
Qilu Spring Tide (7) | inherit the red gene and firmly shoulder the responsibility of "two innovations"

author:Lu Net

Issued the "Implementation Plan on Advocating a Virtuous and Healthy Lifestyle in the New Era"; created civilization dialogue brands such as the Nishan World Civilization Forum; launched the national opera "Yimeng Mountain", the dance drama "Milk Lady", the modern Peking Opera "Surprise Attack white tiger troupe", the acrobatic drama "Railway Hero"... Bearing in mind the entrustment of the general secretary, Shandong firmly shoulders its responsibility, promotes the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional culture, carries forward the spirit of Yimeng, inherits the red gene, and writes the answer sheet for cultural construction in Shandong with the standard of "walking in front".

Focus on the two sessions of the National People's Congress and tell the story of Shandong well. Dazhong Daily and the client launched a large-scale all-media theme report on "Qilu Spring Tide", focusing on Shandong's vivid practice of deeply implementing the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and doing a more solid job in various work, leading innovation, achieving new breakthroughs, and condensing the strength of majestic progress.

Today, the seventh group of reports was published, "Inheriting the Red Gene, Firmly Shouldering the Responsibility of "Two Innovations"--Shandong Implementing the Important Instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping (7)". Please read the full text -

Qilu Spring Tide (7) | inherit the red gene and firmly shoulder the responsibility of "two innovations"

Inherit the red gene and firmly shoulder the responsibility of "two innovations"

——Shandong implements the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions (7)

□ Reporters Zhao Lin and Liu Yiying

The fertile soil can be deeply cultivated, which is a unique advantage of Shandong. As the hometown of Confucius and Mengmeng and the state of etiquette, Shandong has a profound historical and cultural heritage, and the characteristics of red resources are distinctive.

On March 8, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed when attending the deliberations of the Shandong delegation to the first session of the 13th National People's Congress that the red gene is to be inherited. Previously, when inspecting Shandong in 2013, the general secretary stressed that the Yimeng spirit, like the spirit of Yan'an, the spirit of Jinggangshan and the spirit of Xibaipo, is a precious spiritual wealth of the party and the country, and it is necessary to continuously carry forward and expand it in combination with the conditions of the new era, and put forward a major policy to promote the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture. The important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping have pointed out the direction of Shandong's construction of a culturally strong province and clarified Shandong's responsibility in the great cause of national cultural prosperity and development.

Bearing in mind the entrustment of the general secretary, Shandong firmly shoulders its responsibilities, promotes the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional culture, carries forward the spirit of Yimeng, inherits the red gene, writes the "Shandong Answer Sheet" of cultural construction with the standard of "walking in front", creates a highland for the inheritance and development of excellent traditional culture, and the construction of a culturally strong province shows a new atmosphere and new deeds in the new era and new journey, providing a strong spiritual driving force for economic and social development.

Force "two innovations"

Strengthen cultural inheritance and innovation

On the morning of March 1st, on the cultural square of Jijia Village in Yaocun Town, Qufu City, flowers were dotted and very lively, and the eighth "Good Daughter-in-law and Good Mother-in-Law" commendation began.

"Filial piety comes first, filial piety is our obligation as a daughter-in-law, and everything is happy at home and in talent." I want to work harder, be filial to my in-laws, and be kind to my family. Standing on the podium, the "Top Ten Good Daughters-in-Law" delivered a speech on behalf of Han Yan, which attracted a burst of applause.

Weathered people, moisturizing things silent. Shandong has carefully designed and systematically deployed to promote the inheritance and development of excellent traditional culture through the Qufu Excellent Traditional Culture Inheritance and Development Demonstration Zone and the Qi Cultural Inheritance and Innovation Demonstration Zone, and various localities have continuously explored to stimulate traditional virtue genes, conserve new styles of civilization, and create a new atmosphere of grass-roots governance with innovative measures.

At the beginning of this year, Shandong issued the "Implementation Plan on Advocating a Virtuous and Healthy Lifestyle in the New Era", advocating the cultivation of daily behavior habits as a foothold, focusing on basic social units such as individuals, families, and communities, highlighting the cultivation of practice, and promoting the transformation of virtues and healthy lifestyles into people's spiritual pursuits, daily lives and behavioral habits with cultural people and customs.

Qilu Spring Tide (7) | inherit the red gene and firmly shoulder the responsibility of "two innovations"

"If you don't learn etiquette, you can't stand." In the view of Wang Xuedian, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, executive dean of the Institute for Advanced Study of Confucianism at Shandong University, editor-in-chief and director of the editorial department of Wenshizhe, the new journey of forging ahead in the new era needs to arouse the enthusiasm of everyone to collect firewood through consensus. Cultivating and practicing the core values of socialism is a process of consolidating consensus and forging ahead in unity. Shandong's advocacy of a healthy lifestyle of virtue in the new era is an important innovation to promote the implementation of the core values of socialism, a summary and improvement of Shandong's practice, and has important exemplary significance in the country.

Let the excellent culture be passed on from generation to generation, and it is not far from us. Wang Ruixia, a deputy to the National People's Congress, vice chairman of the Qingzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and a research librarian at the Qingzhou Museum, said for example, Qingzhou stone carving has a long history, and many Qingzhou people have stone carving living utensils at home, but they do not know it for their own use; Qingzhou spline is a popular fitness object, but not many people know that it is a national intangible cultural heritage. "Not only to carry out the rescue, census and collation of intangible cultural heritage, but also to carry out developmental inheritance, integrate into modern life, and make it a part of life." Only in this way can traditional culture truly 'live'. ”

At present, our province has fully launched the "Shandong Handmade" project. Wang Lei, director of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, said that Shandong has clearly proposed to create a "Shandong hand-made" brand, which is to modernize, contemporary and live intangible cultural heritage or traditional crafts, integrate into the daily life of modern people, and open up a new consumer market. In the future, we will take "Shandong Hand-made" as an important starting point for promoting "two innovations" and promote the comprehensive start of "Shandong Hand-made".

Talk about making good use of red resources

Let the red gene pass on from generation to generation

"There is such a group of volunteer soldiers, wearing thin cotton clothes, carrying two frozen potatoes that are harder than stones, in a foreign country at minus 40 degrees, ambushed in the ice and snow..." On the morning of February 28, at the flag-raising ceremony of Linyi Beicheng Primary School, Liu Weiwei, the mother of Zhang Baiyuan, the leader of the fifth grade squadron, emotionally told the story of the "Ice Sculpture Company" in the Battle of Changjin Lake. In the flag-raising ceremony, the "Four Historical Stories I Tell" link was added, which was an innovative exploration by Zhang Shuqin, a deputy to the National People's Congress and principal of Linyi Beicheng Primary School.

As an old revolutionary area, with a profound red cultural heritage and rich revolutionary cultural relics resources, Shandong regards carrying forward the Yimeng spirit and inheriting the red gene as a major political task, issued the "Opinions on Vigorously Carrying Forward the Yimeng Spirit", and took the lead in formulating and introducing opinions on the red cultural inheritance and development project in the country and making systematic arrangements. In 2021, a high-level coordination mechanism for the protection and inheritance of red culture in Shandong Province was established, the first "Red Culture Theme Month" in Shandong Province was held, and the sixth batch of provincial-level cultural relics protection units was announced, which effectively improved the level of excavation, protection and utilization of red resources.

What kind of spirit there is, what kind of power there will be. "We must keep the alarm bells ringing, remember the lessons of history, and more than 1.4 billion Chinese must be angry and strive to be strong, and build our country better and stronger." Li Cuicui, a docent at the Sino-Japanese War Museum in China, introduced that the soul of the explanation is emotion, as a red docent, in the face of the same history, the same story, it is more necessary to burn up in order to pass on the emotion.

Qilu Spring Tide (7) | inherit the red gene and firmly shoulder the responsibility of "two innovations"

Inherit the red gene, to tell a good red story. Shandong has focused on the use of literature, drama, music, dance and other forms, launched the national opera "Yimeng Mountain", the dance drama "Milk Lady", the modern Peking Opera "Surprise Attack white tiger troupe", the acrobatic drama "Railway Hero" and other works, uplifting the red literary and artistic highland. Liu Xiaojing, deputy to the National People's Congress and vice president of the Shandong Academy of Arts, said that as a literary and art worker in Shandong, she is very proud. "Only by taking root in the people's deep lives can literary and artistic works impact the soul and awaken the original heart." She suggested that more attention should be paid to the construction of high-level cultural and artistic talents, the construction of high-level art degrees should be increased, policy incentives and financial support should be increased, and high-level literary and artistic creation should be supported.

"While fully excavating and making good use of local red cultural resources, Shandong must also show its responsibility in the inheritance and protection of red culture across provinces and regions." Yang Wen, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of the Shandong Contemporary Private Economic Research Institute, suggested that the relevant departments of the three provinces of Jiluyu should be coordinated and organized at the national level to make overall plans for the publicity and positioning of red culture and red tourism routes in the Jiluyu Border Region, connect the dots into a line, form regional cultural tourism characteristics, and promote the development of rural tourism while inheriting red genes.

Level up

Create a new highland for civilizational exchanges and mutual learning

Looking at the world, there are many well-known economic forums and political forums, but there are only a few cultural forums with significant influence. The Nishan World Civilization Forum has been successfully held for seven sessions, the 2021 China (Qufu) International Confucius Cultural Festival, the 7th Nishan World Civilization Forum, politicians, envoys, experts and scholars from 31 countries and regions, international organizations on Nishan, more than 170 Chinese and foreign experts and scholars reached the "Nishan Consensus".

"Culture is wonderful because of exchanges and develops because of mutual learning. We have given full play to Shandong's advantages and continued to exert efforts to build a new highland of civilizational exchanges and mutual learning. Yang Chaoming, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, former deputy director of the Nishan World Confucianism Center, and former president of the Confucius Institute, believes that creating a high-end dialogue platform with international influence is an important way to promote Chinese culture to go out at the value level. In recent years, Shandong has focused on building brands of civilization dialogue such as the Nishan Forum on World Civilization, and promoted Chinese culture to become an important force in the dialogue of world civilizations by improving the level, coverage and international influence of the conference. From 2020 onwards, the Nishan Forum on World Civilization will be held in conjunction with the China (Qufu) International Confucius Cultural Festival, and the scale and specifications will be further enhanced. In 2021, the interview session of foreign envoys in China will be set up for the first time, so that the influence and communication power of the forum will achieve a historic breakthrough.

"Focusing on the dialogue between different civilizations in the world is the most distinctive feature of the Nishan Forum on World Civilization." Guo Chengyan, secretary of the party committee and deputy director of the Nishan World Confucianism Center, introduced that the Eighth Nishan World Civilization Forum is actively preparing, and this year will release the theme of the forum to the world, and actively invite foreign dignitaries, envoys in China, mayors of sister cities, and internationally renowned scholars to participate in the forum to comprehensively improve the level of energy.

Qilu Spring Tide (7) | inherit the red gene and firmly shoulder the responsibility of "two innovations"

"He who seeks the elders of the wood will strengthen its roots." The global Chinese-chinese integration project led by Shandong University has promoted the return of 897 rare Chinese nationalities to China from the United States, Russia, Britain, France, Japan and other countries. Qufu Normal University and Qufu Municipal Government cooperated to carry out rescue collation and excavation research on more than 250,000 Confucius archives. Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine took the lead in publishing the largest project for the protection and utilization of ancient Chinese medicine books since the founding of New China, "Chinese Ancient Medical Books Collation Series". These efforts have laid a solid documentary foundation for the comprehensive exposition of the traditional Chinese culture.

At the same time, we should firmly consolidate the theoretical foundation. Since 2013, Shandong has focused on the implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions every year, focusing on the "four clarifications", inviting well-known experts and scholars at home and abroad to jointly hold theoretical forums and seminars. Establish the Xi Jinping Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, seriously study the "two combinations", and continuously make Shandong contributions to the party's theoretical innovation.