
The fierce Man Yoon Seok-wook was elected President of South Korea! Personally sending the two former presidents to prison, Moon Jae-in is dangerous

author:Aerospace Jun

In the early morning of March 10, the five-year South Korean presidential election came to an end, and the results of the vote count released by the Central Election Management Committee of South Korea showed that the leader of the National Power Party, Yoon Seok-yue, received 48.56% of the vote, defeated Lee Jae-myung by a slight margin of 0.73%, and became the new president of South Korea. Born in 1960 to a wealthy family in Seoul, South Korea, Yoon Seok-wook was suppressed as a young man for opposing the Chun Doo-hwan junta, and it was not until 1991 that he passed the judicial exam and began working in the legal profession. Over the past 30 years, Yoon Seok-wook has served as a prosecutor in Daegu, Seoul, Busan, Gwangju and other places, with rich experience. At the end of 2016, the Park Geun-hye "girlfriend in politics" scandal was exposed, and Yoon Seok-wook was appointed as the head of the special investigation team, sending Park Geun-hye, Choi Soon-sil, and Lee Jae-yong, vice president of the Samsung Group, to prison in one fell swoop.

The fierce Man Yoon Seok-wook was elected President of South Korea! Personally sending the two former presidents to prison, Moon Jae-in is dangerous

After Moon Came to power, he admired Yoon Seok-wook's courage in daring to investigate politicians and chaebols, so he promoted Yoon Seok-wook and appointed him as the director of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office, and Yoon Seok-wook also repaid Lee, sentencing former South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, who was at odds with Moon's political ideas and having an "old vendetta," and once again sending Lee Jae-yong, who had become the head of the Samsung Group, to prison. In 2019, Moon appointed Yoon Seok-wook as South Korea's attorney general, which made Yoon Seok-woo a leader in the South Korean prosecution system and peaked yoon's personal relationship with Moon Jae-in. But after liquidating his political opponents, Moon tried to reform South Korea's procuratorial system and eliminate the accumulated power of prosecutorial institutions that had long undermined the stability of South Korea's political arena. This reform was supposed to benefit the country and the people, because South Korean prosecutors have "independent investigation power" and "police command power", which means that in South Korea, prosecutors can investigate anyone without evidence, and without interference from any force, it has become an "independent kingdom". However, in Yin Xiyue's eyes, Moon Jae-in's reduction of the power of the procuratorate is to deprive himself of his own power, that is, to cross the river and tear down the bridge. As a result, Yoon Seok-wook and Moon Jae-in turned against each other, resigned as attorney general, and joined the opposition National Forces Party, where he became a presidential candidate.

The fierce Man Yoon Seok-wook was elected President of South Korea! Personally sending the two former presidents to prison, Moon Jae-in is dangerous

After a brief introduction to Yin Xiyue and his people, let's analyze his governing program and its possible impact. Yin Xiyue's style is exaggerated and likes to make a big fuss, so he is called "South Korea Trump" by some netizens. In terms of foreign policy, Yin Xiyue is extremely pro-American. During the election, he repeatedly said that once elected, he would "firmly stand on the side of allies" and advocated that South Korea should actively move closer to the US-Australia-Japan-India quadrilateral security dialogue mechanism and eventually join this mechanism. Yoon Seok-yue believes that the Moon Jae-in administration's defense policy of "not deploying more THAAD systems, not concluding a U.S.-Japan-ROK military alliance agreement, and not joining the U.S. missile defense network" is wrong, and it is "bending the knee to peace with China" and "betraying South Korea's security interests." Yin Xiyue advocated that the United States should deploy more THAAD anti-missile systems in South Korea, and even proposed that the possibility of the United States deploying strategic nuclear weapons in South Korea could be explored. At the same time, he also stressed that the South Korean semiconductor industry should be "decoupled" from China as soon as possible, and targeted policies should also be formulated for China in the cultural field. What is certain is that if Yoon Seok-yue really implements these policies, Sino-ROK relations are bound to suffer a considerable negative impact.

The fierce Man Yoon Seok-wook was elected President of South Korea! Personally sending the two former presidents to prison, Moon Jae-in is dangerous

Yoon Seok-yue is so radical on international issues and extreme about South Korea's domestic issues. During the campaign, Yoon Seok-yue said that South Korea's economic development was slow because it limited the development of the big chaebols, and once he was elected, he would definitely abolish the minimum wage and the maximum working hours limit, let every South Korean "work one hundred and twenty hours a week", and reduce or even exempt the taxes of the big chaebols. At the same time, Yoon Seok-yue also promised to abolish the "women's rights department" set up by the South Korean government and dissolve a large number of government-controlled departments to protect women's rights and interests. Moreover, Yin Xiyue has also vigorously promoted privatization, preparing to hand over all social infrastructure such as medical care, education and public transportation to private enterprises. On the issue of housing prices that the South Korean people are most concerned about, Yin Xiyue advocates the complete abolition of property taxes and the abolition of purchase restriction policies, so that house prices can float freely according to market demand. All in all, this man's domestic policy is typical of the extreme privatization policies of right-wing politicians. As for politics, In order to "show loyalty" to the right, Yoon Seok-yue has made it clear that he deeply regrets sending Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye to prison, and will pardon them if elected. It also made it clear that once elected, it would launch an investigation into the previous government, namely Moon Jae-in.

The fierce Man Yoon Seok-wook was elected President of South Korea! Personally sending the two former presidents to prison, Moon Jae-in is dangerous

Although under the Western-style electoral system, politicians often attract attention by making big noises, if Yoon Seok-yue does deliver on his electoral promises, South Korea is likely to be in turmoil. Internationally, the Sino-US game has become more and more intense, from the trade war to the public opinion war, the two sides come and go, the confrontation is very fierce; in South Korea, due to the strong chaebol forces and the impact of the new crown epidemic, South Korea's class contradictions, gender contradictions, and regional contradictions have also intensified. In the face of such a situation, only a prudent politician with sufficient skill and political wisdom can balance the interests of all parties, lead the country to solve problems, and move towards development. Yoon Seok-yue's ruling program of comprehensively turning to the United States in foreign relations and to the chaebols and conservatives on domestic issues has helped him win the election, but I am afraid that it will be difficult to help him solve the various problems facing South Korea, but it is very likely to deepen the various domestic and foreign contradictions facing South Korea and bring unpredictable trouble to South Korea.

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