements" supporting the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises.

In view of the weak links, constraints and problems in the development of the digital economy, Chen Baohua believes that efforts should be made to improve the economic management system and mechanism, clarify the boundaries and responsibilities of power; pay attention to the thrust of the government's "visible hand", the main force of market players and the basic role of the market's "invisible hand"; and standardize the comprehensive measures to promote the development of the digital economy around the "short board" in the elements of the digital economy. At the same time, it is necessary to actively absorb and learn from the common content and experience of local legislation, and form a framework proposal draft for the Digital Economy Promotion Law. Chen Baohua believes that "having laws to follow and advancing according to law is an important guarantee for cracking the 'blockages' and 'difficulties' of the development of the digital economy and improving the quality of development." ”

Source: Published by the Secretariat of the China Service Manufacturing Alliance on March 9.