
Comrade An Fengming went to Qiandongnan Yintian Agricultural Products Logistics Park to investigate industrial development and rural revitalization work

author:State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of

On the morning of March 7, An Fengming, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, went to Qiandongnan Yintian Agricultural Products Logistics Park to investigate industrial development and rural revitalization, and Pan Yonghui, deputy general manager of Guizhou Modern Logistics Group, accompanied the investigation to witness the signing of the strategic cooperation agreement on pairing up village enterprises to help rural revitalization.

Comrade An Fengming went to Qiandongnan Yintian Agricultural Products Logistics Park to investigate industrial development and rural revitalization work
Comrade An Fengming went to Qiandongnan Yintian Agricultural Products Logistics Park to investigate industrial development and rural revitalization work

Comrade An Fengming and his party came to Qiandongnan Prefecture (Yintian) E-commerce Industrial Park to inspect the construction of live poultry designated slaughterhouses in Kaili City, the intelligent control system of cold storage in the logistics park and the transit base for circulating water and fish farming, inspected the construction and operation of the local chicken street, and learned in detail about the development of ecological poultry, ecological fisheries and rural revitalization driven by the logistics park in the province and state.

Comrade An Fengming went to Qiandongnan Yintian Agricultural Products Logistics Park to investigate industrial development and rural revitalization work

After the on-site inspection, the research team held a symposium in the e-commerce park. Yang Dan, chairman of Yintian Company, reported on the implementation of the "14th Five-Year Plan" of the provincial, state and Guizhou Modern Logistics Group, promoted the construction of a modern circulation system, an agricultural and sideline products trading market and an intelligent operation center for cold chain warehousing, strengthened the supply of agricultural products, ensured price stability, and ensured food safety, and promoted the cultivation of the "Silver Fish Jinfeng" brand.

After listening to the report, Comrade Pan Yonghui stressed that the development of enterprises should pay attention to reform and innovation, enrich the business format, and with the strong support of the Group, broaden the thinking, take diversified exploration as the entry point, and effectively focus on key work. At the same time, it is necessary to seize the development opportunities, launch the Yintian brand, rely on the pairing of village enterprises and the joint construction of branches, lead the "Qian goods out of the mountains", and fully promote the revitalization of the countryside.

Comrade An Fengming went to Qiandongnan Yintian Agricultural Products Logistics Park to investigate industrial development and rural revitalization work

Comrade An Fengming affirmed the preliminary work carried out by Yintian Logistics Park and the results achieved, emphasizing the need to implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Guizhou, study and implement the spirit of the new Guofa No. 2 document, promote the reform and construction of the logistics park, emphasize that one is to accelerate the pace of developing digital, informatized and intelligent systems, and create a modern, industrialized and integrated development of the agricultural market; second, to have state-owned enterprises take responsibility, fulfill their duties and missions, and serve local development; third, to create the "Yintian system" brand. Give full play to regional advantages, actively take the initiative to dock with the Greater Bay Area, set benchmarks, do a good job of demonstration, and explore a successful and replicable road; fourth, we must learn from the experience of developed regions, have a broad vision, new ideas, and promote development according to local conditions; fifth, modern logistics groups and production and investment companies should give support in terms of people, property, etc., highlight the integration of the main business sector and specialization of logistics parks, and strive to achieve high-quality development of "from scratch, from existence to excellence".

Comrade An Fengming went to Qiandongnan Yintian Agricultural Products Logistics Park to investigate industrial development and rural revitalization work

After the symposium, An Fengming and Pan Yonghui jointly witnessed the signing of the "Strategic Cooperation Agreement on Pairing and Helping Villages of Villages and Enterprises to Help Rural Revitalization" signed by Guizhou Yintian Agricultural Trade Investment Co., Ltd., Guizhou Yinyu Fishery Development Co., Ltd., and Wuwa Village, Langde Town, Leishan County, Qiandongnan Prefecture, to jointly promote the development of the ecological poultry industry and the ecological fishery industry, to help the revitalization of talents, cultural revitalization, ecological revitalization, and organizational revitalization with industrial prosperity, to support the implementation of the work goals and tasks of "double building and double promotion" in Uwa Village, and to open a new bureau in rural revitalization.

Luo Yuzhong, a second-level researcher of the Property Rights Management Department of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Guizhou Province, Yang Xiping, general manager of the Provincial Commercial and Trade State-owned Assets Co., Ltd., Meng Hua, general manager of Yintian Company, and Wuwa Village and the village-based task force of the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission organ support point accompanied the investigation.