
Municipal leaders visited and comforted old party members

author:The sound of the original flat

On the eve of July 1st, Li Ze, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal CPC Committee and director of the Organization Department, visited and comforted the old party members in difficulty in Songyang Town and sent them the warmth and care of the party.

Municipal leaders visited and comforted old party members
Municipal leaders visited and comforted old party members

Li Ze successively went to Huang'an Village and Dawolgou Village in Kunyang Town and visited Jin Yuzhong and Li Lanhai, veteran party members in difficulty. At the home of Li Lanhai, a veteran party member, Li Ze learned in detail about the life, body and basic situation of his children, and sent condolences to the elderly. Li Ze pointed out that the old party members have high prestige and great influence in the village, and it is hoped that the old party members will continue to be a good example while taking care of their health, give play to the residual heat, transmit positive energy, and play an exemplary and leading role as party members. He also asked the local government to care about the lives of veteran party members, understand the situation in a timely manner, help them solve practical difficulties, let them feel the warmth of the party, and further enhance the sense of honor, belonging, and mission of party members.

Rong Media Zhang Zhiming

Reviewer: Wang Binqi, Zhang Mengyuan, Feng Xuemin

Editors: Wang Zhijun, Wang Zhendong, Li Jia