
Zheng Bingbing: Can develop and innovate, but also can cultivate meticulously

author:Shishi Inspection
Zheng Bingbing: Can develop and innovate, but also can cultivate meticulously

Editor's note: In recent years, the Shishi City Procuratorate has fully performed its procuratorial functions, and a number of advanced models with firm convictions, law enforcement for the people, courage to take responsibility, and honesty and integrity have emerged. In order to promote the in-depth development of education rectification and give play to the leading and exemplary role of role models, this public account has opened a column entitled "Aligning with The Role Models Around Us" to publicize the advanced figures and advanced deeds around us, and create a strong atmosphere of learning from the advanced and looking up to the examples!

In this issue, let's walk into The World of Zheng Bingbing

Zheng Bingbing: Can develop and innovate, but also can cultivate meticulously

Zheng Bingbing, a member of the Communist Party of China, is currently the director of the Fifth Procuratorial Department and a first-class procurator of the Shishi City Procuratorate. He has successively won the "Five Good" and "Advanced Individuals concerned about the Work of the Next Generation" created by the Shishi Municipal Grassroots Customs Work Committee, the "March 8" Red Flag Bearer of Shishi City, and the third class merit of the Shishi Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, and was rated as "Advanced Individual of Quanzhou Municipal Procuratorial Organs".

On the road of innovation, she is a pioneer who bravely shoulders heavy responsibilities

In March 2011, the Shishi Municipal Procuratorate set up a case management center, and after only two years of procuratorial work, she was appointed deputy director of this new department. She shoulders "one post and multiple duties", while being a good supervisor and administrator, she also actively plays her role, being a good "quality inspector" of cases, and controlling the quality of good cases; being a good "liaison officer" of the department, smoothing the exchange and transmission of information; acting as a legal "explainer" to establish a good window image. The Shishi case management model with high standards and high efficiency has been widely recognized by the higher courts and sister units, and the relevant practices have been affirmed at many national and provincial exchange meetings, and the experience materials have been reported or published by the Procuratorial Daily, the Case Management Office of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Bamin Express, the website of the Provincial People's Procuratorate and the briefing of the Municipal Procuratorate.

Zheng Bingbing: Can develop and innovate, but also can cultivate meticulously

In the public prosecution position, she is a cultivator who leans over the front line

Colleagues and leaders often ridicule the unified business application system as "knowing people and being good at responsibility", and always transferring difficult and complex cases to her. In the face of boxes of case file materials, she always joked that she was a shopping bag, and turned her head like an "old scalper" to work silently and seriously.

Colleagues always like to look for her to study and discuss new cases, because whether it is faced with a large number of people involved, many criminal facts, or complicated cases or new types of difficult cases, she can always peel off the cocoon one by one and gnaw on one hard bone after another.

She has a small body but has great energy, in the face of difficult and complicated cases in court, but she can always be reasonable and calm, "intimidating" the defender dumbfounded, so that the defendant confessed to the law. In the past three years, 648 cases of various types have been handled, and none of them have quality problems.

Zheng Bingbing: Can develop and innovate, but also can cultivate meticulously

In the uninspected work, she is the transmitter of warm justice

As the leader of the uninspected work, she devoted herself to the study of juvenile criminal prosecution work, focusing on the rescue and help of juveniles who have lost their feet. In the community, the help and education base, the school, the detention center, you can always see her running figure. She actively explores new ways to prevent juvenile delinquency, does her best to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of juveniles, and devotes herself to preventing and reducing juvenile delinquency. She melted one "iceberg" after another on the road of gang teaching with her strength and tenacity, saved a group of lost teenagers with love and law, and pulled them back from the edge of the cliff to the right path of life. She always said that her best wish as an uninspected person is to "have no case to do."

While administering justice seriously and impartially, she strives to convey the temperature of the law. When handling a case of sexual abuse of minors, her hands were shaking and her heart was dripping blood as she flipped through the files. While conscientiously examining the facts of the crime and strictly punishing the criminals according to law, she also actively helped coordinate the victim's transfer to another school, contacted psychological counselors, sought social assistance, and initiated judicial assistance to help the little girl and her family get out of the shadows and return to the right track. She often said that her own efforts are only limited strength for herself, but infinite possibilities for others.

In addition, she pays attention to the education of the rule of law, works overtime to prepare lessons, and brings a series of vivid legal popularization classes to children. Exploring the figure, the footsteps of the trek, she silently paid only to illuminate more hidden corners.

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