
The ordinary can also be seen

author:The People's Liberation Army News and Communication Center integrates the media

Source: PEOPLE's Liberation Army Life , PLA News and Communication Center Rong Media Author: Wang Mengyuan, Wei Chengxu, Wang Lei

"I can't see your laughter, how can I sleep, your voice is so close but I can't hold it... The moment Liu Yue, the military sister-in-law, took over the trophy of "Most Beautiful Military Sister-in-Law" in Fujian Province, the familiar melody of the song "Rainbow" sounded in her ears again. She fixed her mind and said, "I am only an ordinary military sister-in-law, and winning this award is a great encouragement to me." This makes me believe that the ordinary can also be seen, and the ordinary is worth seeing..."

The ordinary can also be seen

The reason to leave is always simple

Lian Yuan, an instructor of a brigade of the 73rd Group Army, and his wife Liu Yue met on the university campus. In 2011, they were all graduate students of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, and Liu Yue was one year higher than Lian Yuan, who had passed the military examination. That year's National Day, the two had a chance to know each other. The first time they met, Lian Yuan's good conversation and temperament, Liu Yue's beauty and carefulness aroused each other's good feelings, and after leaving contact information for each other, their feelings quickly warmed up and established a relationship.

"Where there is a rainbow to tell me, can I return my wishes to me..." At the party before Liu Yue's graduation in 2012, she sang "Rainbow", and the crowd coaxed Lian Yuan to the stage.

Tell us quickly what Liu Yue's wish is!"

Of course, Lian Yuan understood Liu Yue's thoughts, and he also knew the meaning of the students. He made a promise in front of everyone: "In the first half of my life, I am in the army, may I go wherever you go; in the second half of my life, when I take off my military uniform, where you want to go, I will accompany you wherever I go!" ”

He promised to be simple and simple, but he firmly strengthened Liu Yue's heart, and even after marriage, he still gathered less and left more. In 2015, Lian Yuan's unit received a notice to send personnel to participate in the parade. Although he didn't say anything on his lips, Liu Yue had already seen Lian Yuan's thoughts: "If you want to go, go, this is the glory of a soldier's life, and I have me at home." ”

Two hearts more than 2,000 kilometers apart are concerned about each other. Finally, on the day of the military parade, the Tiananmen Flag Hunting and The Salute were fired in unison. Liu Yue's heart rose and fell with the rhythm of "Column March", and when Lian Yuan's party walked through Tiananmen, her eyes widened and she did not find her husband's figure in the broadcast shot.

On the day of return, the parade members walked on the Hero Avenue with a sonorous pace. Both sides of the avenue were full of greeting officers and soldiers, and the applause, gongs and drums, and firecrackers shook the sky. Just then, a woman squeezed out of the crowd. The moment he saw Lian Yuan, Liu Yue suppressed the tears he had endured for half a year and gushed out. She rushed forward and hugged her husband desperately. Lian Yuan took off the golden third-class merit medal from his body and handed it to Liu Yue's palm: "This has half of your credit, and seeing it later is like seeing me." ”

The sound is so close that you can't see it

In Liu Yue's eyes, Lian Yuan is a "workaholic". She often wondered if she had a fake marriage, and like other military sisters-in-law, she also issued a soul torture question of "if the unit leaves you, will not turn".

After having a child, Liu Yue experienced more deeply. The family room is opposite to the canteen of the organ, and the cadres of the organ who have left work will take this road to the canteen. The son had just learned to speak, and he was waiting expectantly for his father to return. Every time he saw a man in military uniform pass by, he would run over with a shake, find that it was not his father, and silently return to his mother, back and forth several times. When he learned that Lian Yuan would not come back for dinner at noon, his son's innocent little eyes would always have a hint of disappointment. "It's a bit unbearable." Liu Yue smiled and said, but the corners of his eyes were a little moist.

The end of 2019 was particularly difficult. Lian Yuan's father had a car accident that caused multiple rib fractures and kidneys to be crushed, while Liu Yue's father also underwent surgery in the hospital because of illness. At that time, Lian Yuan had a training task and could not take leave to go home, and under the balance, Liu Yue could only do the work of his mother to take care of his father, while he took care of Lian Yuan's father.

During the outbreak of the epidemic, Liu Yue, who teaches at a university, had to live stream classes at home while taking her children. As soon as the child makes trouble, she can't work properly. In desperation, she could only put the child to sleep first, and then record the course, so she often could not sleep for several days.

"Children have a very short childhood and need the company of their fathers." Although he was usually very tired, every time Before Lian Yuan returned, Liu Yue would definitely finish the housework and leave precious time for his father and son.

Following you is my desire

When she married in 2013, Liu Yue worked in a securities company in Nanjing, with a generous salary and a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan. However, she felt that only by her husband's side could she be regarded as a complete family, so she resolutely quit her job and followed her husband to Minnan.

At that time, Lian Yuan was still the deputy instructor of the company and did not enjoy housing treatment. In order to enable Liu Yue to have a place to stay when he comes, he must borrow a place to stay in another person's house every time. Later, there was only one house assigned, and the furniture was left by groups of veterans.

After spending a long time together, Liu Yue not only understands her husband's work more and more, but also does her best to provide support. The brigade asked each battalion to set up a special cultural team, and instructor Lian Yuan was still worried about who would serve as the instructor of the "Dragon Dance and Lion Dance" team in the camp. Years ago, I heard that the army was making a warning about online lending

Liu Yue, who majored in education and finance and taught insurance courses, took the initiative to ask for help, recorded a short video of education, and was praised by officers and soldiers.

This time, I heard that my sister-in-law was going to stay in the team for the New Year, and the camp quietly "arranged" the couple. "Where is the rainbow to tell me, can you return my wish to me..." On the stage of the camp party, Lian Yuan sang, Liu Yue piano accompaniment, the moment the eyes of the two sides met, they understood each other's wishes. ✐

(Produced by THE PEOPLE'S LIBERATION ARMY LIFE AND THE PLA News and Communication Center)