
Today, salute to every one of her

Today, salute to every one of her

Beijing Shougang's basketball world

There was him and there was her

In the echelons of the Beijing Shougang women's basketball team

Coaches by example

Athletes who struggle

A reserve force for dreams

In the name of youth, I am rushing to love the fearless mountains and seas

Be that amazing light in the basketball world!

Today, salute to every one of her
Today, salute to every one of her
Today, salute to every one of her
Today, salute to every one of her
Today, salute to every one of her
Today, salute to every one of her
Today, salute to every one of her
Today, salute to every one of her
Today, salute to every one of her
Today, salute to every one of her
Today, salute to every one of her
Today, salute to every one of her
Today, salute to every one of her
Today, salute to every one of her
Today, salute to every one of her


The tribute is the same as the beijing Shougang women's basketball team sister

No binding, no definition

Women with dreams and responsibilities

May the eyes shine with the stars and the sea and the light of the mighty

Happy Holidays to all women!

Text: Great Western West

Photography: Yu He, Ah 4 (Intern)

Proofreader: Water dispenser administrator

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