
Big S's husband, finally replaced

author:Ten o'clock portraits

Big S Lightning remarried, and boyfriend from 20 years ago.

As soon as the news came out, today's Internet fried the pan.

First, Koo Joon Ye, a member of the Korean cool dragon group, posted a text on INS announcing that he was married.

Big S's husband, finally replaced

Although the text does not clearly point out that this "Xiyuan" is his "big S", but looking back at the emotional experience of Junye, the contact text mentioned "20 years ago, I formed an indissoluble relationship" and "just divorced" and other information, netizens quickly determined that the woman was the old love big S who had an unforgettable relationship with him when she was young.

Soon, the Korean media said that she was the big S in the article. And Big S himself also forwarded the Chinese translation of Gu Junye's text on INS, while attaching his own statement: "Life is impermanent, I cherish the happiness of the moment." Thank you for everything that has allowed me to take it step by step to all of it now", showing my attitude towards the relationship.

Big S's husband, finally replaced

After the news spread, the comments of "Big S Good Courage" swept across the social media. Many people can't imagine that just after a sensational marriage, Big S can enter the next marriage with lightning.

Interestingly, in the face of the media, Big S's mother was also in shock with many netizens at this time, and she was very angry that she did not know it before: "I don't know this Korean, and she didn't tell me that she wanted to get married. ”

Big S, the woman, with almost reckless boldness, could always make those who followed her drop their jaws.

Big S's husband, finally replaced

Leave the one who no longer loves

From the announcement of divorce to the media in June last year, to the official release of divorce in November, ending the ten-year marriage with Wang Xiaofei, Big S only took 4 months.

After the divorce statement was officially announced on the social accounts of both parties, Big S almost only used the effort of eating a meal of white truffles to walk out of the pain of broken marriage and attended the press conference with the posture of entering the next stage of life.

Even the younger sister Xiao S sighed that it only took a short time after the sister's divorce, and the whole person returned to the state of the girlhood, even more exquisite than the girlhood.

"After hearing that she was divorced, I called at the first time, and I was still anxious about whether she would answer, but she responded to me happily, and when I heard her voice, it was like going back to 20 years ago." The current husband, Gu Junye, said in an interview.

More Korean media broke the news that Gu Junye and Big S even because of the epidemic, from the resumption of contact to the license to get married, the two people have not met, and have only been communicating on the phone.

Big S is not the first time to flash marriage, and the start of the last marriage has only experienced a period of less than 10 days of emotional run-in.

Big S's husband, finally replaced

Since the wedding of Big S and Wang Xiaofei was broadcast live by Zhang Chaoyang on Sohu to pay members, this marriage has been in a state of being watched and spied on by the outside world, and has been repeatedly consumed by the outside world as a talk after tea.

At that time, the outside world was not optimistic about the combination of the two children, and there were always voices that believed that Wang Xiaofei had climbed the big S.

When he first married Wang Xiaofei, Big S was making a mess on both sides of the strait with the role of Shancai in "Meteor Garden"; and continued to accumulate popularity through popular dramas such as "Corner Meets Love" and "Summer of Bubbles".

On the other hand, Wang Xiaofei, although she has the name of "four young people in Beijing", the real person in the family business is still her mother Zhang Lan, and the development of her career is completely under the protection of her mother.

The married life of the two also confirms people's conjecture to a certain extent.

At that time, Wang Xiaofei's business that was a little improved was almost all related to his wife, including letting Big S act as a spokesperson for his tea business; opening a hotel named after Big S in Taiwan; doing restaurants also relying on S Sisters' connections in the entertainment industry for publicity...

Living in the atmosphere of public opinion of "strong women and weak men" for a long time, Wang Xiaofei, as a "grandfather of Beijing", has not been released in his masculine mood and often expresses his resentment in public. In the couple's variety show "Happiness Trio", he and Big S always seem to be arguing, and they are all about whether to eat, what to eat, how much to eat, and so on.

Many viewers couldn't help but complain: "It's hard to imagine that these two people are old husbands and wives who have lived together for nearly ten years." ”

Big S's husband, finally replaced

In the period before the divorce, Wang Xiaofei's several appearances on the live broadcast were almost always in a state of drinking red, and even some delirium, either verbally ridiculing the beautiful female anchor; or scolding the platform, swearing, and giving his emotional management and cultivation level to the viewers.

As the saying goes, husband and wife are one, Wang Xiaofei interacts with the outside world in this extremely undignified way, but in the end it is the two celebrity couples who bear the scrutiny of public opinion, and even the pressure of the already famous Big S is even greater.

In particular, she has a strong personality, and the feeling of painful struggle must be stronger. And in this decade of marriage, those unknown painful moments are not yet known.

Today, Big S, who has experienced a failed love run, is 47 years old, but she still decides to enter the marriage again.

And her attitude towards love is still unreserved. Just as she fell in love with Wang Xiaofei at first sight at the sisters' dinner, regardless of the distance between the two people, cultural differences, and disparities in fame, she was willing to make a desperate bet when she married.

Hate resolutely when you hate, and love thoroughly when you love.

Big S's decisive courage in marriage and love can always be associated with Tagore's famous verse - "Life is as brilliant as a summer flower".

Big S's husband, finally replaced
Big S's husband, finally replaced

"Brave Girl" Big S: Love can't be ok

Whether it is the marriage between Big S and Wang Xiaofei, or from her previous growth experience and emotional experience, it is not difficult to see that in big S personality, "Yong" accounts for a large part.

When she was a child, Xu's father had been drinking and beating Xu's mother for a long time, and the other two sisters hid in the room because they were afraid, and only Big S came out to drink loudly every time to stop his father.

In the middle school, there are rogue boys in the next class who come to the class to borrow cigarettes, and the teacher in the classroom is still in class, and it is useless for the teacher to scold the other party to go out. Before the boys in the class came to break the siege, Xu Xiyuan, who had just entered the middle school, stood up and yelled at him, "Are you unable to mix in your class and run to our class to mix?" ”

Later, the other party found a group of people to seek revenge on the S sisters, and Big S successfully dispersed the group of hooligans by calling for help from passers-by.

On Big S, examples such as "bravely stand up" abound, when eating, she hears children crying on the fourth floor nearby, she rings the doorbell and asks "are you beating children"; when the road is uneven and encounters an accident, she will also call her friends to get off the car quickly.

Sister Xiao S also had doubts, these things are so trivial, it is difficult to manage, but Big S seriously told her, "What if there is really a child who is being abused inside?" ”

Friend Chen Jianzhou once revealed to People magazine that as long as he hears the sound of suspected domestic violence coming from someone's home, Big S will still knock on the door, a heroine posture, and when the other party will question her "Do you know who I am", answer "I don't care who you are, you are not right or wrong." ”

As Big S grows, "Yong" also delays her attitude towards emotions.

When you fall in love with each other, you can take the initiative to chase, bravely attack, and pay for the other party; but when she decides to end the relationship, she is also the person who takes the initiative to break up, simply turning away, without dragging mud and water or breaking the connection.

From Gu Junye to Wang Xiaofei, everything is like this.

In 1998, Big S and Gu Junye had a scandal, when she saw Gu Junye performing as a guest at Su Huilun's concert, she suddenly felt good about it, and took the initiative to express her love on other occasions.

After the two interacted, Big S once learned Korean for each other, and also stabbed each other's names on the ankle, but after the breakup, he was also very determined, washing the tattoos alone, without mentioning the emotional past with the top of this Han star.

If what Gu Junye said in the announcement announcing the marriage was true, the two may not have been in contact for more than 20 years.

In dealing with the two well-known sister-brother relationships, Big S's attitude is also very similar. Lan Zhenglong is the first boyfriend of Big S to publicly admit that her original intention was to save her sister who was deeply involved in the "sex party" scandal, imploring the media to write less about Xiao S's news, and disclosing on the spot that she and Lan Zhenglong were in a relationship.

From Lan Zhenglong's letter to Big S, it can be seen that in the early days of love, it was Big S who took the initiative to express good feelings, cooked for him and chatted with him, but the man Lan Zhenglong was "shocked and happy" and passively began this relationship.

The two fell in love for five years, and ended because Lan Zhenglong did not want to get married for a long time, and Big S found that the other party was not an object that could be "walked on for a lifetime".

A year after the breakup, she told the media who went to interview her that she was "very distressed and depressed" at the time, and she was shocked by her courage, but she still made the decision to break up.

Soon after she broke up with Lan Zhenglong, the rumors of "big boy love" gradually surfaced.

This may be the most "difficult" love affair in the hearts of big S fans, and the sweet past when the two fell in love is still talked about today. Zhou Yumin was in a car accident, Big S was the first to rush to the scene, Zhou Yumin suffered from depression, and Big S stopped all work and social company with her boyfriend.

After experiencing a long run in love, making a decision to break up is not easy for big S who is heavy on feelings, a few years later, she answered her reasons for ending the relationship twice in an interview with "Lu Yu has a date", "If you feel inappropriate, even if it is very, very painful, you have to break up, and you can't make it up." ”

"Cruel Girl" Big S: Life belongs to yourself

In the life of Big S, the premise of love being controlled by himself is that he is also controlled by himself.

Big S, who quickly switches in the relationship, also has a fine and extreme management of her life, and her attitude towards life is also vividly reflected in it.

As everyone knows, Big S has a very strict pursuit of his appearance. When she was young, Big S thought that she had many "enemies" around her, a natural "black flesh bottom", a fat physique, a short face that was not very photogenic, and these related words that contradicted the concept of "beauty" were her death pits.

Big S began to take extreme measures to get herself out of these descriptions, even if the short face she found photogenic unsightly had the delicate features of a doll.

In order to become thin, for a long time, she only ate breakfast once a day. Eat as simple as possible, only soy milk and eggs, if there is no physical strength, she will symbolically eat a few bites of white rice, with some pickles, and drink half a can of sugar-free Coke.

She once said, "Thin or dead." ”

Big S's husband, finally replaced

In the variety show "The Truth, Flowers and Flowers", Big S mentioned that he had used electric shocks to lose weight. 0-99 gear of electric shock tools, she will not hesitate to drive to the strongest 99 gears, a friend listened to her Amway also to try the electric shock tools, only opened to 20 gears, the next day it hurt to the waist.

When she was pregnant with her first child, she only went out once, and went shopping with her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei to the Eslite Bookstore in Taipei, but the paparazzi immediately appeared, and she especially regretted it, complaining to the man, "Look, just don't go out, (I'm like) a fur seal." ”

Big S's husband, finally replaced

If the obsession of "getting thinner" makes Big S almost paranoid, then her practice of making herself "white" is even more "a little crazy" in the eyes of ordinary people. ”

No matter what the product is, as long as it has the effect of "whitening", even if it is a side effect, big S is difficult to escape.

Ten days of running out of 4 bottles of sunscreen and a can of sunscreen powder, never drinking coffee, soy sauce and other heavy food, these routine operations have long been strange to people.

Among them, the most criticized by the public is that she began to eat anti-hemagglutinants, which can make the skin become miserable, but at the same time, it will have a certain impact on the coagulation function of the body, if it is not necessary, it is absolutely impossible to try.

Big S's husband, finally replaced

Big S didn't care that much, she just heard the word "white" as if she had gotten a panacea. "Even if it's a glass of poisonous wine, as long as you tell me that drinking it can make it beautiful, I will drink it willingly."

Big S once released a weight loss menu after losing 10 kilograms of weight in a month, when Wang Xiaofei said on Weibo: "Where is this person's strength?" Do whatever you want! ”

The word "becoming beautiful" seems to be engraved in the dictionary of Big S's life, even if she wants to "Shennong taste hundreds of herbs" and her body is damaged, she does not hesitate to do it.

Any female star who pursues beauty in such an extreme way will be more or less judged by the world, but why is there always more positive discussion than negative evaluation here in Big S?

The answer may be that everyone will envy such a bold and unhesitating life.

When she was in junior high school, she was dissatisfied with the militarized management of the former school and wanted to study in another school. When he explained his decision to his mother, the family was on the highway and could not reach a consensus with his mother, so Big S jumped out of the car and began to walk on foot when he was stuck in traffic.

Xiao S, who was sitting in the back row, was frightened and said, "I lean on, you dare to jump out of the car, isn't this what Jackie Chan would do?" ”

20 years later, in the car again, her mother received a call from Little S, who told her: "Shanshan (Big S's nickname) is married." ”

At that time, she only saw 4 faces of Wang Xiaofei, and the time spent together between the two was less than 10 days.

After getting married, in order to be able to form a perfect family, Big S decided to have children. In order to improve her infertile physique, she changed her 15-year vegetarian habit and began to drink broth and inject eggs.

Of course, her body could not hold up, and she kept vomiting because she could not adapt to the taste of meat for a while. The egg induction needle was changed from universal to strong, and after being lucky enough to become pregnant, she still faced the risk of miscarriage.

Big S's husband, finally replaced

After more than one ghost gate, she gave birth to two lovely babies. The marriage with Wang Xiaofei ended without success.

But with the news of the marriage between Big S and Gu Junhui, people suddenly realized that Big S is still the Big S, no one can influence her decision, and the personality that dares to think and dare to do has not been washed away by time.

Under the premise of divorce with a baby, she is nearly 50 years old, she still dares to love and hate, and longs to love and be loved.

Big S was hospitalized when she was pregnant with her third child, and many people were worried about her body, but she insisted on giving birth.

She wrote on Weibo:

"I hate being bored, God marked me!" The days ahead... I had to pass the hurdle. Self-seeking, no need for sympathy, bless me, okay? ”

On some special days like Women's Day, Big S chose to disclose his new marriage, perhaps there are some enlightenments for ordinary women: waving away the past is a brave, embracing the unknown new life, is also a brave.

Then let us bless big S and all women, in the future life, can learn to be brave, brave to be themselves, brave to love, brave to pursue happiness!