
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo

author:Cheung Chau Sanren

Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo

Text/Cheung Chau Sanren

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When John Singer Sargent (1856-1925) from the United States was about to retire, painters in London began to have a large market, and the painter Philip Alexius de Laszlo (1869-1937) was one of them.

Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo

Philip Alexius de Laszlo,1869-1937

Like many of the great Continental painters of his time, De la Zlo was a pan-Continental painter who traveled throughout his life and painted portraits of the royal nobility and the emerging bourgeoisie of different countries. He may have spent his life in a dark struggle with his predecessor and rival Sargent, and we can even see in De la Zlo's paintings the positive effects of Sargent's unique dashing brushstrokes on him. De La zlot's portraits of the nobility are extraordinary, no less atmospheric than Sargent, and the most wonderful thing is that his aristocratic models can always establish an approachable connection with the viewer, which is a kind of trust for De la Zlo, who is born a commoner, and also reflects his close relationship with the royal family.

Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Forgotten glory, a tour of nineteenth-century academic masters: Philip Alexius de Laszlo

De la Zlo was born in Budapest in 1856 to Jewish parents and worked as a tailor for a living. In 1907, he moved to London, England, while embarking on a journey around the world. His clients in Europe, especially the royal nobility, gave his works a high evaluation, and his popularity grew day by day. In 1909, De la Zlo was appointed by the British Royal Family as an honorary member painter of the Royal Family. In 1912, his native Hungary made him a nobleman. In 1914, he was honored as a British citizen. In 1937, Radzlow died of illness in London, England. The history of art has memorized the life of this excellent European portrait painter so clearly, which confirms the enduring charm of Laddzlow's art.

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