
Binzhou City held a qipao exhibition to celebrate the "March 8th" Women's Day

Sanqin Metropolis Daily - Sanqin News (Zhao Qinni reporter Chen Fenxiang) On March 8, sponsored by the Binzhou Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature and undertaken by the Binzhou Qipao Association, the "Welcome to the Top 20 · Towel Exhibition Style" to celebrate the "March 8th" Women's Day Qipao Exhibition and the 2022 "Our Chinese Dream" - Culture into Ten Thousand Homes Activity was successfully held in Kaiyuan Square.

Binzhou City held a qipao exhibition to celebrate the "March 8th" Women's Day

The exhibition of the day kicked off in the qipao show "Ink Orchid Pavilion", in the gentle and melodious music, the performers dressed in qipao, holding up the oil-paper umbrella Tingting walked gracefully, accompanied by the beat of the music gracefully, turned, raised their wrists, transpositions, bowed their heads, and raised their hands and feet to show the beauty of traditional qipao costumes and the dignity of oriental women.

Binzhou City held a qipao exhibition to celebrate the "March 8th" Women's Day

Sisters, husband and wife performance "Little Bride Flower", team members show "Chinese Tea", large joint performance "Binzhou Beauty" and other programs are also wonderful, in the Performance of Chinese Tea, the performers hold folding fans, while walking while dancing fans, graceful and colorful, dark fragrance rhymes.

Binzhou City held a qipao exhibition to celebrate the "March 8th" Women's Day

Although it is the spring of March, the spring is still cold, but the atmosphere is warm, the applause is continuous, some of the people at the scene are watching carefully, and some take out their mobile phones to record the beauty... While watching the activity, wear a mask and keep a distance, taking into account the effect of the activity and the safety of epidemic prevention.

Wang Xiaorong, chairman of the Qipao Association, told reporters that in order to prepare for this performance, the members of the Qipao Association braved the cold and cold temperature of spring, came to the square after the end of the work every night, and wore eight centimeters of high heels to practice the basic skills in the square, all in order to celebrate their festival with the sisters of the city on March 8, present a stunning qipao feast for the people of the city, and show the beauty of the traditional costumes of the qipao and the beauty of the women of Binzhou.

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