
7 reasons why Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen is a big disappointment7. Rough director and clip 6. The script is boring and boring 5. Poor supporting actor performances 4.Movies are too long and the pace is poor 3.Visuals are inconsistent 2. The style tone is chaotic 1. The Hellboy movie series may be completely out of action

author:Movie Corner
7 reasons why Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen is a big disappointment7. Rough director and clip 6. The script is boring and boring 5. Poor supporting actor performances 4.Movies are too long and the pace is poor 3.Visuals are inconsistent 2. The style tone is chaotic 1. The Hellboy movie series may be completely out of action

The less anticipated reboot of Hellboy is currently being released in domestic theaters. Given that this superhero movie received a comprehensively bad review when it was released in North America last year, and even the Hong Kong region directly abandoned the theater screening, it was a bit unexpected that this R-rated movie would be released in the mainland after nearly 19 months.

In fact, it doesn't make much sense to defend the film that director Neil Marshall and a host of well-known actors were involved in—the film was like a crazy sloppy, raucous, and dreary car accident, stuffed with too much material and none of the elements combined well.

If you're drawn to the hot shots in the trailer, you might indeed get some satisfaction from the movie, but you still have to think about whether it's really worth spending 115 minutes.

The film was initially expected, but during the chaotic production process, fans' interest was largely wiped out. During filming, there were reportedly frequent disputes between director Marshall, lead actor David Hubble and the producer.

Gossip aside, here are just a few of the major flaws of Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen that make people unhappy...

7 reasons why Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen is a big disappointment7. Rough director and clip 6. The script is boring and boring 5. Poor supporting actor performances 4.Movies are too long and the pace is poor 3.Visuals are inconsistent 2. The style tone is chaotic 1. The Hellboy movie series may be completely out of action

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >7. Rough directing and editing</h1>

It's clear from the first minute of Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen that Neil Marshall, as director, didn't play at his best. Although on the surface, the director who rose to fame with Game of Thrones seems to be a great candidate to reboot the Hellboy series, the end result proves that he seems to be completely overwhelmed.

Of course, the filmmaker's intervention throughout the shoot may have limited his normal play, but the problem is that almost every scene in the film feels roughly cut and stitched together, the camera rhythm and scene transitions are very unprofessional, and there are plenty of anachronistic dialogues that are apparently re-recorded in post-production.

Even the basic dialogue scenes feel rushed, switching back and forth between characters too often, and action scenes, like Michael Bay's Transformers series, are often a headache, lacking the rough style that made Marshall a sought-after director in the first place.

Apparently, there were some problems during filming, as not just one or two scenes felt a little "out of place" – the whole film felt like it was done under the direction of a group of people, featureless, and chaotic.

7 reasons why Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen is a big disappointment7. Rough director and clip 6. The script is boring and boring 5. Poor supporting actor performances 4.Movies are too long and the pace is poor 3.Visuals are inconsistent 2. The style tone is chaotic 1. The Hellboy movie series may be completely out of action

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >6</h1>

Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen is said to have produced a total of 16 producers, but its writers are only one — Andrew Cosby of Small Town Doubt.

Although there is only one screenwriter, it does not bring a clear sense of creative direction to the film, and the whole film still seems to be a patchwork of many story ideas that do not blend together.

Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen is packed with a lot of rather tedious plots, full of rambling dialogue that explains the plot, especially when it comes to the backstory of the villain Blood Queen (Mira Jovovich) and Hellboy himself, which is basically a long recitation of lines in conjunction with the slides.

In addition, most of the dialogue that tries to be funny is not so funny, and when the protagonists intentionally or unintentionally mention Twitter, Uber, and Google, they can only exchange the audience for sporadic embarrassing laughter. This makes one even more nostalgic for Gilmour del Toro's old version of Hellboy.

7 reasons why Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen is a big disappointment7. Rough director and clip 6. The script is boring and boring 5. Poor supporting actor performances 4.Movies are too long and the pace is poor 3.Visuals are inconsistent 2. The style tone is chaotic 1. The Hellboy movie series may be completely out of action

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >5</h1>

Although the film's supporting cast is rather luxurious, the performances of only two of the actors are worthy of recognition.

As always, Ian McChollshaw played Professor Bloom, hellboy's adoptive father, the Hellborough, in his charming, hoarse voice, and Stephen Graham played the Blood Queen's right-hand boar monster in a comical voice.

Unfortunately, apart from Hellboy, the other important characters in the film, both in the portrayal of the script and the performance of the actors, have failed.

First of all, Mira Jovovich's performance as the Blood Queen is really hard to compliment, she wears a stereotypical British accent throughout the whole process, but does not show any distinct character or sense of humor.

Secondly, Sasha Lane, who is usually not disappointed, plays Alice, a good friend of hellboys, this time also unexpectedly boring, and although Daniel King looks suitable for playing Ben Demio from the outside, his unauthentic British accent does not play a role in supporting the performance.

A number of supporting actors go their own way, and few are really satisfied. In the Hellboy series of films directed by Gilmour del Toro, where every actor does their best, the film feels like the exact opposite.

7 reasons why Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen is a big disappointment7. Rough director and clip 6. The script is boring and boring 5. Poor supporting actor performances 4.Movies are too long and the pace is poor 3.Visuals are inconsistent 2. The style tone is chaotic 1. The Hellboy movie series may be completely out of action

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >4. The movie is too long and the pace is poor</h1>

While the new version of Hellboy is essentially as long as Del Toro's two previous films, it feels much longer, in large part because the script doesn't fully play the role of the actors.

To be clear, the film is sometimes really torturous — especially in the middle of the film, where almost every character is given a large line looking back or explaining the plot.

In addition, just when the film seems to be about to reach its climax, it pulls back and further adds a lot of backstory, which lasts for about half an hour before finally ushering in the real climax, which is really tiring and unpleasant.

When Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen's 115-minute run was all over, it was exhausting, which was clearly the opposite of what a superhero movie was trying to achieve.

Considering that the film has been deleted with great fanfare in order to ensure that it is released in China, and still feels so bloated, I can't help but complain a little about why the domestic filmmakers did not delete the scenes that did not mean much for a few more minutes.

7 reasons why Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen is a big disappointment7. Rough director and clip 6. The script is boring and boring 5. Poor supporting actor performances 4.Movies are too long and the pace is poor 3.Visuals are inconsistent 2. The style tone is chaotic 1. The Hellboy movie series may be completely out of action

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >3</h1>

To be fair, the film budget is only $50 million, so audiences shouldn't expect to see the same visuals as The Avengers, or even to see visuals of the same level as Del Toro's older films (both of which had higher budgets than the film).

But even so, the incongruity of the CGI elements in the film is quite unbearable. Some of the digital special effects look pretty good — in the case of the Wild Boar Monster, the combination of real makeup and visual effects is actually surprising, especially when he speaks, and even some cartoon-style violence scenes have reached a certain artistic level.

However, the heavy CGI-dependent footage —most of the action scenes—tends to look rather clumsy, especially the Hellboy vs. Three Giants, and the Ian McChorn near the end of the film, which is sure to elicit a lot of banter.

7 reasons why Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen is a big disappointment7. Rough director and clip 6. The script is boring and boring 5. Poor supporting actor performances 4.Movies are too long and the pace is poor 3.Visuals are inconsistent 2. The style tone is chaotic 1. The Hellboy movie series may be completely out of action

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >2</h1>

One of the most appealing aspects of the character of Hellboy is his cynical style, with Del Toro and Ron Pullman perfectly interpreting Hellboy and his world in the first two films.

In contrast, Marshall's new version of the film is clearly completely unaware of its own positioning, frequently switching between different style tones, bluntly mobilizing the audience's emotions.

Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen isn't the kind of movie that requires a particular focus on the plot, but it wastes too much time on the tedious backstory, clearly losing sight of the other. The father-son relationship between Professor Bloom and hellboy is also too formal, as if the film is afraid of becoming too sensational and too sad.

In addition, the choice of soundtrack is often confusing, especially the use of the muse's "Psycho" in the aforementioned Battle of the Giants, which seemingly randomly adopted the Crewe Clown's "Kickstart My Heart" in a climactic shootout.

There are also some very grim moments in the film — especially when it comes to the dead children — and some very frivolous scenes, but Marshall doesn't manage to strike a convincing balance between the different atmospheres.

There are many times when scenes in the film make one wonder what it's trying to say and what we should learn from it.

7 reasons why Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen is a big disappointment7. Rough director and clip 6. The script is boring and boring 5. Poor supporting actor performances 4.Movies are too long and the pace is poor 3.Visuals are inconsistent 2. The style tone is chaotic 1. The Hellboy movie series may be completely out of action

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">

1. The Hellboy series of movies may be completely out of action</h1>

The film's biggest fault wasn't the bad script, direction, editing, and acting, but that it could have poisoned the Hellboy series brand forever.

Gilmo del Toro spent many years making Hellboy 3, but due to his slightly higher budget requirements and the tepid commercial performance of Hellboy 2, the producers decided to reboot the series.

But the failure of this reboot and dismal box office results have led to the sequel to Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen largely out of action, at least for the foreseeable future.

Perhaps after more than a decade, the series will eventually reboot again, or more likely, the producers will eventually realize that the role doesn't have much commercial value and give up altogether. After all, while Del Toro's films were great, they didn't get too high at the box office.

All in all, the new version of Hellboy sucks...

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Spot Hellboy: Art of Motion Picture 2019 Hardcover Rise of the Blood Queen ¥215 Purchase