
The United States and Britain formulated the "exile plan", Zelensky angrily criticized the West, and China gave a good prescription for the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

author:Heiner Observation Room

The special military operation of the Russian army in Ukraine has come to an end, the United States and Britain have formulated a "plan of exile" for the Ukrainian government, and Zelenskiy angrily criticized the "silent" attitude of Western countries.

On March 5, local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the Russian special military operation is proceeding smoothly as planned, the task of attacking military infrastructure in Ukraine is nearing completion, and most of Ukraine's military infrastructure, including weapons and ammunition depots and air defense systems, has been destroyed. The Washington Post said on the 5th that the United States and its allies are quietly formulating "contingency plans" to prepare for the situation that if the Russian military operation is successful, the Ukrainian government will be forced into exile. NBC said that a group of US lawmakers met with former presidential national security adviser O'Brien on the 5th to discuss the matter of letting Zelensky's government go into exile. The lawmakers said it was of "great value" to have Ukrainian President Zelenskiy in Ukraine, including "political superiority," "image superiority" and "morale superiority," but no value if his life was "in danger." It is not difficult to see that in the eyes of American politicians, Zelenskiy is just a "chess piece" used in the great power game.

The United States and Britain formulated the "exile plan", Zelensky angrily criticized the West, and China gave a good prescription for the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

According to Japanese media news on March 8, relevant sources of British intelligence agencies revealed that a mixed special group of intelligence agencies and the military in britain and the United States has been sent to Ukraine to prepare to withdraw Zelenskiy from Kiev, and "the plan can be implemented at any time." Currently, the British Army Special Air Service Regiment (SAS) is helping to protect Zelenskiy. The British intelligence agency also pointed out that the mixed special team arrived in Ukraine last year and completed the basic plan last December. The plan is to evacuate Zelenskiy and the top brass of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to NATO members and establish a "government-in-exile", with Sweden, a non-NATO member, also a candidate.

The United States and Britain formulated the "exile plan", Zelensky angrily criticized the West, and China gave a good prescription for the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

It is worth mentioning that as the initiator of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the United States and Western countries have always chosen to stay out of the conflict since the outbreak of the conflict, in addition to repeatedly stressing that they will not send troops to intervene in the conflict, they are just constantly transporting weapons and equipment to Ukraine, treating Ukraine as a "thug" against Russia, and not caring about the dangerous situation facing Ukraine. Even when the Ukrainian side repeatedly called for the establishment of a no-fly zone in Ukraine, NATO countries did not hesitate to refuse. Not only that, the United States and Western countries are more like to show Ukraine in imposing sanctions on Russia, because even while the United States and Western countries sanction Russia, they still maintain a large number of imports of Russian energy. German Chancellor Scholz made it clear on the 7th that it is impossible to completely eliminate energy imports from Russia in the short term.

The United States and Britain formulated the "exile plan", Zelensky angrily criticized the West, and China gave a good prescription for the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

Zelenskiy can be said to be furious at this attitude of the United States, Britain, and other Western countries. On March 6, local time, Zelenskiy condemned the "silence" of Western countries as "as if Western leaders had disbanded" in a video released by Zelenskiy, and once again reiterated that Western sanctions against Russia were far from enough.

The United States and Britain formulated the "exile plan", Zelensky angrily criticized the West, and China gave a good prescription for the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

In view of how to resolve the current Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the international community has been actively working hard to play a role. On March 7, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that to resolve the current crisis, we must adhere to four points: that is, we must uphold the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and respect and protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries; we must adhere to the principle of indivisibility of security and take into account the legitimate security concerns of the parties; we must persist in settling disputes peacefully through dialogue and negotiation; and we must focus on long-term regional peace and stability and build a balanced, effective and sustainable European security mechanism. At the same time, Foreign Minister Wang Yi stressed that the situation in Ukraine has developed to this day, and the reasons are complex. To solve complex problems, we need calmness and rationality, not to add fuel to the fire and intensify contradictions.

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