
"Qingwei" | The nostalgia of the aunt's family

author:Qilu one point
"Qingwei" | The nostalgia of the aunt's family

Text/Camel Editor| Swallow Image/Web

"Qingwei" | The nostalgia of the aunt's family

About the Author: Camels, camels walking in autumn

On the fourth day of the Chinese New Year, I went to visit my aunt with my relatives, and my aunt said: Now I am also a person who eats national food. I understood my aunt's meaning, the land in the village was contracted out, and I didn't have to work hard all year round, so I could enjoy it into an acre and a thousand catties of wheat. One of the eldest aunt's sons-in-law seemed to be full of envy, saying that the land in her village had not yet been rented out.

My aunt's house used to be my paradise, there is a river running north and south at the west end of her village, why don't I say that it is a big river or a small river, because it should be a big river in my childhood memory, I remember the wideness of the water surface, let me swim without water, the bottom is clean, there is sand as the bottom, there are small fish that go away under the butt, there are small turtles with two ignorant eyes, and small shrimp with transparent bodies. In the summer, when the river rises in the rainstorm, it gives people a feeling of fear, and looking down from the railing of the bridge, the water that is much closer than usual is breathless and dizzying, it is a world that is completely strange and will always be strange, full of unknowns and so frightening, I like this world.

But this time I went to see it specifically, and I saw the river, it was so ugly, it was such a narrow ditch, I don't know how it was called a river, let alone the big river I remembered, I tried to find its shadow, the bridge is still there, only it can best evoke memories, it should just be broken, but how can such a boring bridge be worthy of the river in my mind? But looking at its silhouette and its traces, it is clear that it is the original bridge, but the years have made it vicissitudes a lot.

Even if the years have made it vicissitudes a lot, after all, I can still see that it is coming, but the body of the river, I have no way to distinguish, how can it be so narrow, so dirty and so ugly? Narrow can not melt my happy childhood and childhood happiness, and dirty water next to the dirty dirt, not the yellow can of the sand, but the black stain of the mud, this is no longer a problem that can not be held, is childhood can come?

In addition to these, there are many changes, the old yard of the aunt's family has been overturned, the aunt said that it is the credit of the efforts of the second aunt and brother-in-law, the aunt said that these are sincere, you can see her pride in her children, but I am a little sad that the old yard has built a large new house, and the aunt has also moved out of the old yard, and built two narrow brick houses in the west of the village, and the aunt lives there alone.

These are not the most sad things for me, people are originally tenacious, like the goba grass on the side of the road in the field, the vitality is originally tenacious, and the wild yard behind the house of the great aunt is gone, there are all kinds of wild grasses, there are all kinds of wildflowers, sunflowers planted, of course, there are small vegetable gardens carved out between the lush wild grasses and wild trees, there are two aunts who can pluck melons from under the turquoise leaves with their feet at will, and there are all kinds of bugs, there are cacti hanging on the surrounding earthen walls, growing vigorously, Scorching, the earthen walls are broken and small, the cacti are dancing with their teeth and claws, and while they complete their mission to guard the garden, they can bloom the most delicate blue-yellow or dark red flowers. Of course, what makes me feel most mysterious is the mysterious snake hidden in dense plants, the decadent mud wall old house, and the ancient green brick, which is no worse than Lu Xun's beautiful snake. And all these vigorous and lush vitality of this courtyard, it will not be worse than Lu Xun's Hundred Grass Garden

These are gone, people are not things.

Besides, people are still there?

When I was a child, I hated labor, I think everyone has their own ugly side, and disgust with labor should be the ugliest side of me, since it exists, there is no need to be obscure, not to mention that this is not a heinous thing, when I was a child, my parents in the extreme exhaustion after labor to educate me is not so tired, and can live the life of the people in the city, it will be the happiest, so although I did not come to the conclusion that labor is shameful, but field labor for me is something that can be ashamed of, Of course, for me, it is never willing to do things that there is no enthusiasm to do.

However, in my opinion, this is also an anomaly, because my father can do some skills that others can't, can read and hyphenate, and can also recite Lu Xun's from Baicao Garden to Sanwei Bookstore to me in a depressed manner, which is nothing more than the capital of contempt for labor, and as my father's son, I have inherited this arrogance, and after many years of re-reading, I finally counted the carp jumping over the dragon gate, although this dragon gate is only in the county town only ten miles away from the land of my hometown.

In my mind, most people, including my aunt, as well as my aunts and sisters, are fond of labor, not only in my heart, through what I see and think, judging, they all love to like labor, they have never abandoned the tiredness of labor, in their always praise how many acres of land they have, how good the land is poured by them, how many pounds of wheat corn and cotton can be produced in an acre of land, in their eyes the poisonous sun is also beautiful, and the sweat that falls from the tart is also beautiful. They always think that labor is a glorious and sweet thing, which can be seen in their words.

But now my great-aunt also boasted to me that she was a person who ate the national grain, and there was no nostalgia or reluctance for the land between her words. As a junior, her son, daughter and son-in-law did not show a reluctant look towards the land.

Are they disgusted with labor?

Not at all, all my aunts and brothers, aunts, sisters, brothers and sisters-in-law, they are all hard-working people, they all work in the city, do the hardest work, or the same hard work, the spiritual temperament virtue has not been lost at all, or so optimistic and positive, full of expectations and admiration for the beauty of life, but why do they hate the land so much? And lost my favorite yard too?

Pastoral, in the face of ugly desires, can only be swept away by Sven.

And when they talk about the river, they say that the river has not changed, the location has not changed, the width and narrowness have not changed, from this bridge to the opposite side, you can walk to the market in Linxian as before, but the flow of water has changed, the original north flow, now the water is backwards.

They may be right, for that river, they used the whole sun and moon to accompany it, and should know it better than I do.

But capital has been like a flood, storming their land, turning the land that originally belonged to them into an ocean of capital, and the villages will become lifeless islands, can they feel it?

Hey, I'm really idle eating turnips and worrying about it, the land is originally theirs, why should I worry about the sky? Besides, maybe the land wasn't theirs at all, just as the yard wasn't mine, and the river wasn't what I remembered.

I am really confused, when the rented land surrounds the whole village, who has not been close to the land, has not fallen a crop, and is telling the story of China's pastoral tragedy? It's just that I always feel that working in the city is not the ultimate destination of my aunt's life, but should they guard the land that cannot bring them wealth? But those who come to enclose the land, do they not know that these lands do not even have the ability to feed a peasant? But why did they come?

Nostalgia, like an old song, an old time, a silent river. Nostalgia, by whom gives it beauty? Will there be any in the future? When my aunts and brothers lost their land?

One Point Heart Dream Literature