
Yoon Seok-wook's fortunes and Moon Jae-in's fate – the fate of South Korean presidents remains the same

author:Speculation on Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao

On March 9, voting began in South Korea's presidential election. In the context of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict becoming the global focus, the presidential elections of the top ten countries in the global economy have hardly been paid attention to, and the two candidates are not only unknown in the Chinese world, but also in the field of global public opinion. The biggest news of this South Korean presidential election may be the disappearance of a marginalized candidate, Shen Sang-yeon.

Yoon Seok-wook's fortunes and Moon Jae-in's fate – the fate of South Korean presidents remains the same

Newly elected South Korean President Yoon Seok-yue (Image from the Internet)

According to the results of yesterday's vote, the opposition candidate, Yin Xiyue, narrowly won the election by less than 1 percent, and the ruling party candidate Lee Jae-ming was defeated. With such a close vote, there is a street movement almost ironclad in one country, and then it is to occupy the downtown square and start a color revolution. That's right, I'm talking about Ukraine's 2004 election. However, south Korea's current presidential election is more like a gentleman's dispute, and Lee Jae-ming did not have any resistance or doubt in public, and even sent congratulations to Yoon Seok-yue at the first time. The election speeches of the two men also contain emotional pulses. Yin Xiyue, who won the election, said: Today's election result is not so much a victory for me and the national forces as it is a victory for the great people. Li Zaiming, who lost the election, said: Everything is caused by my personal shortcomings. How joyful, how deeply righteous!

Yoon Seok-wook's fortunes and Moon Jae-in's fate – the fate of South Korean presidents remains the same

Lee Jae-ming admits defeat (image from the Internet)

Some estimate that they have begun to burst into tears, ready to celebrate another "great victory" of democracy! Is this true? Non also! The political system is always determined by political reality. If South Korea's democracy is really effective, why hasn't the President of South Korea ended well? The very close vote scores of Yoon Seok-yue and Lee Jae-ming show that the attitude of the South Korean people towards the two is "all right" and "casual", and the generosity shown by the two after the election also confirms this. Both are mature politicians, accustomed to the storms of South Korean politics, and are very clear about the current political situation. That is: after the epidemic, South Korea's economy needs to be boosted, the status of chaebols has risen again; the Conflict between Russia and Ukraine shows that there will still be blitzkriegs in the 21st century, the potential danger of the northern neighbors of the same nation has re-emerged, and the existential crisis in South Korea has intensified. Under various pressures, the South Korean people have become more tolerant of the US occupation and the chaebol economy, and are willing to exchange tolerance for the United States and the chaebols for security. Yoon Seok-wook is a prosecutor who has personally handled cases involving park geun-hye's cronies; Lee Jae-myung has been immersed in local and partisan affairs for more than twenty years, and has also served as governor of Gyeonggi Province, and they all know too well how Korean politics works, and some commentators actually say that these two people are "political vegetarians", how can these two people be "political amateurs"? It's a political old churros just that! Compared with them, Park Geun-hye, who comes from a family, is the real "political vegetarian".

Yoon Seok-wook's fortunes and Moon Jae-in's fate – the fate of South Korean presidents remains the same

Park Geun-hye, who was summoned for her cronies interfering in the government (Image from the Internet)

Yoon Seok-wook won, winning less than 1 percent, in terms of the absolute number of South Korean voters, this can hardly be called a gap, only a statistical error, his luck is really good! But the lives of South Korean presidents are not so good! Since Rhee, South Korean presidents have been destined to die, almost all of them are imprisoned or die, and it is a good ending to be exiled abroad. Can Moon Jae-in escape this fate? He could barely escape.

Yoon Seok-wook's fortunes and Moon Jae-in's fate – the fate of South Korean presidents remains the same

Two former presidents, Chun Doo-hwan and Roh Tae-woo, appeared in the dock holding hands

Moon Jae-in came to South Korean politics with the burden of revenge for Roh Moo-hyun, and for this person, Moon jae-in offended too many people. He thoroughly investigated the artist's suicide case and the "Victory Gate", which looked very tragic, but what was found? Nothing! The water behind the case is so deep that even the president can't get to the bottom. He vigorously fought the epidemic and played the best anti-epidemic result besides China, but he did not expect that Europe and the United States would fight the epidemic flat, making the epidemic a protracted war, and the South Korean economy and people's livelihood were hit under his strong anti-epidemic policy, and the strong anti-epidemic became the best reason for the opposition to attack him. He improved inter-Korean relations, personally went to Panmunjom, crossed the 38th line arm in arm with Kim Jong-un, and improved Sino-South Korean relations, so that Sino-South Korean relations gradually warmed up after the THAAD incident, which also angered the real owners of South Korea. Moon Jae-in, like his brother Roh Moo-hyun, is a perfect person, but there are usually villains around the perfect people, and the sons of the perfect people are generally not perfect people. Roh Moo-hyun's death was caused by the suspicion that his wife and secretary had accepted bribes, and his political successor, Ren, was not clean around him.

During Moon's tenure, it was reported that 17 civil society groups were protesting for building private houses in his hometown. His son, Moon Joon-yong, who has 69 million won (less than 350,000 yuan, not much) from the Korea Culture and Arts Council, called Moon's secretary a "world-class artist." It seems that both the North and the South of the Korean nation like to use "world-class artists" to praise leaders or their sons. Opposition parties have protested against Moon's funding and the touting of the "world-class artist." It is difficult to say how many such things are around Moon Jae-in, but with Moon's actions during his reign, his life will not be much better. If one day you hear that Moon Jae-in has been summoned or even imprisoned, don't be surprised.

Yoon Seok-wook's fortunes and Moon Jae-in's fate – the fate of South Korean presidents remains the same

Moon Jae-in's son, Moon Joon-yong

Korean politics is smart politics. A phrase that has been quoted recently: The country is small and not humble, the strength is small and not afraid of the strong, the rude and insulting neighbor, the greedy and clumsy, but also the dead. South Korean politicians and chaebols should have read this passage well. The dynasties and states established by the Korean nation on the peninsula have always been "big things", first China and then Japan, and after World War II, they were dependent on the Soviet Union and the United States respectively. Fundamentally, the GreatNess Doctrine of South Korea and North Korea has not changed in fact, but both sides want to create an image of a "complete sovereign state" and change the "GreatNess doctrine.", the "Juche Ideology" in the North will not be discussed in this article, and the South is engaged in the "sacrificial strategy." Let a person of sufficient weight become a sacrifice on the altar of politics, a scapegoat acceptable to all parties, and let all the anger, all the complaints, all the dissatisfaction, all the hatred of the past five years be vented on this person. Isn't the president of South Korea the most suitable person?

The secret to the continuation of Korean politics, or the survival of the nation, is to put every president on the altar and let him become a sacrifice in place of the country and the people of this country. Lee Jae-ming, who lost the election, told the truth: Neither everyone's failure nor the defeat of the Democratic Party, all the responsibility lies with me. If you use this sentence, south Korea's problems in the past five years are neither the failure of everyone, nor the failure of political parties and institutions, and all the responsibility lies with the president. Let the president die, go to trial, and bear all the guilt, this is the real meaning of the Korean political system!

Yoon Seok-wook's fortunes and Moon Jae-in's fate – the fate of South Korean presidents remains the same

In fact, the Blue House itself is an altar

Therefore, Moon Jae-in has a disease (new crown) and can't cure his life!

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