
Cold hands and feet, dizzy and puffy? Mostly yang deficiency water stop, what to do? Try the real martial soup warm yang li water

author:Dao Needle Passed on to Tang Hui
Cold hands and feet, dizzy and puffy? Mostly yang deficiency water stop, what to do? Try the real martial soup warm yang li water

Zhenwu tang is a water-repellent agent in the sub-category, and is an ancient water vapor disease formula, the classic Wenyang Lishui formula.

When to use real martial soup?

1. Mental atrophy, cold limbs cold.

2. Dizziness, palpitations, shaking of the whole body, inability to stand.

3. Abdominal pain, stool deformation or even diarrhea, less urination.

4. Swelling of the whole body, heavy pain in the limbs.

5. Or cough and wheezing, phlegm is more and thinner, or there is nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, etc.

6. The tongue is light and fat, the moss is white and slippery or black, and the tongue surface is relatively lubricated. The veins are heavy and weak, or empty and weak.

Cold hands and feet, dizzy and puffy? Mostly yang deficiency water stop, what to do? Try the real martial soup warm yang li water

Chinese medicine calls this kind of situation Yang deficiency water drinking, and blood stasis, is the cause of many diseases, the treatment of Yang deficiency water drinking, Zhenwu soup is the most effective.

Diseases manifested by prostration, such as various shocks, heart failure, hypotension, excessive sweating, etc., can be used.

Yang qi deficiency manifested by vertigo and tremor, such as hypertension, cerebral arteriosclerosis, inner ear vertigo, ataxia, vertigo, motion sickness, seasickness and other diseases, can also use this formula. Nowadays, many people's motion sickness is phlegm wet, and zhenwu soup can warm up phlegm wetness, so the treatment of seasickness is good.

Diseases manifested by edema and fluid effusion in the body cavity, such as edema caused by heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver, kidney disease, etc., can also be used.

Cold hands and feet, dizzy and puffy? Mostly yang deficiency water stop, what to do? Try the real martial soup warm yang li water

Due to the common dizziness and edema of hypertension and hypotension, Zhenwu tang is also used for some hypertension, hypotension, arrhythmias, multiple ventricular premature beats, heart failure with rapid atrial fibrillation or conduction block.

Thromboangiitis obliterans common evidence such as cold extremity, weak arterial pulsation or unable to sink the pulse, unfavorable joints, and puffiness are common, which are similar to Zhenwu Tang certificate.

Patients with digestive tract disorders who see bloating and abdominal pain, yellow or dark face, light and fat tongue, white and slippery moss or blackening, may consider using this formula. Such as gastric prolapse, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, constipation, diarrhea, dumping syndrome after gastrectomy surgery, etc.

Zhenwu tang is also seen in neuroses, extrapyramidal symptoms caused by high-dose chlorpromazine, multiple neuritis, sciatica, facial muscle spasm, senile tremor, hypothyroidism, night sweats, female belt down, amenorrhea, menopausal syndrome, fever of weak constitution and other medical evidence.

Cold hands and feet, dizzy and puffy? Mostly yang deficiency water stop, what to do? Try the real martial soup warm yang li water

The treatment of zhenwu soup has the characteristics of cold hands and feet, one is because of the lack of yang qi, and the other is because the water is wet and heavy. This situation is somewhat similar to the flooding in early spring, the weather is cold, there is heavy rain, the sky and the earth are full of haze, everywhere is water, grass and trees are not long. To treat this situation, it is necessary to remove the clouds and open the day, but also to eliminate flood drainage, but also to loosen the soil and fertilize, multi-pronged, in order to control the flood.

Cold hands and feet, dizzy and puffy? Mostly yang deficiency water stop, what to do? Try the real martial soup warm yang li water

Zhenwu soup is composed of appendages, poria, baishu, ginger, and white peony, and Fangzhong uses the appendage as the main drug to invigorate the yang qi in the body, warm the yang to turn the cold, and win the invisible qi, but it is also worried that the amount of appendages is too large to force the water to overflow and change, so a small number of cannon appendages are used. With poria to lightly penetrate the water, to dispel the evil of form, this two tastes are the necessary medicine for the flood evidence of yang deficiency water. Accompanied by Bai Shu jian spleen dry and wet, supporting the soil to make water, ginger appetizer to reduce rebellion, li qi to disperse the cold, but also to increase the strength of the water and cold of the lingfu. Take peony medicine as the cause, through blood paralysis, relieve cramps, cure abdominal pain, diarrhea and drink water, so that the yang qi of the appendage metamorphosis does not go out of the table, stay in the lower scorch to warm the water drink, not only can and Rong Yin to prevent injury, but also can circulate qi liquid to benefit the meridians. In this way, you can restore the water to the yang, the internal organs are peaceful, and the whole body is smooth.

When using zhenwu soup, we must pay attention to the balance of all aspects, neither too warm yang nor too much water, too much water will hurt the kidney yang, too much warm yang will change.

When used clinically, if you want to suppress cough, you can add schisandra, if you want to warm and loose water cold, you can add fine spices and dried ginger, those who urinate a lot can go to poria and add appendages, those who have diarrhea can go to peony and add dried ginger, and those who vomit can go to the appendages and add ginger.