
"3.8 Women's Day" diabetes is more harmful to women

author:Sugar Kernel Health Technology
"3.8 Women's Day" diabetes is more harmful to women

International Women's Day (IWD) is known as United Nations women's rights and international peace day, and is also known in China as International Women's Day, March 8th and "Women's Day". It is a festival established on 8 March each year to celebrate the important contributions and great achievements of women in the economic, political and social fields.

In today's era, it is an era of equality between men and women, everyone is also under the pressure of life, and sometimes, there are still some "unfairness".

For women with diabetes, there are still some aspects that are different from men.

Women with diabetes have more things to deal with.

"3.8 Women's Day" diabetes is more harmful to women
"3.8 Women's Day" diabetes is more harmful to women

Diabetes is more dangerous in women

1. Heart problems

Diabetes increases the risk of heart disease (the most common complication of diabetes) in women about four times, while men only increase about twice, and women have a worse prognosis after a heart attack.

About two-thirds of women with diabetes die from cardiovascular disease, and they live longer than women without diabetes. Women under the age of 50 with diabetes are more likely to have heart disease and stroke than women without diabetes, as the disease seems to cancel the protective effect of estrogen on a woman's heart before menopause. Women with diabetes also have a greater risk of heart disease after menopause.

Women are also at higher risk for other diabetes-related complications, such as blindness, kidney disease and depression.

Women with diabetes have lower levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (good cholesterol) in their blood, while levels of triglycerides or fats are higher. Elevated low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is a major cause of coronary heart disease.

"3.8 Women's Day" diabetes is more harmful to women

2. Menstrual problems

Irregular menstruation is common in women with diabetes, especially if blood sugar is not well controlled.

During menstruation, estrogen and progesterone levels decrease, estrogen levels decrease insulin sensitivity, and during endometrial detachment bleeding, insulin antagonism occurs, raising blood sugar.

3. Urinary tract infection

More than 50% of women will develop a urinary tract infection (UTI) in their lifetime, and if they have diabetes, the risk may be higher. Causes include high blood sugar levels and poor blood circulation (which reduces the body's ability to fight infections). In addition, some women's bladders cannot be completely emptied due to diabetes, which creates a perfect environment for the growth of bacteria.

They are more common in women than in men in general, and they are more common in people with diabetes because the sugar in the urine is a hotbed for bacterial growth.

4. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

This is a common cause of infertility and insulin resistance in women. It can cause signs and symptoms such as irregular menstruation, acne, sparse scalp hair, and excessive hair growth on the face and body. High insulin levels also increase the risk of diabetes, which occurs in about half of women with PCOS.

Conversely, women with diabetes also have a high probability of polycystic ovary syndrome.

"3.8 Women's Day" diabetes is more harmful to women

5. Sexual dysfunction

Female diabetic patients with decreased libido, vaginal dryness, decreased secretions, menstrual disorders, etc., indicate that there may be sexual dysfunction, is a manifestation of diabetic neuropathy, should be actively treated.

6. Oral contraceptives

Hormonal contraceptives (such as those), intrauterine devices containing progesterone, and long-acting progestin implants and injections may alter blood glucose levels. Birth control pills may increase insulin resistance in some diabetic women.

7. Pregnancy

If properly controlled, diabetes cannot affect pregnancy. Women with diabetes should talk to their doctor when planning a pregnancy in order to control blood sugar levels before they become pregnant.

"3.8 Women's Day" diabetes is more harmful to women
"3.8 Women's Day" diabetes is more harmful to women
"3.8 Women's Day" diabetes is more harmful to women

How to avoid

1. At least once a year, the eye is checked by an ophthalmologist or ophthalmologist for diabetic retinopathy.

2. Diabetics should be screened for signs of early kidney damage, such as protein spilling into the urine, by blood tests and urine tests.

3. Diabetic neuropathy or nerve damage is another major complication that can be reduced by intensive glycemic management.

4. Check glycosylated hemoglobin regularly.

5. Do reproductive system screening every year to prevent cervical cancer.

6. Smoking is prohibited.

7. Control waist circumference, under 85cm.

8. Check uric acid, female > 360 μmol / L is hyperuricemia.

9. Check high-density lipoprotein (HDL-C), the higher the better. Female HDL cholesterol is greater than 1.3 mmol/L.

10. Try not to drink alcohol, which will lower blood sugar. If you want to drink, do not exceed 350 ml of beer and 150 ml of wine.

"3.8 Women's Day" diabetes is more harmful to women

Chronic diseases are not the fault of individuals, many people with diabetes do not have access to the help they need to adequately manage their condition, it affects all aspects of their daily lives, and meal times, blood sugar checks, and exercise should be monitored according to a personalized management plan developed in consultation with a healthcare professional, and be vigilant against physical discomfort.

Regardless of the age of the woman

At what stage of life

You all need to love yourself well

"3.8 Women's Day" diabetes is more harmful to women