
Chengcheng County New Social Class People's Friendship Association and the First Member Representative Conference were successfully held

author:Weinan Youth Network

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the United Front Work Conference of the Provincial and Municipal Party Committees, on March 8, the inaugural meeting and the first general meeting of the Chengcheng County New Social Strata People's Association were solemnly held, which built a platform for the growth and progress of the vast number of people from new social classes, so that everyone could better strengthen theoretical study, enhance ideological consensus, fulfill social responsibilities, and gather the mighty united front forces for the high-quality construction of a green, vibrant, prosperous and bright new Chengcheng City.

Chengcheng County New Social Class People's Friendship Association and the First Member Representative Conference were successfully held
Chengcheng County New Social Class People's Friendship Association and the First Member Representative Conference were successfully held

Present at the meeting were Zhao Jian, director of the sixth division of the United Front Work Department of the Provincial CPC Committee; Ji Weiqiang, deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal CPC Committee and secretary of the leading party group of the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce; Xu Bohua, chief of the New Strata Section of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal CPC Committee; Bian Youbing, member of the Standing Committee of the county CPC Committee and executive deputy county governor; Ma Junhong, member of the Standing Committee of the county CPC Committee, director of the United Front Work Department, and director of the Office of the County CPC Committee; Zhang Hongzhen, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress; Yang Faying, vice chairman of the COUNTY CPPCC Committee; and Pan Zhongfeng, vice chairman of the COUNTY CPPCC Committee and chairman of the Federation of Industry and Commerce. The meeting was presided over by Zhang Jiantao, executive deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the county party committee and director of the county Minzong Bureau.

Chengcheng County New Social Class People's Friendship Association and the First Member Representative Conference were successfully held
Chengcheng County New Social Class People's Friendship Association and the First Member Representative Conference were successfully held

The meeting listened to the "Report on the Preparatory Work of the Chengcheng County New Social Strata People's Association," deliberated and adopted the "Statutes of the Chengcheng County New Social Strata People's Association (Draft)" and the "Measures for the Election of the First Council of the Chengcheng County New Social Strata Association (Draft)," and conducted a secret ballot election in accordance with the "Statutes" and the "Election Measures." Comrade Yang Junwu was elected as the president; Duan Xiaoxia, Lei Junhong, Yuan Li, Song Junming, Hao Penggang, Xue Hongjuan, and Ma Li were elected as vice presidents; and Pang Chunyan was elected secretary general Gao Junqi, He Shengjun, Yang Meiru, Huang Wentao, Bai Longxing, Yang Hexian, Sun Xiaofeng, and Quan Yanjun were elected as executive directors.

Chengcheng County New Social Class People's Friendship Association and the First Member Representative Conference were successfully held

In order to make the association scientific, efficient and standardized operation, the meeting invited the county agricultural and rural bureau, the county industry and information bureau, the county ecological and environmental bureau, the county market supervision and management bureau, and the county disabled persons' federation as the main responsible comrades as supervisors, and hired Comrade Fan Jianwu as the honorary president of the new federation, and issued a letter of appointment to the meeting.

Chengcheng County New Social Class People's Friendship Association and the First Member Representative Conference were successfully held
Chengcheng County New Social Class People's Friendship Association and the First Member Representative Conference were successfully held

At the meeting, Comrade Zhao Jian, director of the sixth division of the United Front Work Department of the Provincial CPC Committee, congratulated the establishment of the New Federation of Chengcheng County on behalf of the United Front Work Department of the Provincial CPC Committee and the Provincial New Strata Department, and hoped that the vast number of people from new social strata would improve their political standing, closely unite around the party organizations, rally under the party's banner, and strive to become practitioners and defenders of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is necessary to strengthen self-construction, strengthen the theoretical training and practical ability of the deputies in a planned and focused manner, and ensure that the contingent of the New Federation is growing day by day and play a positive exemplary and leading role in the journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It is necessary to conscientiously perform our duties and fulfill our responsibilities, give full play to the role of the main front of the united front, actively offer suggestions and suggestions, make extensive friendships and friendships, consciously fulfill our social responsibilities of taking into account both righteousness and interests and helping the poor and the needy, enthusiastically plunge ourselves into the main battlefield of rural revitalization and economic development, spread the positive energy of the united front, sing the good voice of the united front, and make new and greater contributions to the high-quality economic and social development of Chengcheng.

Chengcheng County New Social Class People's Friendship Association and the First Member Representative Conference were successfully held

Ji Weiqiang, deputy director of the Municipal United Front Work Department and secretary of the party leading group of the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, demanded that all members should gather consensus in deepening their study and insist on putting strengthening the study of political theory and improving their political literacy in the first place. It is necessary to take the initiative to focus on development, focus on major policy decisions on county economic and social development, and the hot and difficult issues that the people are concerned about, extensively carry out investigation and research, actively offer suggestions and suggestions, and make informed contributions. It is necessary to strengthen pioneering and innovating, constantly adapt to the requirements of the new situation and new tasks, base ourselves on reality, face the grass-roots units, and face the members, and creatively carry out work. We must doubly cherish the trust and trust given by the party committee and the government, doubly cherish the expectations and trust of people from new social strata, rely on activities to innovate, rely on service to gather strength, rely on deeds to develop, be pragmatic and truth-seeking, work hard, and make due contributions to the high-quality economic and social development of Chengcheng and Weinan!

Chengcheng County New Social Class People's Friendship Association and the First Member Representative Conference were successfully held

On behalf of the county party committee and the county government, Ma Junhong, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee, director of the United Front Work Department, and director of the county party committee office, expressed warm congratulations to the establishment of the association and the newly elected leadership team of the first council, all the directors, and people from new social strata in the county. He said: The establishment of the New Federation is a moment that people from all walks of life in the Chengcheng united front are eagerly awaiting, and are worthy of pride and remember, and it is also an important node in the Chengcheng United Front to carry forward the past and open up the future, setting off a brand-new chapter in the in-depth advancement of the Chengcheng United Front. He stressed: All members should live up to their mission, perform their duties, be politically confident, self-reliant in development, and conscious in abiding by the law, focus on the new era, base themselves on a new starting point, strive for new deeds, show their skills in service, make contributions in social construction, and contribute to the united front forces in composing a new era of Chengcheng to catch up and surpass the new chapter.

Chengcheng County New Social Class People's Friendship Association and the First Member Representative Conference were successfully held
Chengcheng County New Social Class People's Friendship Association and the First Member Representative Conference were successfully held

Zhao Jian, director of the sixth division of the United Front Work Department of the Provincial CPC Committee, awarded the medal to the New Federation

After the meeting, cheng Jianhui, leader of the meeting and president of the New Federation of Weinan City, Duan Weipeng, secretary general, and presidents of the new federations of various counties and urban areas were invited to attend the meeting; all members, democratic parties, and the county federation of industry and commerce attended the unveiling ceremony of the Chengcheng County New Social Class Friendship Association. (Correspondents: Liang Lu and Zhang Xinli)

Chengcheng County New Social Class People's Friendship Association and the First Member Representative Conference were successfully held
Chengcheng County New Social Class People's Friendship Association and the First Member Representative Conference were successfully held
Chengcheng County New Social Class People's Friendship Association and the First Member Representative Conference were successfully held

Zhao Jian and Ji Weiqiang jointly inaugurated the New Social Class Friendship Association in Chengcheng County

Chengcheng County New Social Class People's Friendship Association and the First Member Representative Conference were successfully held

All members took a group photo with the leaders attending the meeting