
From being verbally criticized to being embraced by fans, Arteta completes its metamorphosis and the Gunners return to their familiar positions

author:Football is on the charts

If Arsenal are most familiar with the fourth place in the Premier League, now Arsenal are back in the top 4 of the league, and there is no small advantage, as long as Arsenal does not take the initiative to make mistakes, next season into the Champions League is already a foregone conclusion. Among them, there is the efforts of the players, and naturally it is inseparable from the hard work of head coach Arteta.

From being verbally criticized to being embraced by fans, Arteta completes its metamorphosis and the Gunners return to their familiar positions

Arteta was still a cancer coach that everyone shouted at a few years ago, but now Arteta has gradually found his coaching feeling, and can win the top 4 positions in the Premier League where famous coaches are gathered, which is enough to show that Arteta's personal ability is outstanding, the current Premier League has a small World Cup feeling, and all kinds of stars and coaches are gathered, which is expected to surpass the Serie A of that year. As an established giant, Arsenal certainly can't fall into this, although Arsenal had a period of pain after Wenger's departure, but the team chose to trust Arteta and make Arteta the main leader of the team's revival plan.

From being verbally criticized to being embraced by fans, Arteta completes its metamorphosis and the Gunners return to their familiar positions

Compared with the free professor Wenger, and Emery, who is too focused on the game itself, Arteta pays more attention to the relationship with the players, and as a coach who has worked with Guardiola, Arteta's tactical thinking is not backward, he also has the essence of the management of wenger's era, compared to other DNA managers, Arteta is obviously more dominant.

From being verbally criticized to being embraced by fans, Arteta completes its metamorphosis and the Gunners return to their familiar positions

Arteta's talent for language and communication skills that are difficult for others to match are the envy of Mourinho. Arteta can switch back and forth between English and Spanish, can talk to players from different regions, communicates with players before each game, and cheers up the starters and instills tactical ideas. But Arteta doesn't put too much pressure on the starters and allows them to play freely, and it's this more relaxed and egalitarian environment that allows Arsenal to gradually improve and gradually return to their familiar positions.

From being verbally criticized to being embraced by fans, Arteta completes its metamorphosis and the Gunners return to their familiar positions

Arteta's emphasis on players and the emphasis on oppressive play, Arsenal has always been synonymous with beautiful football, and this has not changed in Arteta's time. The targeted strategy and targeted reinforcements have revitalized Arsenal's beautiful football and allowed Arteta to prove his ability to be Professor Wenger's successor.

From being verbally criticized to being embraced by fans, Arteta completes its metamorphosis and the Gunners return to their familiar positions

Arteta has purged a number of cancer players in the last two years, bringing Arsenal back on track and improving results, although Arsenal's attack has been slightly affected after losing players such as Aubameyang, but for the sake of the team's long-term consideration, the club cannot allow such a cancerous player to exist. Believing that Arteta will lead Arsenal on the road to revival, the top 4 in the league is not Arsenal's ultimate goal, let's expect the Gunners to win that damn title.