
Social Animals learns collective intelligence from animals

A unique and artistic animal science picture book

Learn collective wisdom from animals and feel the vitality of the earth

Explore the mysteries of fauna living together

Look at the animals from another angle!

Social Animals learns collective intelligence from animals

"Social Animals"

Author: [Polish] Joanna Jezak

Translator: Wei Lin

Publisher: Huashan Literature and Art Publishing House

Lead children to learn collective wisdom from animals

The book introduces the different reasons and social habitation methods of 16 animals, such as herring, flamingos, and wildebeests. Lead children to learn about the animals' living habits and the mysteries of their survival from a new perspective. There are also many new and interesting animal trivia in the book, which can stimulate children's curiosity to explore nature.

In nature, the wisdom of survival is everywhere. Individual power is often insignificant, but the group can exude great energy. Starlings, for example, are easily spotted by predators, but a group of starlings clustered together makes it difficult for predators to target a particular starling, increasing their chances of survival. Similarly, human beings rely on collective intelligence to accomplish many things, such as building a building, creating a complex object, etc., which require the participation of many people to complete. I hope that children can also learn to use the strength of the collective to achieve their goals.

Social Animals learns collective intelligence from animals

The illustrations use a unique stamp technique

The illustrations in this book are drawn using seals. Each small animal in the group may look the same at first glance, but if you look closely, you will find that the expression, movement, or color of each animal is different. The overall color scheme of the illustration is soft, the animal looks very cute, and the stamp technique used in the illustration is a good presentation of the theme of the book. Children can also try to create their own paintings using this method.

Author Profile

Joanna Djezak: A Polish illustrator and graphic designer living in Paris, she graduated in architecture from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and now works as an editor, web designer and brander. Her work was selected for the 2014 Bologna Children's Book Fair. His major works include "Be the Best Of Yourself" and so on.

Text/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Sun Jun

Photo/ Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Sun Jun

Video/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Sun Jun

Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Editor: Li Yani

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